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I'm sorry this one took so long, I was working on some other stories, but here you go:

Appa landed on the rooftop, as I climbed off. "Thanks!" I smiled to the Gaang. "Bye!" "See you later!" "We'll miss you!" Was shouted into the sky as Appa took off again. I picked up my bag, slinging it over my shoulder, and jumping off the roof, cushioning my fall with air. A lady was at the door, talking to some servants. "Has she came home yet?" "No ma'am. Your daughter has been on a trip for a couple weeks." Mom. That's mom. I walked up to them, the servants immediately bowing. "Y/N! Your so much older now! You have my eyes and hair-" I caught her wrist as her hand went up to touch my face. "What's wrong?" I stared at the ground, "You left me. Why? I needed you."

Mom smiled warmly, "Come'n. I'll tell you everything." A couple minutes later, we were in the so familiar but so different living room, with an assortment of snacks set out in front of us, me sitting upright, nervous. "So...where were you all this time?" "When I dropped you off at the South Pole, I went over to the Northern Water Tribe to the Spirit Oasis. I meditated into the Spirit World, talked to some spirits, blah, blah. They told me it was better for you to be alone. It would teach you the importance of love and protection, since at that time you were the Protecter. It was for the sake of you, Sorla, the Avatar, and the world. It was hard....staying away from my daughter for all those years. It's also embarrassing- how much I cried when I found out I'd have to stay away from you. But it payed off. The war is over, the world is safe and I get to see you again!" She smiled, hiding the pain. I tackled her into a hug, "I'm so glad I get to see you again."


"So...that was a break up?" Mom asked. It had been about a day since I returned and we had cleaned up the house pretty good. I had been telling her everything that had happened since she left. "Yes. That was a break up." "Well, take my advice- I'm not using it," she started. Classic mom. "I know for a fact, you still care about him, and it seems like Zuko cares about you too, so just make up!" "What?! It's not that easy-"


A hawk landed on the railing of the balcony, overlooking the garden. "Hey, why are you here, buddy?" I smiled, unrolling the scroll. "Y/N, spirits are threatening the Fire Nation. If there's anyone who knows what to do in this situation, it's you. Please come help. If not for me, then for the Nation." - Fire Lord Zuko. Huh. Okay, sure, I have nothing better to do.


"Zuko!" Aang exclaimed, us walking into the room. Zuko had called for him, too, and we found each other outside. "Aang! Thank you for being here, guys," Zuko smiled. "No problem," Aang said. "I only came 'cause I have nothing better to do," I shrugged. Aang elbowed me, and I smacked his arm. Another punch was sent to my arm. I kicked his shin. He yanked my hair, and I shoved him out of the way, both of us finally stopping our mini fight. "You remember-" "Mai!" I exclaimed, rushing to hug her. She patted my back, hesitantly. "Hello, Y/N." "And this is Kei Lo. Mai's boyfriend," Zuko introduced. Kei Lo rose from his seat, "Hello." "And finally, Aang, Y/N, meet Constable Sung. He's leading the investigation into the kidnapping."

"I'm honored, Avatar and Protecter," Sung bowed. "Nice to meet you, Constable-Wait, kidnapping?!" "Last night, my little brother Tom-Tom was taken by a band of dark spirits," Mai explained. "You saw them?" Aang investigated. "I fought them. They were the Kemurikage." "Who?" "Dark spirits who supposedly haunt the mountains just outside my home village. I recognize them from stories my parents used to tell me." Sung pointed to the map on the wall, "Several reports of dark spirits sightings came in from all over Capital City, though Tom-Tom was the only abductee." "Get off me! My son's missing, and you're worried about palace protocol?" Shouted a voice. It was Mai's dad. Ugh, I can't deal with this guy right now. "Apologies, Fire Lord! We asked him to wait, but-" "It's all right. He's the victim's father. He ought to be informed."

