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Okay, so, let me get you on the same page real quick. We went into the catacombs, read some scrolls, way deep inside, since Sozin was all like, "history starts with me" and blocked off the place, but we managed to get in and find a scroll about the Kemurikage. A wisp appeared. That's not normal, but for us, literally anything is normal. Aang, being a stupid dum dum, followed it, and found the real Kemurikage, who were all like, "Yeah, we used to haunt the Fire Lords but now we cool." And they hadn't entered the human world since then, which was centuries ago. Okay, so, I guess it's not them.

But now the question is, who is it? Who's kidnapping kids, and how do they know about this? We left, heading back to the Palace on Appa, since we couldn't find anything. "I'm telling you, they're not the same spirits as the ones in that scroll!" Aang exclaimed, trying to explain to the others, since they weren't spiritually connected and hadn't followed the wisp. I don't have enough patience for that. "So they're different spirits who just look like the Kemurikage?" Zuko queried. "Maybe," I shrugged. "Or maybe they're not spirits at all," Mai offered. "All I know is, on the roof of the flower shop that night? Those ladies looked creepy," Kei Lo added.

"A strong nation is a safe nation!" Was chanted into the night. "What the-?" Aang asked, peering over the side of Appa. "A strong nation is a safe nation! A strong nation is a safe nation!" "What are all those people doing out in the street? It's the middle of the night!" I exclaimed. Zuko turned around, concerned, "Let's find out." We landed, heading over to the crowd. Constable Sung and Mai's dad were also there. "Constable Sung! Ukano! What is the meaning of this?!" Zuko demanded. "Fire Lord!" "As I predicted, the Spirit World has gotten completely out of control! Dark spirits have taken more children, including the constable's own son!" Mai's dad shouted.

"Oh, no!" Aang mumbled. "I'm so sorry, constable!" Zuko said. "I was unable to find you, Fire Lord! We had to do something!" "The Safe Nation Society-" Mai's dad started. "What's the Safe Nation Society?" I asked, half because I actually wanted to know, and half because I wanted him to shut up. "Since Zuko's refused to protect his nation, a group of young volunteers has stepped up!" Mais dad explained, quite rudely, gesturing to the men behind him, "The Safe Nation Society are risking their own lives to keep us all safe!" "But how'd you get this many volunteers to assemble this late into the night?" Aang asked. "In fact, not ten minutes ago, the Society saved a child by heroically fighting off a group of dark spirits!"

I could tell Aang was starting to lose his temper. "Hate to break it to you, but those probably weren't spirits!" "Preposterous! I saw them with my own two eyes! Humans don't move like that!"
Mai walked up to her dad, talking to him quietly. Zuko turned to Sung. "Constable Sung, truly, I'm sorry about your son. We will find him-I promise you," Zuko started. "You make promises you can't keep," I muttered bitterly, remembering something. Zuko paused, staring at the ground in guilt. He shook his head, turning back to Sung, "But the curfew-all of this-was down without my authority! I will not be undermined! Until further notice, you are suspended from your post!" "Fire Lord, I-I'm sorry," Sung bowed. "So am I."

Sung walked off, me staring at the side of Zuko's face, not knowing if he made the right decision or not. Everyone else also stared, until Mai's dad said, "What do you think you're doing?! Constable Sung is a good man!" Zuko turned around, being the short-tempered hothead he is, "And you, Ukano- This Society of yours will disband immediately or you will all face arrest!" Another tense silence fell as Ukano stared at Zuko. "Come, Safe Nation Society! We will respect the wishes of the 'Fire Lord'. Let us return to our homes and stand idly by while our nation suffers!"

Everyone walked away, the society slowly disbanding. "What just happened with Constable Sung...That was pretty harsh," Aang said to Zuko. "I hated to do it, but I had no choice." "Fire Lord Zuko?" Said a feminine voice behind us. We turned around to a woman, holding her daughter, standing in the street.
"With all due respect, the Safe Nation Society just saved my daughter. They're heroes, which is more than I can say for you."


"You should stay at the Palace," Zuko's voice said as we headed back. Aang had went ahead, and Mai and Kei Lo had also went home. "What? Why?" "There's spirits, or whatever, around the place. I don't want you to be alone." "And what I want doesn't matter, doesn't it?" "No-I-all I meant was-look, your staying at the Palace whether you like it or not. If you don't, I'll just kidnap you or something. The Palace has the best security in the entire Fire Nation, and I need to know your safe," Zuko demanded. "You ask for too much, Fire Lord." "Please, Y/N. Just for one day, you can go back tomorrow, but right now, things are crazy, and I need to make sure everyone is safe." "...fine."


Me and Zuko walked in the long halls, lined with candles, as far from each other as possible. "Pssst! Zuzu!" Whispered a voice. Me and Zuko exchanged a look, opening the door to Ursa, Noren, and Kiyi in their room. Kiyi was being held closely in a protective way in her moms arms. "Help me, Zuzu! Y/N your here, too!" Kiyi smiled, still whispering. "Kiyi? Why are you still awake?" "She's holding me too tight with her cold, cold hands! I'm suffocating!" Kiyi said. Zuko walked over to the beside, carefully lifting the covers, Kiyi climbing out. "Would you like to sleep in the other room?" "Yes, please!" Zuko picked her up, onto his shoulders.

                    I think Kiyi fell asleep after a minute or two

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I think Kiyi fell asleep after a minute or two. I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, not being able to sleep even a bit. I turned around, groaning into my pillow. This is boring. I threw off my covers, climbing out. I opened the door, peering to each side, before taking a brave step out. I bumped into a figure. "OH FUC-" A warm palm covered my mouth, making sure I don't wake everyone up. I could tell it was Zuko, from the energy. "What are you doing here?" Zuko asked. "I couldn't sleep, so I was going to the roof," I answered. "Me too." "Well, I'm not going if your coming," I decided, spinning around. Fingers wrapped around my wrist.

"Can you come? I want to talk about some things." "Zuko, you forget that we're not dating anymore," I mumbled. Silence. "Fine," I sighed. We climbed onto the roofs from outside, having done this many times before while sneaking out. We just sat there for a while, before his expression fell. "You'll find Tom-Tom. I know you will," I assured. "Yeah...But it isn't just about finding him. You remember a couple months before, we took Tom-Tom on a picnic with us. I think his mom had errands to run and Mai was training or something? I don't really remember. At first, I was kind of annoyed. I was hoping to get some alone time, you and me, you know? Kinda like a date. But then, I remember him watching him run after this glow moth. He was so happy. I don't remember ever being that happy. And you know what happened in Omashu, right? So you know. For a little guy, he's been through a lot. But he could still get so much joy from chasing a flying bug. If we...When we find him, will he still be the same kid? Will he be able to be that happy ever again?"

I opened my mouth to comfort him, but paused, seeing smoke coming out of Kiyi's room. "No." Zuko turned around, eyes landing on the smoke. His eyes widened, as we ran across the rooftops, over to Kiyi's room. We climbed in, through the window, finding her bed empty. Aang and Ty Lee, who was on guard duty, ran in, hearing commotion. No, no, no! Kiyi got kidnapped.

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