Tales of Ba Sing Se

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*drops a bunch of fluff on your lap* You're welcome!

W-what's this for?

*sigh* honey, you don't know what's about to happen do you?

I fixed my off-shoulder top, getting ready for the day. Katara and Toph were going to a spa and water to drag me along but, I didn't like that idea. At all. Aang and Sokka were also about in the big city. I had the place alone to myself. Well, Momo was also there. I headed outside, grabbing the woven bag Katara had left me. I had to go get groceries first. Then I can run around as well. Momo hoped onto my shoulder chasing a butterfly, his tail tickling my face. "Momo, stop." I giggled, setting him back down on my shoulder. I opened the doors to the house, stumbling on the front step. I am so clumsy. The sun shone in my eye, flittering through the trees lining the houses. Birds fluttered past chirping and singing. It was a really nice day.

Bright and fresh, happy, lively and colorful were the words to describe Ba Sing Se. If the government wasn't so corrupt. Momo shuffled down, into my handbag. Small but pristine carts and shops lined the streets. The market was quite busy since, it was morning. A lot of people were bustling around the place with their nightgowns on. I stopped at the cabbage shop. The same cabbage dude from Omashu and the fairy rides was here. He jumped with a small 'ah', hiding his cabbages from my view. Momo's nose tickled my ear and I sneezed, air blasting from my nose, sending me back into another cart. The man's cabbages were all squashed and broken when I looked up. "I. Am. So. Sorry!" I exclaimed, rushing towards the cabbage guy. Every time we were around this dude, we would destroy his cabbages. I don't why, it just...happens. "My cabbages!!!" Mourned the old man, clutching his hat.

"I-I'm sorry. I'll get you some new ones or something." I tried. It didn't do anything. The cabbage man still sat crying then turned his gaze to him. "You and your little Avatar team, ALWAYS. RUIN. MY. CABBAGES!!" He pointed an accusing finger at me. I leaned my head back, clutching the strap of my grocery bag. "You better stay away from my cabbages!" I blinked, leaning back more. "Look. It was an accident. I'm sorry. I'll get you get you new ones." I tried again. Still, it didn't work. "How are you gonna get me new ones, huh? You can't just grow them in a minute or something! How bout you just quite being a insolent, destructive, irresponsible, li"- he stopped, staring wide-eyed to the side. I followed his gaze to see.. "Zu-Lee!" He stopped glaring at the cabbage man and sent me a wink before turning back to him.

"Leave my girlfriend alone. She said it was an accident." He grabbed my arm, pulling me away from cabbage man. "Bye cabbage man! Sorry for your cabbages!" I screamed, being tugged away by Zuko. "Why'd you do that? I was gonna help him." I turned my head to Zuko. "He was insulting you! I don't like that." He grumbled, slipping his fingers into mine. "Aww...hey, how come you're in the Inner Ring?" Zuko smiled,"Well, Uncle actually got a new tea shop and house here." I gasped, "Wait really? Tell me your not kidding! That's awesome! I can visit even more now!"

Zuko chuckled at my enthusiasm. "Yep. Your so cute." A blush made it's way onto my cheek. "Your not too bad yourself, Fire boy." I hugged his arm, leaning on his shoulder. "How am I cute?" I snickered. "Like when you get all shy and awkward when you're talking to people." I said, pointing out his social awkwardness. "What? No I don't." I giggled. "You do. You always plan what your gonna say first or flatter half way. You big dork." Zuko seemed mortified. "I am the Prince of the Fire Nation! I am brave, fearless, and totally not a dork!" He whisper-yelled. We continued our little bicker, while I collected groceries from the stalls.


"That's the third one!" I yelped in triumph. Zuko was sitting on a rock in the back garden of his new house while I stood between his legs, throwing grapes into his mouth, seeing how many he could catch. He had caught most of them, there were only three on the ground. Zuko chuckled, chewing the grapes in his mouth. "Another one!" I threw another one into his mouth which he also caught. He set an arm around my waist, bringing me in closer, to lean his forehead against mine. "Your so pretty." Another blush passed my cheeks. I placed a kiss on his nose. "You want another grape?" Zuko finished chewing the one in his mouth before opening it with an 'ahhh'. I pulled away from his forehead but his arm still rested on my waist.

We continued throwing and catching grapes occasionally yelling in triumph or displeasure. "Hey. Will you promise me something?" Asked Zuko after failing to catch his fifth grape. "Yeah. Of course." He pulled me in closer, again, hugging my waist. "Promise me you'll never leave me?" My heart melted. I placed a hand on Zuko's cheek, brushing it with my thumb. "Of course not. Unless you hurt my friends." I playfully warned. Zuko snickered,"Deal." We intertwined our pinkies, something we did as kids to seal our promises. We called it the 'Pinky Promise'. Only me and Zuko knew what it meant and whenever we pinky promised, we would never break it. We've never broken a pinky promise no matter what the situation was. "I love you."

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