Melon Lord...oh, and Aang's missing

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Gather round, Team Avatar. In order to take out the Fire Lord, or in this case, the Melon Lord, our timing has to be perfect," Sokka said, drawing a Melon Lord in the sand, "First, Suki and I will draw his fire. Then, Katara and Zuko charge in with some liquidy hot offense, Y/N will take the back, and while the Melon Lord is distracted, Aang swoops in...and bam! He delivers the final blow," Sokka finished, running Aang's line into the Melon Lord's sandy head. "Uh...what about me?" Asked Toph from beside me. "For now, you're the Melon Lord's forces," Sokka explained. Toph's eyes widened with excitement, "So I get to chuck flaming rocks at all of you?"

"Whatever makes the training feel more realistic," shrugged Sokka. "Sweetness." Personally, I don't like the idea of letting Toph chuck flaming rocks at us, but I mean, whatever. We all got into position, me behind a rock, behind the Melon Lord. "Mwah-ha-ha-ha!" Laughed Toph, lighting her rocks on fire. Sokka signaled the go and we charged, Sokka almost being crushed by one of the rocks. "Watch it, Toph!" "I am not Toph! I am Melon Lord! Mwah-ha-ha-ha!" I narrowly dodged a fiery rock. Who let Toph handle the flaming rocks?! Oh, wait, we did. Well, it's the biggest mistake of our lives. We drew her fire, all of us busy slicing rocks and absorbing the fire. "Now Aang!" Yelled Sokka. Aang raised his staff, his expression changing. He lowered his glider and backed away from Melon Lord's head.

"What are you waiting for? Take him out!" Yelled Zuko. He can't. He's not sure about. Aang shook his head, "I can't." Called it. Sokka walked up to Aang, "What's wrong with you? If this was the real deal, you'd be shot full of lightning right now."
"I'm sorry, but it just didn't feel right. I didn't feel like myself," admitted Aang. Sokka took out his sword and sliced off Melon Lord's head. "There. That's how it's done." Aang's eyes widened at the scene. I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?" As his Protecter, it's my job to make sure he's safe and gets the job done, but as his older sister, it's my job to make he's okay and wants to finish the job. Aang shook his head. Zuko linked his arm in mine, as we walked back to the house, not letting me finish my conversation with Aang.


We were all sitting on the porch, eating dinner when Katara came out, holding a scroll, "I have a surprise for everyone!" "I knew it! You did have a secret thing with Haru!" Toph exclaimed. We all sent each other a strange look. "Uh, no. I was looking for cooking pots in the attic, and I found this! Look at baby Zuko. Isn't he cute?" Katara gushed, opening the scroll to reveal a picture of, not Zuko, but Ozai. Everyone laughed except me and Zuko. Katara turned to us, "Oh, lighten up. I'm just teasing." "That's not me. It's my father," Zuko said. Katara rolled the scroll back up. "But he looks so sweet and innocent," said Suki. "Well, that sweet little kid grew up to be a monster, and the worst father in the history of fathers," shot Zuko. "But he's still a human being," Aang added. "You're going to defend him?"

No, I agree with you. Fire Lord Ozai is a horrible person, and the world would probably be better off without him, but there's got to be another way," Aang sighed. "Like what?" Pressed Zuko. "I don't know. Maybe we can make some big pots of glue, and then I can use gluebending to stick his arms and legs together so he can't bend anymore," said Aang, eyes wide, thinking he'd done something. "Yeah, then you can show him his baby pictures, and all those happy memories will make him good again," smiled Zuko, sarcastically. Suki and Sokka laughed, quietly. I sent Aang a worried look. "Do you really think that would work?" Gushed Aang, not noting his sarcasm. "No!" Zuko shot, bluntly. "This goes against everything I learned from the monks. I can't just go around wiping out people I don't like," said Aang, pacing back and forth.

"Sure you can. You're the Avatar. If it's in the name of keeping balance, I'm pretty sure the universe will forgive you," Sokka added. "That's not how it works, you idiot!" I yelled, losing my temper while Aang joined in, "This isn't a joke, Sokka! None of you understand the position I'm in." "Aang, we do understand. It's just..." Katara started. "Just what Katara!" Aang yelled. "We're trying to help!" Katara shouted. "Then, when you figure out a way for me to beat the Fire Lord without taking his life, I'd love to hear it!" Aang shot back, walking away. "Aang, don't walk away from this," I said, wanting to help him. Katara walked after him but Zuko stopped her, "Let him go. He needs time to sort it out by himself." "You sure? I know how he feels about this, and it's not good," I said. "I'm sure," Zuko nodded.

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