The Chaotic Gaang

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If you guys don't recognize the memes/vines in here, I'm gonna be very disappointed. Also, this book's gonna continue past Sozins comet.

The moon had risen, stars dotting the sky. It seemed to be midnight. But still, I couldn't sleep. I got up, deciding to go on a walk. A lot of rubble lined the edges of the temple from today's attack. And for some stupid reason, I decided to walk there. Fog was buried beside us, coating the air. Vines lined the cliffs, decorating them. The night air felt calming, welcoming, but also- my ankle titled, and I slipped on a rock, losing my balance, about to fall off the edge. A hand yanked on my wrist and I collided into a chest. "Don't you dare do that again." The voice of Zuko growled in my ear. I pulled away from him, pain shooting up in my ankle. "Why do you care?" I shot. "Because I care about you." Zuko grumbled. "I thought you didn't care about someone as greedy as me."

Zuko sighed, "I didn't know what I was talking about, okay. Now let me take you back." Zuko held out his arms. "What? No. I can walk by myself." I shot. Zuko looked at me doubtfully. I took an experimental step and immediately collapsed. Zuko caught me and threw my legs over his other arm. "I said I can walk! Put me down!" Zuko hushed me. "You're gonna wake everyone up, and no, you fell last time." I mumbled under my breath. "That was different. Let me try again." "No." "Yes, put me down." "No." "Zuko, put me down this second." "Shut up." "No, put me down!" "Fine." I blinked in confusion at his sudden agreement. We were now in my room. Oh, so that's why he agreed. Zuko set me down and sat down too, grabbing the first aid kit.

"Why are you still here? I'm fine, you can leave now." Zuko shook his head, placing my ankle into his lap. "No. You have to fix it, first." I sighed, "No, I don't. Can you just leave?" Zuko shook his head again. "Why are you so stubborn? I can heal it myself, just go." I pulled my ankles away from him. Zuko sighed. "Look, Y/N. I just wanna make sure you're okay. Just let me do this, 'Kay?" I shut up, letting him bandage my ankle. I don't know how long he did it for but the warmth emitting from him and the soft brushing of his fingers against my ankles and just him being with me made feel drowsy. I closed my eyes, half asleep. Zuko finished wrapping my ankle and settled me down, placing a kiss on my forehead before slipping away. What is this guy doing to my emotions?


It was the third morning but Aang wanted to explore the temple fully first before starting his fire bending lessons. Me, Toph, and Sokka were in the kitchen, having woke up late. Sokka was getting his breakfast about to sit down when- "Raaah!" Toph yelled. Sokka flinched, "Aahhh! I could've dropped my croissant!" Sokka exclaimed. I giggled into my French toast that Katara had graciously made for us early in the morning. Zuko walked in, hair messy, and just looking droopy. I walked up to the counter noticing the bubbles on my tea pot. I poured my jasmine tea, taking a sip. "You look horrible." I muttered to Zuko. Zuko sent me a playful glare. "Thanks. You look great as always." Zuko muttered.

I hid a smile in my tea. Oh. Honestly, he didn't look horrible. He looked great too, but I decided to keep that to myself. I walked back to the table, setting my tea cup down by my breakfast. "Hey, Y/N, guess what? Toph whispered to me. "What now?" I sighed tired of the pranks Toph and Sokka were pulling on everyone. "HONOR!!" Toph yelled, causing Zuko to drop his teacup, and me and Sokka to flinch, rumbling the table and items on it. I laughed with a bite of my French toast in my mouth as Sokka and Toph joined in, finding amusement in Zuko's dismay. Zuko sent us all a glare, picking up the teacup. Poor, boy. But honestly, if he wants to stay with us, he's gonna have to get used to it.


"Alright, who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know." Toph asked strictly. It was the day after the teacup episode in the kitchen and now it was a teapot episode in Katara's room. Toph set a broken teapot on the table as me, Katara, and Sokka paused our Pai Sho game and Zuko and the Aang paused their conversation. "Uhhh.." I started. "I- I broke it-" Aang said, taking the blame. "No. No, you didn't. Sokka?" Toph asked calmly. "Don't look at me, look at Zuko." Sokka defended. "What? I didn't break it." Zuko said, brows furrowing. "Oh really? That's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?" Sokka teased in a singsong voice. "Because it's sitting right in front of us, and it's broken." Zuko argued, reasonably.

