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I blinked open my blearily eyes. What happened? Visions of that day crossed my mind again. Oh. So where am I now? I tried to get up, but I couldn't. There was an arm around my waist, holding me close. Someone's breath fluttered my baby hairs. I turned around in that person's arms, to see it was Zuko. He was asleep, shirt off, and swamped in a blanket. A Fire Nation flag hung on the wall. I'm on a Fire Navy ship. I shuffled in Zuko's arms, and he tightened them, a small growl ripping from his throat. I placed a hand on face, brushing my thumb over his scar. He thought he was on the right path. But he wasn't. And he's not gonna feel good about that. I placed a small kiss on his nose. I was still mad at him. Really mad. He broke our promise. He broke our pinky promise. Every single pinky promise he's gaven me is still holding. Not this one though. A tear ran down my face. Get yourself together Y/N. You're on an enemy ship. You need to get off and find your friends.

I placed a quick kiss on his lips, pulling away. I had red sweatpants on and a dark blue crop top tied over my shoulder, with golden accents, exposing my wound. I think they had tried to heal it when I was asleep. My hair was in a half-up half-down bun. I got up, stumbling outside onto the deck. Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula were there. Ty Lee immediately punched my arm, chi blocking me. "Ah...that hurts." I complained. Ty Lee smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. It's nice to have you back." She said, giving me a big hug. I pulled away. "Woah, woah, woah. Who the hell said I was back? I'm still not on your side." I said, narrowing my eyes. "Well, yeah, you see, you can't do much about that. Your chi is blocked." Azula said, smug. I grumbled under my breath, glaring daggers at the ground. "Y/N's not aslee"- Zuko paused, his golden yes landing on me. "Wassup." I said, bitterness soaking through my voice.

Zuko turned his gaze to the ground. "Sorry." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry?! You killed my friend, my brother, and now you want me to cooperate with you guys?! Do you really want your dad to destroy the world?! What is the point of this?!" I yelled, tears stinging my eyes, turning my glare towards him. Zuko didn't say anything. Mai pursed her lips, while Ty Lee bit her nails, anxiously. I took a deep breath. My energy had came back. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. It had came back but not a a lot of it. There was a slight breeze coating the seas with mist. If I bent that breeze then I wouldn't have to use a lot of my energy. I opened my eyes again. Maybe, I could just wait till my energy's fully charged, then I can get out without worrying about passing out.

"Father will be happy to see you, Y/N. And about the cooperating thing, you don't really have a choice." Azula said, smiling sadistictly. I gritted my teeth, looking away. I don't like this. At all. Sorla, can you help me out. Sorla? Oh yeah.. I lost my connection to her. This is not good. I don't like this. I want Sorla back, now. I tensed, picking up on some more energy. Raava's energy. Aang's not dead. Or maybe it's the new Avatar. I need to meditate on this. "I'm going to meditate." I snapped, walking away. I settled myself on the upper deck. I could feel a couple pairs of eyes watching me for any sudden moves. I'm unpredictable. They're gonna have a lot of trouble calming me down. I closed my eyes, fists joined. Yue, do you think you can help me out? I begged the Moon Spirit.

Sure enough, the faint, glittery, form of Yue appeared in front of me. Oh, Y/N. I am so sorry. She said, giving me a hug. Sorry for what? Is Aang okay? Aang is fine. It's you I'm worried about. Don't tell your Fire Nation...escorts, that Aang's still alive though. I am so sorry. When you got hurt, the wound blocked one of your chi paths. The same chi path Sorla uses to communicate with you. She can still hear your thoughts and give you visions in your dreams, but she cannot talk to you. Will I able to talk her again? ...I don't know. If Aang figures out how to unblock his chi path, then you will be to access the Protecter State again. Wait, hold up, I can't go into the Protecter State? Yue sighed. You can. But you shouldn't. It could be incredibly fatal to you, even for a second. Oh. I don't have much time left, Y/N. It's time for the sun spirit to rise. I will try to talk to you again, if I can. Just..don't lose hope.

I blinked open my eyes, letting them adjust to the little light peeking over the horizon. Sure enough, the moon was fading away. Another presence made itself known, clearing their their throat. Ty Lee sat there, smiling and waving at me. "Hey." I said blandly. "What do you do when you meditate?" She queried. "Well, if you have a strong spiritual connection then you can focus on other people's. And if you know them, you'll be able to figure out who they are. Everyone has a different type of energy." I smiled. Ty Lee was my childhood best friend. It was kinda nice to see her again. "You tell people about their aura don't you? Like how you say Azula's seem dangerous and Mai seems very bland. Well, I think you have a good spiritual connection too, since you can sense them." Ty Lee closed her eyes, shielding her grey orbs from view. The rest of the morning was spent teaching Ty Lee how to focus on people's energy.


I don't like this. I do not like this. They want to use me as a weapon to destroy the Earth Kingdom when Sozin's Comet arrives and my dads out of town... "We will continue Y/N's training tomorrow. If she tries anything smart, chi block her." Ozai said, turning towards Ty Lee. I gritted my teeth. I'm about to hit this guy. "I've taught her fire bending since she was a kid. She doesn't give up easily. You'll be staying in the highest tower of the Palace, guards always outside the door. We'll station some outside her window too, if she tries to sneak out." So, I'm on house arrest. Well, Palace arrest. I blame Zuko for this. I hadn't said a word to him ever since we got here. "You may leave now. Zuko and Azula, may I talk to you?" Ozai said. I got up, Ty Lee behind me, ready to chi block me. I airbent Ozai off his throne, sending him stumbling to the ground. Ty Lee immediately chi blocked me, Mai hiding a snicker behind her hand. Ozai turned to me, getting up and brushing his robes off. "Like I said. Doesn't give up easily."


"Why are we here?" I groaned, slamming me hands on the railing of the boat. Ozai had sent us to Ember Isalnd for the weekend, wanting to talk to his generals about me. "Lighten up. A whole weekend on Ember Island? This should be fun." I grumbled under my breath again. "It would be fun if it wasn't forced!" I snapped, turning around to face them. "I'm with Y/N on this one." Mai answered blandly, settled on a cushion. "Didn't you guys come here every summer when you were kids?" Asked Ty Lee, who was the only one truly excited about being here. "We did, but that was a while ago." I said, answering for Zuko. He didn't like being here either. It held too many memories. Old memories. Good memories.

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