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We spent the day looking for clues to clear Kyoshi's...well Aang's name. Not all of us though, some of us were in jail. Cough, Aang, cough. Katara and Sokka went to Kyoshi island to look for clues while I babysat Aang to make sure he doesn't accidentally get himself killed. Seems like a very Aang thing to do. He was talking to some other prison mates about his crush on Katara. I had given him advice and told him to tell her but he's a scaredy-cat so he didn't. Doesn't matter. I got bored after a while and decided to meditate. Aang was at the front and sat before me. My fists joined together in front of my stomach and a warm breeze blew carrying my mind and thoughts away. I was about to ask Sorla something when-

"Psst...Y/N...are you still there?" The annoying voice of Aang said. I peeked open an eye to glare at him. "Yes, Aang. I am still here. And I'm trying to meditate," I snapped before closing my eyes again. This time Sorla did appear. And she was eating the same stolen apple I had just discarded. She smiled at me and gestured for me to turn my gaze forward taking another bite of her apple. Can spirits even eat? I turned my head to look at what she was pointing to. A small, pretty little girl sat in the same position as me. I gasped, my eyes landing on her tattoos. Sorla's smile widened. "That's Jinora. Much like you she has a strong spiritual connection. She's Aang future granddaughter. And an airbending Master."

"Wow...." I breathed. Jinora was rudely interrupted by a young girl who had the same uniform as her but not tattoos. "Are you done?" Jinora's brow furrowed in annoyance. Another boy came into view, who also started bothering her. I think they were siblings. "You're right, they are siblings. That's one's Meelo and that one's Eeki." Sorla explained, first pointing to the boy then the girl. I smiled. They were just like Aang. Childish, and playful. And annoying, but wise. Speaking of annoying, my vision suddenly ended when I felt a gust of wind poke my shoulder. Aang sat there looking at me with wide eyes. "I thought you were dead." He said. I facepalmed. "No, I was in the middle of a spirit talk and vision, you dummy. You are just like your grandchildren." I said mumbling the last part.

"MY WHAT?!" Aang exclaimed. I sighed and shook my head. It would be too much information for him. "Nothing." I lied.


So, I'll spare you the details but Katara and Sokka found some great clues which Aang executed horribly and Kyoshi appeared telling us that she did kill Chin the Great. Wow, thanks for nothing Kyoshi. We spent the whole day trying to prove you innocent and then you just show up and say 'ya I did kill him.Whatchya gonna do about it?' Oh and you almost got Aang fried in oil. You're still my favorite though. Aang got off the hook by saving them from some Fire Nation soldiers. I had shove my hood on real fast and a couple of them tried to take it off. I'm not easy to catch though. We fought them then went to sleep. Well, they did, I didn't. I decided to give meditation another chance. I sat back down in the same position and concentrated.

This time another girl showed up. She had beautiful black hair, tied up in a bun and a hairband up front, separating her bangs from the rest. She was blind. Who is she? I asked Sorla. "That is Aang's earthbending teacher and a great future companion for your adventures." Sorla said. My knee was poked with a stick. I groaned and opened my eyes to find a tired Sokka. "What do you want?" I said the annoyance in my voice brimming to the top. "Nothing, I just like bothering you." He said simply and walked off like he hadn't just ruined a hint from the future. Idiot. I decided it would be no use and went to help Katara with the food. Her waterbending has been improving so much. Back at the water tribe, she could barely stop the water rushing and now she create whole big waves and a bunch of other crazy stuff.

I wonder if she could try the water vortex. It's kinda advanced but since she's improved a lot. My attention turned to some rustling in the bush. A small rabbit jumped out of it, declaring himself guilty of moving the bush. The sun had set and the sky was a pretty pink dusted with pastel yellow and brushed ombré with light orange. The pretty sunset turned into a beautiful twilight in a matter of moments. The stars shone through the clouds. The moon was really pretty tonight. It was a full moon and it shone brighter then ever. I felt a surge of power go through my veins. My waterbending had always been more powerful at night. I felt like I had the power of the original waterbenders. A weight settled down next to me, on the rock I was already resting on. "That's Yue. My first girlfriend." Said the sad voice of Sokka, pointing at the moon. "I-I'm sorry, what?!" I choked out, turning my head to look at him.

"When the Fire Nation took you, we looked for you, for so long. Aang was also on the ship and he came back, saying that you'd be safe there, since the guards were specifically order to not hurt you and treat you like royalty by that angry freak." I smiled at the mention of Zuko. "So, we took Aang to the North Pole and I fell in love with the princess. She was blessed by the moon spirit and when Zhao captured it, she sacrificed her life since she owed it to the moon spirit." He said in the smallest voice possible. Something hit him and he looked up excited. "You have good spiritual connection right? Do you think you could send her a message for me?" He said excitedly. I processed the information for a bit before nodding happily. "Yeah, oh course."

I could sense the excitement emitting from him. "But you can't bother me, like last time." I pointed out before getting into my meditating position. "Yeah, okay, I won't! Tell her I miss her!" Said the enlightened voice of Sokka. I smiled before clearing my mind. Sorla appeared again. "I heard you have a message for your friend." I nodded. She pointed ahead of her and a pretty, bright moon appeared. A girl also appeared in front it. She had soft, beautiful white hair and bright, joyful blue eyes. She was so pretty and angelic. "I heard you have a message for me?" She said. Her voice was light and giddy but soothing at the same time. I nodded again, "Sokka says he misses you." Her mile-wide smile widened even more, if it were possible.

"I dearly miss Sokka, too. He was such a brave, and funny guy. Whoever he ends up with will be happiest girl in the world. Tell him that I also miss him and always watch over him at night. He's a great person." And with that she disappeared along with Sorla. I blinked open my eyes, shielding them from the brightness of the moon. Somehow, it had gotten even brighter. I looked at Sokka who was leaning back on his arms and tapping his foot on the ground, antsy and eager to hear Yue's response. "Yue says that your an amazing person, brave, and funny, and just perfect. She says she watches over you at night and misses you a lot too." I said, quoting Yue. Sokka's nervous smile turned to excited. It was overflowing with happiness.

He smothered me in a big hug, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Mmmwah!" He said placing a big kiss on my cheek. He pulled away and started talking to the moon. I made a face of disgust before wiping my cheek with my hand. At this point, Sokka was having a full on gossip session with the moon. I would've said it was weird if it weren't so adorable. I smiled to myself before getting up and deciding to go to bed.

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