"There is no war in Ba Sing Se"

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I brushed on some eyeshadow, some of it flittering down to my cheeks. Ugh, really. For most of life, I had servants and other people doing my makeup. I wiped it off my cheek, grumbling under my breath. "I need help." I huffed, setting down my brush, having spilt some more on my face. "Here...let me help you." Katara giggled, walking over to me. She was already ready, wearing a light green kimono and flowered headdress. Her makeup was on point, which was weird since there wasn't a lot of makeup in the water tribes. I guess some people are just born for a makeup brush. I adjusted my forest-green kimono pulling the waist sash. Katara had tied it way to tightly. "Quit messing it up!" Katara complained, going to tighten it once again. "Hrrrk....Katara, I can't breathe."

Toph snickered from the corner, "I know how you feel. Try tying an extra sash in between." She suggested, plopping herself down on the cushions. "Are you trying to murder me?" Toph leaned back against the windowsill. "Trust me, it'll help."
"Alright, whatever you say." It did work. Huh. Katara finished up my makeup asI tied my hair into a half-up half-down bun. Katara placed a flower headdress on my head which I picked up instantly and chucked across the room. "For someone who's grown up in the Palace, wearing dresses and a crown all the time, this should be pretty easy." Katara grumbled, placing it back on my head. "Ughhh...it feels weird. Plus, in the Fire Nation Palace we don't wear heavy crowns. We wear small hair-pins that are much easier to keep on your head and easier to fight with if there's a situation or something", I said, titling my head, sending the headdress to the ground.

A small flower-pin caught my eye. "Hey..Ima wear this one." I placed it in my hair, setting it inside the bun. "There. It's comfy-lightweight, and I can fight with it." Katara face-palmed. "You really can't handle any sort of discomfort can you?" I grinned, unashamed. "Nope." Katara sighed, shaking her head. "It works.. let's go."


The Palace was huge. And really pretty. It was nothing like the Fire Nation Palace. The Fire Nation Palace was much more restrictive and....red. This Palace was light and filled with bright, flowery decorations. Gaint, colorful, lamps hovered in the air above us. Guests, wearing assortments of green beige, filled the main hall. Our stupid 'escort' wouldn't leave us alone either. His name was Long Feng or something but he wouldn't leave us alone. I wandered around the hall, looking for the back door, since Long Feng was with Katara and Toph. I bumped into a waiter, almost knocking him down. He was awfully short. "I am so sorry. Wait, hold up, how'd you Sokka get in here?" I questioned, sensing the spirit of Raava. "Well, we dressed up as waiters." He motioned to his robes.

Not what I meant but whatever. Toph and Katara arrived, also managing to bump into Aang. "What are you doing here? You have to leave immediately or we will be in terrible trouble!" Said the anxious voice of Jo Dee. I turned around and grabbed onto Aang's arm. I do not like this woman. Her energy is the definition of creepy. "Not until we see the king!" Sokka said, lifting his tray. "You don't understand, you must go!" She urged, eyes wide as plates. I left go of Aang's arm and leaned an arm on his shoulder. "Why you so antsy? Chill out." I eyed her. Jo Dee shoved Sokka onto Aang and me, causing Aang to spill water from the pitcher he was carrying onto a guest. "Aang really?" I grumbled, elbowing him in his side. "Sorry..?" I huffed as the lady screamed from the sudden change in her environment.

"Sorry. No, don't shout!" Aang comforted, airbending it off of her. "The Avatar! I didn't know the Avatar would be here. And the Protecter! She is here too?!" Yes, lady. I am also here. Right in front of you. All the guests turned their attention to me and Aang. I don't like this. I patted Aang on the shoulder. "You take this one. I'm not dealing with this." Aang nodded, and I headed over where Katara was. A group of little girls followed me. "Watch this everybody!" Bragged Aang, showing off his skills. Such a big show off. I bet I can one up him. I smirked at the challenge I had just made up for myself. My gaze turned to the little girls surrounding me. I was apparently a really big role model for these kids. Which was weird. They thought I was some sort of brave, fearless, Warrior, who could kick any guys butt and proved that girls are just as good as guys. Which, I mean, i totally am.

I bent some air, rustling the bright lights that danced in the sky. They floated in tandem with my air, swirling around, creating beautiful shapes and patterns. People 'ooh'd and 'ahh'd. I grinned at Aang who raised an eyebrow at my unspoken challenge. He bent water out of some of the extra pitchers and created small drawings with them. The audience turned their attention to him. Oh. So that's how you wanna play? I stepped into the middle of the hall, making a wide circle of colorful water around me. I swirled it around, creating a bright dome over myself. The audience's attention turned back to me. I loved this little sibling-fight me and Aang were having, and winning. It was kinda hard to lose since we're both excelled benders. The kings palanquin stole my concentration.

Me and Aang rushed towards him propelling ourselves with airbending. "Greetings your majesty." Aang said, arriving at the end of the table. Long Feng, stepped through the line of Dai Le agents. "Young Avatar and Protecter, it is a great honor to meet you two. I am Long Fend. Secretary of Ba Sing Se and Head of Dai Le. I would like to talk to you two. Your friends will be waiting in the library."


So, my hands were now tied up to two poles, unable to bend since I tried to attack Long Feng. I mean I could still do my fire breath and bend all three of the elements with my feet but I decided to keep that information to myself. This 'Long Feng' idiot was telling us how they don't mention the war in Ba Sing Se because they had to 'maintain its cultural heritage'. Stupid stuff. The king didn't even know that there was freaking 100-year war going on right now. "So the king is just a figure head?" Asked Katara. "He's your puppet!" Toph exclaimed, clearly angry. Maybe she could finish my job and bend a rock at this guy or something.

"Oh, no, no. His majesty is an icon, a god to his people. He can't sully his hand with the hourly changes of endless war." Long Feng unreasonably argued. "Yeah, but you see, we've been trying to tell that there's a solar eclipse, which will the firebenders with no power." I snapped, moving in my chains, causing the Dai Le agents to get into fighting position. "Enough! I don't want to hear about your ridiculous plan! It is strict policy of Ba Sing Se that the war not be mentioned within these walls. Constant news of an escalating war will throw the citizens into a state of panic." I grumbled, kicking some fire at him. "I know what'll throw you into a state of panic, you insolent, bratty, bastard!" The Dai Le's earth gloves grabbed my feet.

Okay, so, now I can't bend. "Let Y/N go." Aang's calm voice said. "She has tried to hurt me in many occasions. You may want to calm her down." Long Feng said, stepping forward. "...tying me up is not going to calm me! It's going to make me blast fire in you're stupid rich nose if you don't let me go!" Aang was starting to grow more agitated now. He earth bent the gloves off my hands and feet. I clenched my fists. "Finally...now I can deal with you." I started towards him, grabbing his collar. His pupils dilated in fear and panic. The Dai Le agents headed towards me. I sent them a hard glare and they immediately flattered in their tracks. My attention turned back to Long Feng. "Now, let's go tell the Earth king about this war."

"We can't! It is a strict policy of Ba Sing Se! I understand the Avatar has been looking for his bison. It's be a shame if his mission failed. I dropped him on the ground and he landed with a sickening thump and "ouch". I know how much Appa means to Aang. Im the Protector. My first priority is to take care of Aang. "Thank you, Y/N." Aang said, turning to me. This time a different Jo Dee entered the room. This place is weird. Aang leaned his head on my shoulder as we headed back. "Thanks for understanding. Your like the big sister I never had."

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