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I patted Appa's head, giving him all the cuddles he had missed. We were on a mountain, overlooking Aang and the others. They had run into some trouble with the Dai Le. "Go, buddy." I said, patting his head once again. He flew down there surprising the Gaang and kicking Long Feng's butt. I froze all the Dai Le agents in place and jumped off cushioning my fall with air. "Y/N!" Toph said, rushing towards me, while Aang hugged Appa. "We missed you!..also..can you feel Jet's energy anymore?" I paused, blinking dumbly at the question, finding its meaning. I closed my eyes focussing on his energy. "No..." I breathed out. Wheat guy didn't deserve it. He told me you were a great warrior and that you better take down the Dai Le for him. The voice of Sorla said. A small smile made it's way onto my face.

I will. "Yeah, Appa!" I looked over to where Appa was, surrounding by people who had missed him. "I missed you buddy." Aang's joyful tears fell, soaking into Appa's fur. I walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. His glinting eyes turned to me before he smothered me in a big embrace. "Thank you so much! Your the best." I smiled. Something tickled my nose and I sneezed, being thrown back into the crumbles of the rock wall. "Y/N! You okay? Are you sick?" I blinked, disoriented. "I-I'm fine. Let's go fix this broken government." I said, getting up. We can finally fly now. My legs are so happy.


Don't you just love breaking into a Palace with your family and telling a king that his city his horrible? Well, I do. We took down the entire friking Earth Kingdom by ourselves and we're all just a bunch of kids. I mean, i don't mean to be that person, but I think that says something about their defense force. Or we're just a bunch of powerful kids, I don't know. We burst through the Earth King's doors, all in position. We got captured by the Dai Le in front of him but Aang earth bent them off. I clapped my hands intertwining them together. "Okay, so, listen up! There's a war that's been going on for over 100-years and your 'trusted' Dai Le agents have been hiding it from you because they want control over everything and we're here to tell you about it so you can help ambush us on the day of Black Sun where the firebenders are going to lose their bending so we have an advantage and can end it." I rambled, frantically waving my hands around at the correct intervals. Toph sent me a pointed look. "Maybe you could've said it a little...better." I shrugged.

The Earth King was confusion. "A secret war?! That's crazy!" I pursed my lips. "Completely." Added Long Feng. "Oi! You pig! Keep your mouth shut!" I yelped, turning my piercing gaze towards him. Aang stepped forward from beside me," Long Feng didn't want us to tell you, so he stole our bison to blackmail us. And blackmail is the least of his crimes! He brainwashed our friend!" My heart warmed at the fact he said 'our' sky bison but, yeah he also brainwashed wheat guy and I also think he's dead. I blame Long Feng for that. Said pig turned his head towards the king. "All lies. I've never even seen a sky bison, Your Majesty. Frankly, I thought they were all extinct. And I have done no less crime then you're friend over here." He said, motioning towards me. "She has tried to attack me on many occasions."

I gritted my teeth. Katara stiffened beside me. "She has done no less crime than you!" She shrilled, her voice pitched. "All she did was try to intimidate you, she didn't even use her bending on you! You wouldn't have made it out alive if she had! But you...don't you compare yourself to her! You blackmail people, kill our friend, brainwash your citizens, and control your king!!" The Earth king was no less confused then before. Y'know maybe we should have started with something a little more..calm. "What is she talking about?" Asked the king, turning towards his 'trusted' adviser. "I have to trust my adviser, he has served me loyally for years." I took a deep breath. Aang grabbed my hand, sending it a small squeeze, hoping I would not do something we would later regret. "Wait! We can prove it! Long Feng said he's never seen a sky bison, right? Ask him to lift his robe." Sokka said. Uhhh.

How bout I leave first. "What! I'm not disrobing." Aang blew a gust of wind, lifting it up. A bite mark sat on his leg. "Right there! Appa bit him!" The pig shook it off as a birthmark. Aang's hand tightened over mine. We showed him Appa's teeth which were clearly the right size and pattern to make that mark but, I guess the king is just can't see clearly, glasses or not. "Hey! How bout the secret passage to Lake Loagai? They won't be able to cover that up so fast."


Me and Aang were flying on Appa while Sokka, Katara, and Toph took the Earth King on the train. Apparently he'd never been outside of the Palace. Why even have a life if you're gonna spend it inside four walls? Well, millions of walls. So, the Dai Le had covered it up. Which meant the king didn't believe us. How bout you show him the wall. Sorla suggested. Yeah, the wall! "Guys! The wall! They won't be able to cover that up in a million years!" So, this time, the king joined us on Appa. "First time flying?" Asked Toph. "It's both thrilling and terrifying!" He yelled back over the wind. While the others were clinging on for dear life, I sat upright, arms crossed. I was in the air. One of my elements. I could just bend the air to the side. Oh, the luxuries of bending.

The king finally believed us, after seeing the wall. "I can't believe it. Dai Le! Arrest Long Feng! I want him to stand trails for crime against the Earth Kingdom." We all erupted with cheers. "Yeah! The pig's finally gone! I would've killed you myself but, this is more...civil." Sokka grabbed onto my arm. "Looks like Long Feng is long gone!" He said, attempting to make a pun. "Oh, I've been waiting to use that one." Aang smiled at him while me, Toph, and Katara gave him unimpressed looks. I turned to the Earth king after he finished thanking us for helping him. "You can help us end the war. There's an eclipse where the firebenders will lose their bending. The moon'll be blocking the sun." The earth king paused for a moment. "But you will only be able to bend two elements. What exactly are you suggesting?"

"I'm suggesting that we invade the Fire Nation on that day. And don't worry about me. I don't need my firebending anyways. In fact, I wish I never had it." Katara grabbed my hand. I had told her about the fact that I didn't like using my fire bending. Not just because it was weaker then before but because I wanted to cut all ties with the Fire Nation. I didn't want anything to do with it. The Earth King agreed. Finally. We can leave Ba Sing Se now. Goodbye, horrible city. You might be missed. Too soon. Said Sorla. What? Look to your right. I turned to see General How approaching us. ""We searched Long Feng's office. I think we found something that may interest everybody."


That pig had been 'keeping secret files' on us. "Toph Beifong." The king stated, handing Toph the letter who immediately handed it to Katara. "It's from your mom. She's in the city and wants to see you." Aang also got something. "Y/N L/N." I grabbed my letter, opening it.

Dear Y/N,

I hope if you ever come to our house here in Ba Sing Se, you will find this letter. I am sorry I had to leave. I left you the South Pole, with my best friend Kya. She has a son your age, Sokka, and a water bender, Katara. I bet you will love them. She will take great care of you and will tell you everything once you turn 14. You and Katara can finish mastering your waterbending there. I'm hoping you will be happy and continue to live your life there. I cannot tell you where I am in case this letter is intercepted.

.....What? . A tear dripped on my shoulder. I turned around. Katara had been reading it with me. "She...knew my mom. I-I never asked about yours because I thought she was still in the Fire Nation. My mom was killed a couple days after she dropped you off. I'm sorry." I wrapped my arms around her. I still have a chance. She doesn't. I'm sorry Katara. If I wasn't passed out, I could've helped her. There would be more then one water bender in the Southern Tribe.

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