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⚠️TW: blood

Aang noticed the window, open behind us. We rushed to it, finding tall, dark, figures, smoke cushioning their feet. One of them was holding Kiyi. On instinct, I hopped out the window, having done this multiple times, and chased after them, almost slipping on the slanted rooftop. Aang, Ty Lee, and Zuko were also rushing after them before they got away. "Put her down! Now!" Zuko yelled, somewhere behind me. I blasted blue fire at the nearest cloaked figure, who dodged it swiftly. Huh? I paused, straightening, stepping out of my fighting stance. Their fighting style reminds me of someone.

The one holding Kiyi drifted towards Aang, kicking him in the chest, before he could get any closer. I shot icicles at the them, careful not to hurt Kiyi. "That...definitely...felt like a human foot! Try chi blocking 'em, Ty Lee!" Aang shouted across the roof to the Kyoshi Warrior, who was engaged in battle with another cloaked figure. "I'm trying, I'm trying!" Ty Lee tried. Her punches had no effect. Well, frick. Suki, who had rushed up the stairs from the commotion, freaking body-slammed the one holding Kiyi. The figure handed Kiyi to another, who jumped onto another tower's roof. A knife sliced through my ankle, thrown from someone on the ground. It was another Kemurikage. I'll tend to my injuries later. I followed, steadily creating a whip of water, drawing it from the clouds. The moon's up, so my waterbending will be stronger. I just need to find more water, though. I drew the particles from the cloud above, turning it into a whip.

My hand lurched forward, the water ship wrapping around the cloak. I iced it, the figure falling to the ground with a 'thump'. Kiyi was quickly handed to another figure. Dude, what the frick is this? These spirits- people- their movements are like a mix of water and air benders. Airbenders move lightly on their feet, but their steps are normal. Waterbenders glide and move like ice-skaters. They have both types. The figure I had caught threw a knife, that pierced into my arm. I hissed in pain, grabbing my arm as blood soaked through my sleeve. Multiple cloaked figures, covered, the one holding Kiyi getting lost. Suki and Ty Lee were engaged in battle on the rooftops, and Aang and Zuko were in the courtyard. Gee, thanks, for all the support. I rushed after the Kiyi one, finding the roof it was on. Smoke covered my vision. I coughed, holding my arm up to my mouth and nose, lifting my other, and clearing the smoke away with air. My eyes searched the rooftops, landing on a light-pink fabric. Found her.

I felt Zuko's energy right behind me. "Hey, when did you get here?" I asked, eyes not moving from my target. "Aang's handling them," was my only reply. Okay, cool, whatever. I jumped to other roof, feet narrowly slipping. Zuko caught my wrist, helping me regain my balance. "Stop! Y/N, I can't handle anymore scares!" Zuko shouted, a tear streaming down his cheek. "..a-are you okay?" I questioned to the strange exclamation he just made. "No!" He's panicking. Kiyi's his sister. I get it. Another bit of smoke brought me out of my trance. A blast of wind cleared it away, though I wasn't the source. Aang had caught up. Yay! I found the figure, and grabbed the back of it cloak. "That's it-it's over! Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide! Where'd your friends take my sister?! Same place you took the other kids?! Answer me!" Zuko shouted at it, holding a threatening flame in his palm.

The figure raised it's finger, lightning crackling between the two fingertips. What?! I paused, stiffening. What the heck? I didn't even sense her energy. Its familiar, I should've been able to recognize it a mile away. A bright blue flash filled the night as well as a sound of roaring thunder. We all moved out of the lightning's range, eyes wide with surprise and terror. "Azula," I breathed. "I know that's you, Azula! Tell your friends to let Kiyi go!" Zuko shouted. Azula aimed another shot right at Zuko, who redirected it. "You know I can redirect anything you-?!"

Azula caught the return blast. Okay, now, I wasn't expecting that. She blasted it back at Zuko, who had let down his guard, not expecting it either. "Zuko!" "I'm okay...she's gotten strong again..." Zuko said between deep breaths. I rushed after Azula, her form disappearing as Aang and Suki looked after Zuko. I found her in an alleyway and jumped down, into it. She didn't have Kiyi anymore. "Azula?" I called. The figure turned around, the hood falling off. She removed her mask, "Oh, my dear, Y/N, it's great to see you again, it really is! How upsetting was it that the last time, I had to hit you with lightning." "That wasn't fun-but what is this? Why are you kidnapping kids? Your moms back home, I thought-" Azula wrapped her arms around me, crying into my shoulder. Okay, now a lot of unexpected things have happened tonight. But this-this I was not expecting at all."

"Why would I want to go back! It's her fault, all her fault! Tell me why I would go back? To stand outside Zuko's bedroom door to hear her reading him a bedtime story while I cry myself to sleep? To watch as she kisses his wounds, but ignores mine! To see her wipe away his tears while mine split onto the ground? To hear her say 'I love you' to him all the time when the only time I heard her say it was in a vision? She never loved me, why would she love me now!?" Woah, okay. This is sad. I patted her back, not knowing what to do in this situation. "She did love you. When she left, that night, you were asleep. I couldn't sleep so I was walking around the Palace. I saw her place a kiss on your cheek before she left. To Zuko too. Only difference was, Zuko noticed. You didn't."

Azula paused, staring at wall with tears eyes. "R-really?" "Yeah-I-" "Azula!!" Yelled the voice of Zuko. I whipped around, trying to convince her to stay, but all I saw was smoke. I covered my mouth and nose, clearing it away. She left. Fingers wrapped around my wrist, tighter than needed. "Zuko! Oh-hey-!" "Not another word." His voice was bitter, and full of resentment, as he stormed away. His fingers got hotter and I tried to pry them off as he dragged me out of the alleyway. "Zuko, your hurting me!! Let go!" Zuko's fingers loosened around my wrist. "What's wrong?! Talk it out, but stop dragging me everywhere!!" I shouted, yanking my wrist out of his grip. "What's wrong? really have the nerve to ask me what's wrong when you got that close Azula, knowing she could've hurt you any second?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but Zuko continued, voice filling the alleyway, "You blamed yourself my scars, I'll blame me for yours! I stood there, and watched, while you got hurt, as the stupid guy I am! I couldn't do anything! I-I can't handle it! I'm-" His voice broke into sobs. Another one? What's with the Fire Nation siblings crying to me? He pulled me into the tightest hug possible. "What's the point of being Fire Lord if I can't protect the people I love the most? How am I supposed to protect the Nation if I can't protect the people in the same place as me?" "Hey, it's not your fault! I'm the Protecter, it's gonna happen. It's basically my job." "But be more careful, idiot! I-I can't stand it anymore! I was being a stupid idiot, crying over a lightning blast, while you dealt with all these cuts! And you still chased after Azula!!"

"I-I'm sorry?" Zuko stopped yelling, burying his face into my neck. "Look, all I'm trying to say, is that I can't watch you get hurt." "Why?" "Because I love you...idiot." I giggled, Zuko pulling me closer, "I love you, too...Flameo hotmen!" " always have to ruin it, don't you?" "Yep!"

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