Yu Dao

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*One year later*

We were helping some more colonists back into the capital, Katara and Sokka having also came back to help us. Even though I had told Zuko I'd be back in three days, but I hadn't seen him in three months. We did write a ton of letters though. "Don't worry, Mayor Nishi! My team and I have helped dozens of Fire Nation colonies move back to your homeland already. They've all loved coming back!" Aang consoled a mayor. We were both on Appa, taking the air, and helping the mayors while Katara and Sokka took the water. "Those colonies were young. Their people had no roots in the Earth Kingdom," Mayor Nishi pressed. "Yeah, but the Fire Nation has changed," I shrugged. "Fire Lord Zuko's reintroducing classic Fire Nation culture to his people. You'll learn so much about your past by living here. And you'll have fun, too! Check it out - this is a Fire Nation dance from over a hundred years ago! How fun is this?" Aang joined in, showing them an old dance. Bruh, if someone showed me this, I'd run away from the Fire Nation. Sorla said.

A guard stopped us as we unloaded the ship with their belongings, "Stop! Stop unloading! You're colonials?" Nishi nodded, "Yes." "Return to the Earth Kingdom, by order of the Fire Lord!" Me and Aang shared a look, "What?!" "Fire Lord Zuko has officially withdrawn his support of the Harmony Restoration Movement!" I'm sorry, he did what?

We flew over on Appa to Yu Dao where we heard Zuko was staying to knock some sense into him. Why would he withdraw his support? A loud 'thump' sounded from behind us startling us all. It was Toph. "Toph!" "Hey, guys!" "I can't believe how long it's been!" Katara gushed. My brow twitched in annoyance. I was trying to guide Aang into the Spirit World. "I missed you, too!" "Hey, I heard you started a metalbending school!" Sokka exclaimed. "The Beifong Metalbending Academy! You guys just flew over it! I heard Appa, so I had to come say hi!"
"I'm so glad you're here, Toph. Aang needs all the support he can get right now, because of what he might have to--" Toph paused, "Hey, where is Twinkle Toes, and Y/N anyway? Oh. There they are," she said, sensing us on Appa's head. "Zuko's changed his mind on the Harmony Restoration Movement." Katara explained.

"You're kidding." "He's holed himself up in Yu Dao with a bunch of his soldiers. He won't let anyone in or out. Maybe not Y/N, though. That's where we're headed." "So that's what's going on! The lily livers--I mean, my students were talking about it. Zuko started to act like his old man Ozai then." "No. We don't know that yet." "But Y/N's helping Aang meditate on what he might have to do because of the promise he made." That was what they said last before we got teleported into the Spirit World, me leaving since Aang's visions and talks are for Aang and mine are for me. We're not supposed to share them. I didn't have any scheduled so I headed back to the material world, finally meeting Toph for the first time months.

We landed in Yu Dao, a bunch of protesters at the door, "Fire Nation out! Harmony now!" "Isn't that Smellerbee?" Katara noted. "Who? Oh, yeah, I remember her!" I recalled. "Yeah, she's with the Freedom Fighters!" Smellerbee's eyes landed on us, "Look, everybody! It's the Avatar and the Protecter!" The crowd cheered. Well, frick. "Aang! Y/N! We were hoping you would come! So what's the plan of attack? The Freedom Fighters are at your service!" Smellerbee exclaimed. "I appreciate your confidence, Smellerbee, but we just really want to talk to Zuko." "What?! The time for talking was over as soon as the Fire Lord broke with the Harmony Restoration Movement! Besides, you're not getting into that city without a fight! Fire Nation troops are everywhere! We'll break open a new gate for you! Just give us the word!"

"That won't be necessary. We'll find a way in. You ready, sweetie? Y/N?" Aang said. "I'm ready, sweetie," Katara replied. I made a face disgust, "I'm ready too." Katara and Aang took his glider, while I just used my airbending. "What --?!" A guard exclaimed. "Flamio, Hotmen!" Aang smiled to the guard. "Dude, stop," I said, making another face of disgust. "This city is under the protection of the Fire Lord himself! No one may enter without his express permission, not even the Avatar and the Protecter! Leave now." The guard said, strictly. Damn, you and Zuko have grown really distant, huh? Thanks for the reminder, Sorla. No problem.

"Please, I'd like to talk to Fire Lord Zuko. That's all." The guard raised his hand, "You were warned." The guard shot a column of fire at us, which I pushed out of the way. You can't fight fire with fire. Sorla said simply. Sorla, shut up. No. Aang fought with him, me staying out of it as much as possible. "I don't want to fight!" Aang shouted. More guards arrived, "What are you dolts waiting for?! Attack!" More flames were shot at us. I uncapped my water pouch, making it into a whip. I split it into four lines, wrapping it around four of the guards ankles, and pulling them to the ground. "Aang!" Katara yelled. "Don't worry, sweetie! I can handle them! Just give me a sec!" Aang smiled back at her. "Yeah, I'm fine, too. But I guess no one cares," I muttered under my breath, blowing a ball of air, knocking down more guards.

This isn't even a challenge. "Aang! You're on fire!" Katara exclaimed. I looked over to see Aang's shirt on fire. Here we go again, Sorla groaned. Everything started glowing in my vision, as well as the tattoos on my hands and my power doubled. Someone, please calm me down. Katara was also going all out, "That's it! Stop trying to set my boyfriend on fire!" My eyes stopped glowing and I could finally clearly see the damage me and Katara had done. I turned to around, high-fiving her. "Aang, you're okay?" Aang shrugged, "I'm fine." A guard ran full speed at Aang, yelling, "Aaah!" I turned around, glaring at him and he stopped. Katara turned her puddles into icicles. "Can't you people give it a rest?! They just want to talk!" Katara yelled, her icicles rising. The guard's voice went small, "Aah...?" A hand grabbed Katara's wrist.

"Katara! Stop!" Zuko yelled, Katara dropping her icicles. "Let go, Zuko! You're hurting me! Don't make me hurt you back!" "I'm hurting you?! What are you doing to my soldiers?! My people?!" Zuko argued. What's up with him? I don't know. The other guards ran away. "Let go of her, Zuko! She said you're hurting her!" Aang shouted. "First, she has to agree to stop attacking my people!" "Zuko, they attacked first! Let go of her!" I added. "I am the Fire Lord! I have to protect the citizens of the Fire Nation!" Aang's eyes and tattoos started to glow as well as mine, but slower. Sorla groaned. Stop using my energy! Tell that to Aang! I am! Well, he can't here you! That's not my problem! Yes, it is, tell Raava. Hah! Sweetheart, Raava don't listen to anyone!

My tattoos were fading from blue to white quicker and quicker. Air blew around us, Katara calming Aang down. Zuko agreed to talk, took us for a walk around Yu Dao, and showed us that Earth Kingdom citizens, and Fire Nation citizens were living well together in the big village. It didn't seem to be much of a problem. We decided to arrange a meeting with the Earth King and figure out what to do then.

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