Feather Fights

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"What? No! That would hurt Y/N! She's still recovering, and needs energy! Going into the Protecter State would be horrible for her!" Prince Zuko pressed. Fire Lord Ozai was upon his throne, surrounded by flames all day, always just waiting for someone to walk in, and having just suggested that they force Y/N into the Protecter State. "She'll just be hanged lowly above the boiling rock water. The water will be boiling, but she'll be tied to the sides with metal chains. Nothing's gonna happen. We just have to 'threaten' her life so the Protecter State will activate itself." He said, simply, as if that would solve their problems. "Yes, but her connection to the spirits is blocked, because of the wound! She can't communicate with them as much as she used to. That was the thing that helped her with the Protecter State and, even if she can still go into the Protecter State, that would be fatal to her!"

Fire Lord Ozai sighed, calming himself down. "It's okay. We won't do that. We understand she's...precious to you." Ozai stated, searching for the right words. "Thank you, father." Prince Zuko sighed. "You are excused." Zuko headed out of the throne room, robes billowing. Ozai smiled menacingly after he closed the doors behind him. "I'm sorry Zuko, but this is just too important." Zuko found his legs carrying him to Y/N's room. Zuko's fingers wrapped around the door, lightly pushing it open. Y/N was asleep on her bed, in the highest and most guarded tower of the Fire Nation Palace. Her face was half-buried under the blankets, her form turned to one side. Zuko sat down beside her, bringing her head onto his chest. He didn't like the idea of Y/N being forced into the Protecter State. She was still healing. It had only been a month or so, she needed more time. She can't go into the Protecter State while she doesn't have her connection with the spirits. That wouldn't be good for her.

Her powers wouldn't be weak, no they would be just as strong, maybe even stronger if she's actually in trouble. But it would be full effort on her part since there would be no spirits helping her. But it's okay, since Fire Lord Ozai had refused. She would be fine. Zuko wrapped his arms around Y/N's sleeping form, his own eyes getting tired. He hoped that she wouldn't have to be forced into the Protecter State even if she regains her connection. It still wouldn't be good for her. All Prince Zuko wanted was the best for the precious person in his arms. His eyes closed for a while, carrying him off into a state of dreams.

Zuko hid behind the door, hiding from Azula. "Hey." Said a small, gentle voice. Zuko jumped, turning around. "W-who are you!?" The girl was smiling at the fact she had been successful in scaring the Fire Prince. "I'm Y/N." The girl smiled. "Zuko, here." The prince said, warming up to Y/N. "Are you General D/N's daughter?" Y/N nodded. Zuko had met her two years ago, at her house. His mom had dropped him off since his father was busy. They had had a great time, but didn't really remember each other well. "He's in a meeting. I don't really like the Palace. It's kinda scary, since there's so many people and scary guards." She mumbled. "And Princess Azula once stumbled into me, and she a small flame in her hand so it hit my elbow." Y/N said, rubbing her elbow. "That's rough, buddy...Come'on, I'll take the healers. The Palace has the best ones." Zuko said, grabbing Y/N's hand and leading her to the med bay. "Thanks."


I woke up, being held close in Zuko's arms, my head on his chest. I was between his legs, his breaths fluttering my hair. I patted his cheek, a little hard, trying to get him to wake up. It didn't work, so I slapped him. Zuko blinked open his eyes. "Good morning." He yawned. "Why are you here?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Am I not allowed to be?" I buried myself deeper into the blankets, closer to Zuko. "No. I was just wondering." Zuko leaned his head on mine, also still half-asleep. "I came here to check on you last night, and I guess I fell asleep." He explained, muffling a yawn. "Come'n let's go get breakfast." Zuko grabbed my hand, dragging me up from the bed. "I'm still sleepy." I murmured. A pillow was thrown hard and fast into my face. "Y'awake now?" Zuko said, tone teasing. I picked up the pillow and threw it back it him.

"Are you starting a pillow fight? With me?" Zuko said, in mock disrespect. He grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer. "Bad idea." A pillow was sent to my head, messing up my hair even more then it already was. I pulled away from him, chasing after another pillow. We spent the morning beating each other up with feathery pillows. A guard pushed open the door, pausing at the sight of feathers littering the ground and the Fire Prince getting beat up by a pillow. "Uhh..." he choked out a chuckle. "If you guys are done, then you can go get your breakfasts." I lowered my pillow from Zuko's head. "Yeah..I'm starving." Zuko offered an arm for me to link mine through. "Shall we m'lady?" I hooked my arm through his. "Of course."


I stumbled over a brick that made the next part of the castle higher than the rest. My hand shot out to grip onto the wall. Spirits, I'm clumsy. A small towel made it's way into my sight. I was still recovering from my stumble, and didn't have time to react when it was pressed against my mouth and nose. I screamed, but they came out muffled. I couldn't move my hands or feet either. Lights started dancing in front of my eyes and the energy being drained from my body, and I slumped.


I woke up hung above boiling water that would mark my skin in one touch. Metal chains had my arms and legs attached to the rock walls on each side. I was in the Boiling Rock. I turned my head to side, and sure enough, the prison was in the middle. Why am I here? "Ahh..Y/N is awake." Said a large, booming voice, bouncing and echoing off the rock walls. It was the voice of Ozai. I looked up, my eyes landing on the source of the sound. Ozai stood at the ragged edges, arms behind his back. "What are you doing!" I yelled, enraged, yet confused. "We are going to try to get you into the Protecter State. So when that Sozin's comet comes, we know how to control you." He said, simply. "That's not how the Protecter State works! It's a defense mechanism, only to be used when a loved one is in danger! It's meant to used for defense not offense!"

"Yes, but if we can figure out how to control it, then this defense stuff won't be needed." He smiled. Ugh.. this fricking idiot. "I'm still healing though! The Protecter State requires a lot of spiritual energy and I'm kinda low on that right now! Are you just gonna ignore that?!" I yelled, half because I was mad and half because, if I didn't then he wouldn't be able to hear to me. "Yes, we are going to ignore that. Now would you please stop talking?" I gritted my teeth. "And Zuko's okay with this?!" Ozai looked up blandly, clearly uninterested. "Uhh...Yeah sure. He's completely fine with it." I can't believe it. I trusted this guy. And he betrayed me...twice. Anger clouded my judgment on every little thing. I have always trusted Zuko. I even forgave him for 'killing' my friends and gave him a second chance.

I always ignored his bad side, forgiving him for everything. But this..this is just.. I don't know what to do or how to act. Me and Zuko are over now, that's for sure. He knew that I needed to heal and didn't have a lot of energy but he was still okay with it. He was okay with forcing me into the Protecter State. It was hard to believe. Zuko wouldn't do this to me. But he did. The metal chains were lowered bringing me closer to the boiling water. No, no, no, no! Stop! Objects around my eyes started glowing a faint white, the control over my body slowly slipping away. This was not good.

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