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"No one cares!"

"You don't understand!"

"My own mother thought I was a monster!"

"You always chose him! Everyone..-always chooses him! What's so great about him?! I've worked so hard, I've strived to be great, yet he gets all the love!"

I lurched up, gasping, and clutching my head. The memories of Azula swirling in my head flooded away, slowly. What was that? A shock of lightning surged through my body, flashes of blue lights emitting from me. Look who's awake! Sorla! Oh my god, your not gone like last time. It takes more than some lighting to get rid of me. I know. H-hey, what's that supposed to mean- I heard muffled voices outside the door, "I think she's awake", "Fire Lord Zuko said to not go inside." I got up, stumbling out the door. "Fire Lady Y/N, your not sup-" "I am not the Fire Lady, and I can be up if I want to." I glared at the guard who immediately backed down. I walked out to the deck, clutching my side. I sensed Kiyi's energy behind me, and felt two arms wrap around me. "Hey, Kiyi," I smiled, voice a bit quiet and grumbly. "Your finally awake! Everyone's gonna be so happy! Come'n we shou-" "You should be resting!" Said the old voice of Ursa.

She got her face back. "H-how'd you-" "Long story. Come'n, I'll tell you," she smiled, gesturing me back to my room. Kiyi joined us, holding my hand along the way. We entered, me closing the door. "The Mother of Faces gave me and that other guy's face back. She restored my memories as well. I removed everything, from the beginning. We're heading back to the Palace, now. It's gonna take a couple months, since Hira'a is so far way, and we don't have the Avatar's sky bison. They're in an Earth Kingdom city, sorting out....some problems. Azula ran of into Forgetful Valley, though. We spent days, weeks, searching for her. We couldn't find her," Ursa said, gently, as I slumped against the bed frame. "What do you mean..problems?" "N-nothing! Nothing- for you to worry about! You shouldn't be taking too much information in, right now. They're fine, I promise." The door slammed open, "I heard she's-" Zuko paused, seeing me awake. "Good. I'm glad." He mumbled, staring at the ground.

"He's dying to hug you," Ursa giggled. "MoM!!" Zuko exclaimed, a small blush on his cheeks. Kiyi climbed into my lap, snuggling into the blanket. "I can't believe your awake! We should go flying dolphin riding!" "She should be sleeping. Come'n, do you wanna play Pai Sho?" He asked. "Oooo, yeah! I-I don't how to play, though." Zuko giggled, "I'll teach you. My Uncle's probably one of the best players." Ursa followed the two, closing the door behind her with a smile.


"You look...interesting," I stated to a guard. I would randomly talk to guards, since the trip was months long and I had no better things to do. Zuko had kept a lot of important people on this ship, wanting nothing but the safety of his family. I sipped my healing tea, that Iroh had specifically sent for me. "Um...thanks?" The guard said. I was probably weirding them out. But, oh well. I've got nothing better to do then to bother them.

I cradled the tea cup in my hand, watching some dolphins jump around in the ocean, over the railing of the ship. I want to be with them. Zuko wouldn't let me go into the water, since I could get hurt. It was boring. Really, really boring. At least, until the Gaang arrives. We'd gotten a letter saying they would. I bet Katara's gonna be even worse than Zuko, saying I can't even go out onto the deck, but I wont listen. Because I don't do that. Aang would give me daily hugs, and Sokka would entertain me by being stupid. I love these people so much. It sounds cheesy, I know. But I literally cannot wait till they get here.


"You've never loved me."

"Everyone loves him."

"Why don't you love me!?"

It was two in the morning, and I was in the shower since I had been sleeping all day and found nothing better to do. My hands were against the wall of the shower, water running down my back, teary eyes staring at the marble ground in guilt. Lightning surged through me, bringing a shock of pain. What? This isn't supposed to happen. I don't get what's wrong. Blue streaks filled the shower, me quickly turning off the water, because I don't want to get electrocuted. I wrapped a towel around me, sliding the glass door open and stumbling outside. I gasped, pulling my soaking wet hair back from my face and at the same time, being pulled out of Azula's words, echoing in my ears. She's never said some of these to me, but I know she's said them.

I slumped to the ground, clutching my head, trying to get the words out. Lightning surged through me again. I shivered from the cold early morning air coming in through the small window. This is horrible, absolutely horrible. Blue streaks filled the empty bathroom, as words filled my head, over and over again. A couple minutes later, I found myself lying down on the ground, shaking, half from the cold and half from the words, wrapped in a towel, guilty tears streaming down face, lightning emitting from me from time to time.


It was a couple days after the whole lightning incident, and like two minutes before Ursa would start ushering us all to bed. She treated me like I was her own, and I loved it. I had missed out on all the motherly love, but Ursa made up for all of it. I'm grateful for that. "Y/N, do you know where Zuko is?" Ursa asked, Noren behind her, chasing Kiyi to get her to go to bed. "No, I haven't seen him since dinner," I shrugged. "Well, could you go find him for me? You know he gets grumpy when he doesn't get enough sleep." I sent her a doubtful look. Ursa nodded, encouragingly. "No, I see what your up to-" "Just go!" Ursa said, ushering me out onto the deck.

She closed the door behind her before I could get back in. See, I'm not the only hardcore shipper, Sorla defended. I scoffed, "apparently." I sensed Zuko's energy on the upper deck, and climbed the ladder to it. "Hey, Ursa says it's...why are you crying?" I had found him, but he was holding something, tears in his eyes. He wiped them as fast as possible, hearing my voice, but I still saw them. "..are you okay?" "Yeah," Zuko nodded. I know that was a lie. His lips always lie. His eyes tell the truth, though. I walked over to him, sitting down, underneath the sparkling stars, watching over us. He hid the object behind his back. I guess he doesn't want me to see it. It's better if you don't see it right now. Okay, I trust you. As you should. A small pendant peeked out from behind his back but he immediately hid it again, before I could get a better look at it. Bruh, I said don't look! Okay, okay. How do you even know what it is?

Sorla scoffed, it's a spirit power. "W-why were you crying?" I asked. Zuko didn't say anything. "Zuko?" I tried. "My spring left me," he sighed. "What?" "My spring. When spring comes, it melts away the cold snow of winter. But now it's gone. And I'm left alone. Cold, and frozen. I deserve it. Why would something so happy and precious want to be with something so cold and dreaded?" Zuko said, voice shaking, tears welling in his golden eyes again, making them sparkle. I wiped it away, not knowing what he was talking about. But I still wanted to make him feel better, even though I don't understand the problem. "Hey, spring always comes again next year right? No matter what happens. And I mean, without winter, everything would be messed up," I smiled.

Zuko sniffed, a small smile on his face too. He's happy again. Good. I'm glad. I wiped away another tear. "I still don't understand the problem," I admitted after a couple minutes of comfortable silence. Zuko rested his head on my shoulder, using me as a pillow. "It's not that important. You always know what to say, either way." We ended up falling asleep there, Ursa walking outside at one point, placing a blanket over us, and gushing over how cute we were.

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