"Mai! I should've known you'd be here!" "Father," Mai mumbled, bored. He pointed his finger at her, pretty mad, "This is all your fault, daughter! If Tom-Tom were still with me in our home, he would've been safe! I would've made sure of it! You may hate me, but you know I'm right." "Dude, what? This has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with her! No house is safe from dark spirits!" I defended. "You stay out of this!" My fists shook with rage as I stormed forward. "Don't tell me what to do!" Aang grabbed the back of my shirt, pulling me back. "Please, everybody! Calm down! All this arguing isn't helping us find Tom-Tom! We need to put our heads together and figure out what to do next!"

"I'll tell you what needs to happen next! Our "Fire Lord" needs to grow a spine! Everybody knows the Spirit World begins to act up when the human world is weak!" "What? That's not how it works, you not-spiritually connected idiot!" I shouted. "The balance between humans and the spirits has nothing to do with strength!" Aang exclaimed, just as mad as me. "Show that you're worthy, Zuko! Declare a curfew to keep your citizens safe! Then send out an elite task force to fight the dark spirits! Take down just one of them and we'll show the spirits that humans aren't to be trifled with!" Mai's dad said, turning to Zuko.

Oh, so we being manipulative now? "If that is your wish, Fire Lord, I'll begin gathering a task force. It may take some time, though," Sung bowed. "Don't do it, Zuko! A curfew would just make folks even more fearful! Plus, how's a "task force" supposed to fight spirits? You can't use normal bending! Let's first figure out exactly what happened to Tom-Tom. Then we'll know what to do next," Aang consoled, still holding the back of my shirt, knowing I'd kick Mai's dad in the face the second he let go of me. "What the Avatar says makes sense," Mai nodded. "Obviously," I mumbled quietly. Zuko though about it for a second. "Wise advice, Avatar. Constable, please escort Ukano out."

"I knew it! You're unworthy of the throne, Zuko! You're an imposter! Imposter! Imposter!" "I'm about to bloodbend this guy's mouth shut," I muttered. Mai stared at me, a bit scared, "bend what?" "Blood. Well, the water in someone's body," I shrugged. Mai stiffened. "Don't worry, I don't use it. At least, not on innocent people. Or villains. In fact, I don't use it all," I ranted. "Mai, I need to know everything you know about the Kemurikage," Zuko said. "I've already told you. They're just an old legend." "An old legend, huh? Then I have an idea about where to find out more. Follow me."


"Whoa. What is this place?" Kei Lo asked in awe as we neared the temple. "The Fire Sages Capital Temple," I answered. "You've been here before, Y/N? He asked. I scoffed, "Yeah. Once upon a time, an ex thought it would be romantic to share a meal over the burial site of his ancestors." Mai laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. "What?" Kei Lo asked, turning to her. "It's hilarious when these two fight," she smiled. Zuko looked over his shoulder at me, "And he was right. It was romantic." We walked up the stairs, Zuko greeting the sage who was cleaning the temple, "Great Sage Shyu!" "Fire Lord! Avatar! Protecter! What a pleasant surprise!"

We approached him, everyone bowing, respectfully.
"So good to see you again, Shyu!" I smiled. "I'm sorry it's been so long since my last visit. Things have been busy," Zuko said, sheepishly. "You know what Fire Sage Kaja used to say-The busier we are, the more attention we must pay to our interior life." "True, but-" "My brother sages and I recently revived a couple of old practices that may be of interest to you! In fact, I'm teaching a meditation class that-" "I'd love to hear more, Shyu-I swear-but right now, my friends and I need to get into the Dragonbone Catacombs," Zuko cut him off.

"Of course." Shyu walked to courtyard, and to the middle of the flower-like pattern, lighting a small flame in each petal. "Does the Fire Lord visit often?" I queried, as the others went ahead, descending the staircase that had opened up. "Sure. Sometimes for the view, sometimes for the dusty old scrolls in the catacombs. Never for my meditation classes. And not very often, since you left," he smiled. "Wait, Y/N's come here before the date thingy?" Aang asked, interested. My eyes widened, remembering the story, as Shyu opened his mouth to tell it, "Yeah. They once snuck in, when they were very little, about seven, to play hide and seek, and the Fire Lord ended up getting lost for hours," he laughed.

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