Firebending Lessons

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The couple who lived there were really kind. There was a little boy too. He really got on Zuko's nerve, which was weird since he loved little kids. He would always play around with them but ever since he got banished, he'd been a little cold. Not really towards me. He acted the same towards me but, pushed other people away and didn't rely on them too much. I loved the little kid, though. He was so cute. We were lying down in some hay and soon enough Zuko fell asleep. He was always a fast sleeper. I took a while to fall asleep. I layed there, staring at the bright stars that shone through the cracks in the wooden roof. The wind would blow and creak the wooden walls of the shed from time to time.


I had enough of laying down and doing nothing. I got up and headed outside, to practice some fire bending. My fire bending wasn't as powerful as it used to be. I don't know what happened, i just felt like I lost my stuff. (If you don't know what's happening then let me tell you. Remember how in the Sun Warrior episode Zuko lost his fire bending because it wasn't fueled by rage and hatred anymore? Well yeah, same things happening to her. Just thought I'd explain in case someone didn't know). Even though I could generate lightning, my fire wasn't as powerful as my water and air. I picked a small meadow to practice and sliced a 'x' in a tree with some water from the pond. I blasted some fire at the tree.

It was weak and not as hot. I felt palms on waist, and froze. "Here, move your waist to side and your elbows like this." He said, while correctly positioning my waist and elbow. His lips brushed the tip of my ear. He was so close. I felt my body stiffen as he stepped even closer. My heart was pounding in my head, my breaths were short and quick. "So? Do the move, Y/N." I hoped the blush on my cheeks would go unnoticed, but I could tell by Zuko's playful tone and smirk against my ear that it hadn't. That little bastard! I swear, I will get him back for this. I blasted fire at the 'x' and even though it still wasn't as powerful as normal, it was better then before. I smiled in triumphant. Now to get back at Zuko. I turned around in Zuko's palms, which were still on my waist.

I leaned against him, my face getting closer by the second. My palms landed on his chest. Zuko's breath hitched. Hehe. This is fun. I leaned up, going to kiss him, and then...and then, just the moment, I was about to kiss him, I leaned up even more and licked his nose, then scrambled away as quickly as possible, hiding behind the tree. "Y/N! Really, you little badgermole!?" Zuko yelled. His cheeks were still red from the intimacy. He chased after after me, "Get back here!" I giggled running around the tree. Though, Zuko was still faster than me, and easily caught up. He pinned me to the tree, arms around my waist. "Now, where were we?" My giggles died down as Zuko leaned down to place a kiss on my lips. Our lips made contact, making my heart soar into the sky. My arms wrapped around his neck, bringing him closer.

Kissing Zuko was the best thing ever. Like seriously. He brought so much comfort and made me feel so loved and protected. I pulled away after a couple minutes. Zuko's lips chased after mine, catching them from time to time in gentle caresses. I kept leaning back and Zuko kept leaning forward, until we were flat against the tree. I pulled away again, my head touching the tree. Zuko leaned forward one more time and I decided to let him. I gently pushed his forehead away after a while and giggled. Zuko was really touch starved and affectionate starved so every bit of affection he got was precious to him. "Okay, okay. That's enough." I giggled. Zuko pecked my lips once again.

I pushed back his forehead, only to lean my own against it. "Okay, but it's enough for now." I giggled once again. That seemed to satisfy him. "Let's get back to practicing." Zuko whispered. "Are we gonna be practicing, as in the normal way, or practicing, as in your way." I questioned, teasingly. Zuko snickered. We heard footsteps and immediately broke away, luckily, just in time, as the little kid came outside, holding Zuko's swords. He stopped in his tracks, caught. I looked back at Zuko's eyes, who had just looked at mine. "How bout we teach this kid how to fight with swords? He could use some practice. He's holding them the wrong way." I noticed with a small snicker. Zuko nodded, smile growing. The rest of the night was spent teaching the little kid how to use dual blades.


I had returned to the team, at nighttime after a lengthy goodbye from Zuko. Katara, Aang, and Sokka were all fussing over me, telling me not run off like that. Chill out. Appa and Momo were cool about it though. Which was why I liked them. I always like the spiritual energy from Appa though. The same sort emitted from Aang. Guess it had something to do with them being from the air temples. They were always the most spiritually connected places. Anyway we headed over to a small village near Kyoshi Island. I had been to Kyoshi once, with my mom. She had told me that the giant Kyoshi statue glowed when I touched it, which was weird. I would have try that out. But we heard about this Avatar Day festival, when I was feeding Appa hot stew with waterbending and Katara was buying supplies. The boys were...doing nothing.

Aang seemed excited to see it and dragged us along. "Do we have to?" I groaned, already tired from the traveling we'd been doing. "Yes! We have to!" Aang exclaimed. He was bouncing around in his little airbending boots, like an oversized loin-dog. We were standing in front of a small fruit cart. I leaned against the cart, putting out arm to lean on. I grabbed an apple from the stand and bit into it, ignoring the indigent yells from the dealer. A giant Kyoshi statue was brought out. It was good, but the earring on the left was a little to big and the headdress's middle part was the wrong shade of gold.

"Y'know I kinda wanna burn it down." I muttered to Sokka. Sokka jumped, "Y/N! Do you want this entire village to know your Fire Nation?!" He whisper-yelled. "I never said I was Fire Nation, I just said I wanted to burn it down because it was so bad!" I whisper yelled back. "Y/N's right, Sokka." Aang interjected. "Guys shush." Katara ushered. I shook my head and sighed, taking another bite of my apple. The fruit stand guy was still glaring at me while rubbing a bowl of oranges clean. "While yeah I just thought you meant to firebend it down 'cause....y'know that's what firebenders do." Sokka whispered, saying the last part in even a smaller voice. Aang looked at him like he had just accused him of murder. Katara jumped, nervously glancing at me for a reaction. I sighed.

"The Fire Nation really gives firebenders a bad name, huh?" This time, Sokka sighed, "Yeah." We all turned our attention back to the statues. There was now a Aang and Roku one too. They were even more hideous and I couldn't help but point out all things wrong with them to Katara. She seemed to have zoned me out, looking tired since I listed so many things, but the people who made should've done a better job! "So yeah, in short, I wanna burn it down," I said, finishing off my essay-long conversation with Katara. A very one-side conversation, as well. We gasped as the statue started to burn. They all turned their heads to me. I raised my palms in defense, "It wasn't me, I swear!"

So, the whole Avatar day wasn't to honor the Avatar. It was to dishonor them. Heh. Honor. Zuko's favorite word. Aang was being rational and stopped the fire. The villagers told us something about how Kyoshi had killed Chin the Great. Aang was being a stubborn baby and wanted to clear her...well his, name. I don't know why but the spiritual energy around Aang changed. I could sense it. It was just...less Aang and more Kyoshi energy. I don't if I that makes sense but the change was quite dramatic.

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