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"ZUKO! OH MY GOD-" "WHAT?! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!!" Zuko exclaimed, catching a limp Sokka. He had snuck up on us, walking down the halls and yelled, "RAHHH!!", causing Zuko to instinctively knock him out by punching him. I giggled, pulling out my water and healing his head. Sokka woke up, so I put the water back. "What happened?" Sokka mumbled. "Zuko knocked you out." I laughed. "It was an accident." Zuko shot, indignantly. I pecked his cheek, "Okay, okay. I'll leave you alone." Toph bent a rock under my foot and I stumbled forward. "Toph, you little badgermole!!"

"Okay, Zuko, now when you talk about anything in front of Y/N, she'll say she hates it." Toph whispered, nudging Zuko. "I grew up with her. I know." Zuko smiled. "Ugh! I hate knowledge!" I shouted, clutching my foot. I hobbled over to the fountain and sat down, healing my foot. "Y/N, you want fire flakes?" Asked an innocent Aang. "I hate fire flakes!" I yelled. Aang paused, turning to Toph. "Did you annoy her?" Aang asked. "I hate annoyance!" I shouted again. "Never mind, that answers my question." "I hate answers!" I yelled, brow furrowed. Aang sighed, "Zuko, would come help me set up the sleeping bags?" "I hate Zu-" I paused at Zuko's fake frown and puppy eyes. "Never mind, I love Zuko. But I hate sleeping bags!" Zuko chuckled, following Aang to set up the sleeping bags.

Toph bent the fountain up and sent me tumbling inside. "TOPH!!" I yelled, indignantly at Sokka and Toph in a fit of laughter. "IF YOU TWO COME IN FRONT OF ME ONE MORE TIME, I SWEAR TO RAAVA, I WILL BLOODBEND YOU OFF THE SIDE OF THE TEMPLE!!" I shouted. Toph and Sokka paused, running away, screaming. Suki approached giggling into her hand as bent the water off of me and stepped out. "Sorry you had to hear that," I muttered. "Nah, it's good. Come'n we need you in the kitchen." Suki smiled, grabbing my arm. "Oh. I-I can't cook. I can make tea, but cooking is not for me." I stuttered. "Come'n Y/N, how bad could it be?"


It turned out to be very bad. Oh, and I think I'm banned from the kitchen now. I can just go there to eat, nothing else. I had sneezed, causing the seaweed strings to blow and get stuck on all the walls. Oh, and I got the mochi stuck in Sokka's boomerang. I mean, it was his fault for leaving it there. But, it was nighttime now and we were all asleep outside instead of our rooms since we had to be on guard. We woke up to loud booming sounds. Fire Nation airships had found us. I got up, a pile of rubble heading straight at me. Zuko tackled me to the side. "What are doing?" "Keeping rocks from crushing you." Zuko answered, calmly. I placed a kiss on his cheek. "Appreciate it. But, we have to go!"

"Come on! We can get through here!" Toph yelled, her and Haru having bent a tunnel. I helped Aang console Appa who didn't want to go into the tunnel at all. Appa hates tunnels. "Zuko, what are you doing?" Asked Aang, urgently. I looked up from Appa's eyes to see Zuko. "Go ahead! I'll hold them off. I think this is a family visit." Zuko answered. I let go off Appa, heading to Zuko. "I'm coming with you." I announced. "No, you're not." Zuko said, turning to me with a glare. "It wasn't a question!" I shouted. "Y/N, you're going with them. It's decided." Zuko exclaimed. "Who gave you the right to decide that? I am my own person. I make my own decisions!" I yelled, anger clouding my thoughts. "Look, I don't want you to get hurt. You're not coming with me."

"Yes, I am." "Y/N, quit being stubborn! Go!" I shook my head. Zuko pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "Look, if you get hurt, I won't be able to forgive myself. So just go. If not for you, then for me." Zuko rushed. The ground cracked between us and I stepped back. It rumbled, shaking. It was about to fall off. I turned to Zuko once again before joining the others on Appa. The ground I was standing on seconds ago fell, almost crushing us. Toph bent it out of the way. "I can clear that away and we can fly through there." Toph informed, pointing to rocks on the side. "Um, there's an awful lot of fire in that general direction." Suki mumbled. Aang looked over the saddle,"We'll get through."

I stared at Zuko, battling Azula. They both shot fire packed punches at each other, sending them both off the airships. Luckily, we diving right under that airship. I caught his arm, pulling him onto the saddle with us. Zuko snuggled closer to me, staring off to the cliffs where Azula was still falling. "She's.....not gonna make it..." Zuko started. "She's Azula." I blurted as if that was an answer. "Of course she made it." Zuko muttered as Azula hooked onto the cliffs with her crown. That's a smart idea. By the time we stopped, we had played a total of twenty Pai Sho games and told at least thirty five stories. Oh, and it was nighttime. Katara made some soup for us, over an orange flame. Me, Zuko, Aang and Sokka set up the tents while Toph and Suki settled down Appa, taking off all the bags and supplies from the saddle.

"Wow, really seems like old times again, doesn't it?" Aang smiled over his soup. "If you really want it to seem like old time I could, you around a while and try to capture you." Zuko offered. We all laughed besides for Katara. "Ha ha." She muttered. What's her problem? Sokka held up his cup, "To Zuko! Who knew after all the times he'd tried to snuff us off, he'd be our hero!" "Hear, hear!" Said the entire air nomad, and Southern waterbenders population along with the best earthbender and the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. Oh, and there's Sokka, too, I guess. "I'm touched. I don't deserve this." Zuko smiled. "Yeah, no kidding." Katara shot, getting up and leaving. "What's with her?" Sokka asked.

"I wish I knew." Zuko sighed, getting up and following her. "What's with him?" Asked Sokka. "I wish I knew." I sighed, getting up, too. "What's with her?" Sokka asked the group somewhere in the background. "-and you turned around and betrayed me! Betrayed all of us!" I heard Katara yell at Zuko. Zuko closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down, "What can I do to make it up to you?" "You really want to know?! Oh, maybe you could reconquer Ba Sing Se in the name of the Earth King. Or I know! You could bring my mother back!" Katara yelled, running off again. "Katara, those are all impossible." I sighed. "Y/N, stay out of this if you know what's good for you!" Katara shot, leaving. Zuko's teeth were grit, knuckles white from keeping his fists clenched. "You okay?" I asked, knowing that Katara's lecture was quite...serious.

"I'm fine." Zuko sighed. "I just don't know what to do. Why won't she accept me?" I patted his cheek, "Katara's just mad. She'll forget it later." I shrugged. "Do you know what happened to their mom?" Zuko asked. I shook my head, "No. We can go ask Sokka, if it makes you feel any better." Zuko smiled, pressing a kiss to my fingers. "Thanks."

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