"Suspicious.." Sokka started. "Bruh, red sus, vote him out." I added in the middle of their bicker. "No it's not!" Zuko yelled, indignantly. "If it matters, probably doesn't," Katara started, "...Y/N was the last one to use it." Wait what? ExCuSe Me? "Lair! I don't even drink that crap!" I shot back. "Oh really? Then who was the girl in the kitchen drinking jasmine tea?" Katara queried smugly. "I use that teapot for normal tea, but for Jasmine tea, I use the blue one! Everyone knows that, Katara!" I defended. "Alright, alright, let's not fight, I broke it, let me fix it." Aang cut in, taking the blame again. "No. Who broke it?" Toph asked one more time.

Sokka walked up to Toph whispering loudly, "Y'know, Haru's been awfully quiet..." Haru perked up, "Really!!" Sokka nodded. "Yeah, really." We all started bickering and fighting and what not. "I broke it. It burned my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now, they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here." Toph said to Teo who had expertly stayed out of it.


We had all decided to sleep outside again, before it started getting a little colder. And I woke up to a loud horn in my ears. I rubbed my eyes feeling a little extra grouchy. "Was that necessary?" I grumbled. Sokka and Toph paused their hysterical laughter. "Yes, It was." Toph wiped a tear from her face, laughter dying down. They had woken up Zuko. His face was covered with many drawings. 'Firebending douchebag', 'stupid poo poo head', and 'Y/N's property' was written on his face. Literally. I turned to Sokka knowing that he had wrote it. "Why'd you write Y/N's property? We're no-" "Not together, yeah I know, it won't stay that way for long, though." Sokka smiled. "What do you-" Sokka placed a hand on my mouth, seeing Zuko approach us. "Shhh...don't spoil it."

Zuko settled down, rubbing his sleepy eye, which was kinda cute. Stop. Stop it. He's not cute. He's not yours. Ouch. That kinda hurts. "What? What's wrong?" Zuko questioned at the faces Toph and Sokka were making while trying to hold in their laughter. "You have draw-" Toph covered my mouth with her dust covered hand. Zuko turned to Aang, "Do I have something on my face?" Zuko asked. Aang choked out a laugh, reading the totally creative things Toph and Sokka had written on Zuko's face. "Well..yeah, but-" Aang started. Zuko turned to fountain as Sokka whined, "You ruined it!" Zuko turned back, very unamused. "Wow. How creative." He grumbled, wiping off the ink. I swear a saw a small smile.


Zuko was gonna have to sleep in my room. There is no way that's gonna happen. "His room is flooded!" Sokka defended. "I'll bend the water out of it, then." I shrugged. I had a feeling that they were behind the flooding of my ex boyfriend's room by the way Toph was smiling. "Y-you can't do that! Just let him stay in your room, what's the problem!?" Sokka whined. "The problem is that I am not sleeping in that room!" I shot. "Yes. You. Are!" Toph muttered, grabbing my wrist and dragging me into my room. She shut the door as I turned around to get out. Zuko was already in the room. I banged on the door, "Let me out you little brats!!" It was answered by snickers. "Guys, I'm serious! Let me out this second!!" More giggles were heard outside the door. "Guuuuys. Come'n." I whined.

I pulled on the door but they had it shut tightly. Fine then, no more miss nicey nicey. "Open the door right now or I'll push you off the edge of the temple!!" I threatened. I heard loud steps, getting quieter. Those cowards. They ran away. I turned around awkwardly to Zuko. "Uhh..hey. Wassup." I mumbled. Zuko smiled sheepishly, "hey." I pursed my lips. "Uhhh..well, w-we should get to sleep. It's kinda late." I stuttered. It was late. The moon had risen, and stars were dotting the sky. I slumped into my bed, finding it a little hard to fall asleep. I eventually managed too, and surprisingly with no nightmares, but instead with fluffy memories of me and Zuko. They made me miss Zuko even more, though he was right there. Wow, thanks a lot, Sorla.

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