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I sat on a rock, overlooking the beach waves, meditating. Sorla had sent me a vision today, which meant that our connection was getting stronger. I really wanted to talk to her again. There was a lot of energy stuck by the wound on my power back. Yue had told me that Aang couldn't go into the Avatar state but I could still go into the Protecter State. But it would use up a lot of my energy and energy is something I'm a little low on right now. I felt Azula's energy approaching me from behind. "Hey..." She mumbled, settling down to my side. I opened my eyes, turning them to her. "Hi." She turned her gaze to the waves on the beach, crashing into the sand. " you remember..the drill..thing?" I flinched at the mention of that..event. "Yeah." She took a deep breath, looking a little hesitant for once.

"Well...i actually used to like you, b-but not anymore...uh, I actually like Ty Lee. you know how I should tell"- "Just tell her. Even Aang's asked me a advice about his love interests. He didn't listen to me though and he..died without getting to tell Katara. So I would suggest just telling her." Azula turned her head to me, a real smile on her face for once. "Thanks. I-I'm sorry about..that. And thanks again for helping me out. R-really. It means a lot." She stammered. I guess awkwardness runs in the family. "You're welcome."I smiled. "The others are waiting for us by the fire. Come on."


"I'm freezing." Said Ty Lee, as me and Azula approached. I sat down on the sand, facing away from the ocean, finding it more comfortable than the logs or big rocks. Ty Lee got up to chi block me, making sure I couldn't try anything since I was close to water. I mean, I could always try something..cause like..airbending. Zuko smiled, "I'll make a fire. There's plenty of stuff to burn in there." Wait, what? Zuko returned holding the picture of his family. He threw it into the fire, carelessly. I stared, confused. I thought he liked the old times. Why's he burning the memories of it then? "What are you doing?" Asked Ty Lee, voicing my thoughts. "What does it look like I'm doing?" Zuko replied bitterly. The wind rustled, blowing away Mai's hair pin. She turned to glare at me. "Don't look at me! I'm chi blocked!" I said, palms raised in surrender.

We turned our attention back to the duo. Tension had risen. "You don't know me so why don't you mind your business?" Zuko said, walking towards my side of the campfire. He stopped just a little behind me. Ty Lee scoffed, "I know you." Zuko clenched his fists. "No you don't! Your stuck in your little Ty Lee world where everything's great all the time." He snapped. This was getting..interesting. "Zuko, leave her alone." Mai butted in. "I'm so pretty. Look at me. I can walk on my hands. Whooo." Zuko said, doing a handstand, palms resting beside my legs. "Circus freak." He insulted, slumping over to one side. Azula giggled. "Yes, I'm a circus freak. Laugh all you want. Do you know why I joined 5e circus?" Ty Lee said, also slumping down to her knees. Azula scoffed, "Here we go again."

Ty Lee explained how she was a part of a 'matched set' and didn't even have her own name, and circus freak was a compliment to her. Mai said she had attention issues. And then Ty Lee got on the defensive, telling her that even though her life was great and she got a lot of attention, she should be happy, but yet her aura's still dingy and grey. Zuko had gotten up telling her that she should show emotion for once. I sighed, slumping against the log, beside Azula, playing with some sand with my airbending. I zoned out for a while until Azula shifted beside me. "So that's it then. You have a controlling mother with certain expectations, and if you strayed from them, you were shut down. That's why your afraid to care about anything, and why you can't express yourself." Woah. How did she know so much by like..two sentences? "You want me to express myself? Leave me alone!"

"Calm down, guys, this much negative energy is bad for your skin. You'll totally break out." Ty Lee said, attempting to stop this. "Bad skin? Normal teenagers would worry about bad skin. I don't have that luxury. My father decide to teach me a permanent lesson! On my face!" Zuko yelled, pointing to his scar. "Sorry, Zuko, I..." Ty Lee started. "For so long, I thought that if my dad accepted me, I'd be happy! I'm back home now, my dad talks to me. Ha! He even thinks I'm a hero. Everything should be perfect, now. I should be happy, but I'm not. I'm angrier than ever, and I don't know why!" I knew it. I knew that Zuko would start feeling a battle rising inside him. He's fighting against his own self, since he made a wrong decision. He's confused, not knowing what to do. One part of him's happy, the other..not so much. But he doesn't know that. Zuko has never tried meditation, and being at peace with himself. He doesn't understand what he really wants.

"There's a simple question then. Who are you angry at?" Said Azula. "No one. I'm just angry!" "Is it dad?" Offered Azula. "No!" Ty Lee stepped in, "Your Uncle?" Zuko was starting to get frustrated. "Y/N?" "No, why would I be mad at her?!" Azula tilted her head, "Me?" "No, no, n-no, no!" Everyone started pressing him. I could tell he was about to blow up. "Come on, tell us." Urged Azula. "I'm angry at myself!!" He said, the flame between us all rising to the top. Embers and sparks flew, decorating the sky. Everyone shielded their faces, besides me. I was watching Zuko. He figured it out, but not completely. "Why?" Zuko sighed. "Because I'm confused. I don't know what's right or wrong anymore." I turned my gaze to the ground. "It's because you chose the wrong path. You reached a crossroad of your destiny and you chose a path that you didn't wholeheartedly want. You're at war with yourself."

Zuko turned to me, anger on his face. "Of course, you would know, Ms. Spiritual. You have yourself all figured out! You know who you are and what your destiny is! You don't know what it's like to not know your purpose in life!" I paused. Ty Lee covered her mouth with a hand, anxious. Mai actually looked shook. "You think that's a good thing?! You have no idea what it's like to be a puppet for Fate to play around with! I don't get to decide anything! I had to help the Avatar, and protect him at all costs. That was the purpose of my life! To protect someone else. Nothing for me. I have to live my life for others, and its selfish if you don't, and I know that! But I just want to do something that I want to. Not something that Fate's already written and planned for me! Ever since I was born, I had something to do. Something that I never wanted to. Something that I didn't ask for!"

"I'm just here to be used as a weapon! I'm here to be taken advantage of. And that's my so called 'destiny'. I finally found people who made me happy and didn't treat me like I was someone special who needs to watched and taken care of twenty-four seven! I actually had a connection with them! They might've been goofballs and what not, but they were my family! They never took advantage of me, never used me! They treated me I was a human. No one ever understands that! No one ever understands that I have emotions and I can make my own decisions! They made me happy. For once, I felt like this was what I wanted to do. These were the people I was supposed to be with. But the Fire Nation took that away from me! Just like everything else!!!" I yelled. The Fire in the middle rose, and the wind blew water droplets, creating a mini hurricane around us. I had lost control of my powers, because of my emotional state. Tears had started to spill out of my eyes. Lo and Li were right. This island did help us get to know each other and ourselves.

I took a deep breath, calming down the mini-hurricane. I held out an arm for Ty Lee to chi block and she did so. "I'm sorry.." I breathed. "It's okay." Zuko said. He seemed shocked. "What Lo and Li said came true. The beach did help us learn about ourselves. I feel all smooth." Ty Lee said, rubbing her hand on a smooth rock. "You know what would make this trip really memorable?" Azula smirked.

"We've got some bad news Chan." Azula said, hand on her hip. "Party's over!" Zuko snapped, glaring at him. We had fun completely thrashing this guy's house. It really helped us take out anger out. We ended up burning it down, and having a good laugh. Ember Island really was a great place. We should visit more often.

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