Sokka being a douchebag

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Me and Katara had been feeding Appa those berries and going to help the villagers every day, disguised. But stupid Sokka was like, "If they really wanted to help, they'd get rid of the factory." So, yeah, we're gonna do that. Katara was pretty stubborn about helping these people. The sun was setting, turning into a deep blue again.

"Hi!" Said a voice behind me. I jumped, startled. "Hey." I smiled to the boy. He was about my age, four, and had black hair, in a ponytail. "Who are you?" I wondered, titling my head. "I'm Zuko. The Fire Prince." He stated, kneeling down beside me. I was playing with my toy turtleducks. "Wow. You get toys to play with?" Asked Zuko. I stared at him in disbelief. "You don't?" Zuko shook his head. "No. In the Palace we have to train and learn all day." Oh. That's sad. "You can play with mine if you want." I said, picking up one of my wooden turtleducks and handing it to him. "Really?" I nodded. "Yeah. You can take some home too. Come'n, I wanna show you my collection!" I exclaimed, grabbing Zuko's tiny hand and dragging him away.

"Y/N. You awake?" Whispered a voice. I rubbed my eye, blinking blearily. "Yes. I've been awake for hours." Katara smiled, "Good. Let's go." I groaned, putting on my dark blue robe, and silver face paint. Katara took the right, while I took the left. I stopped at edge of the factory's island, waiting on Katara. Aang was talking to her trying to figure out who she was. Oh no. I projected my spirit, behind the rock. Aang figured out who she was. So much for the disguises. "So Y/N's the River Spirit?" Katara nodded. I came out from behind the rock. "Wow. Way to go, Katara." I grumbled. Aang and Katara jumped, startled by me. "Stop doing that!" Aang shrieked like the child he is. Well, he is only twelve so he's technically still a child. Wow. I mean, I'm only fourteen so I'm just a teenager.

"Doing what?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Scaring me like that." Aang whined. "No." I replied simply, going back to my body. Aang and Katara arrived after awhile and we took down the factory. It was kinda easy since all we had to do was build up the water pressure to burst the pipes. "Nice. Can we go to sleep now?" Katara pointed to the sky, the sun was rising. I groaned. "Really?!" Katara nodded. "Yes, really." I groaned again. "I'm done with this." So, apparently, Sokka and Toph had found out about the berries and what not. We have gone very far to help these villagers. We had to just sit there being scolded by Sokka like little children. "Fire Nation soldiers are heading towards the village." Aang pointed out, pausing Sokka mid-scold. Sokka turned to me and Katara. "What did you guys do?!"

"Destroyed their factory." I said, not affected by his scolds. "You what!?" He shrieked. "It was her idea." I said blandly, pointing an accusing finger at Katara. "I don't care who's idea it was! It was wrong!" Sokka said, still mad. "Sorry dad." I mumbled. "Well, what are we supposed to do?" Katara asked, more concerned about the villagers. "Leave, do nothing!" What? No way! "Haha. No. I'm helping." Katara was outraged. "No! I will never turn my back on people who need me! I'm going down to the village and doing whatever I can!" Wow. Inspiring. "Yeah. I'm going with her." I said, getting up and following Katara.


We managed to scare away the Fire a nation soldiers but the villagers found out who we were and really hated us for it. But Sokka yelled at them and they shut up. I turned around, going to leave when a spirit popped up in front of me. She was wearing the same robe but it was silvery-white. Pretty. Thanks. That was really nice of you. Sorry if the villagers were being brats. I cracked a small smile. "Thanks." The spirit nodded, fading away.


Sokka was being a crybaby and whining about how he has no bending skills. We had saved a town from getting cooked last night and were eating at a restaurant there. "These people have no idea about how close they were to getting toasted last night." Aang said, stuffing his face with his food. "Yeah. The worst thing about being in disguise is that we don't get the hero worship anymore." Toph scoffed, picking at her sea slug. Sokka looked up from where he sitting, legs dangling over the side, and being a baby. "Boo hoo. Poor heroes." He muttered sarcastically. "What's your problem? You haven't even touched your sea slug." Katara asked. "It's just, all you guys get to do all this amazing bending stuff, like putting out forest fires, and flying around, or even the weird thing Y/N and Aang do when they're bored with the little rocks flying around. I can't do anything."

I turned to Aang who was doing the exact thing as Sokka had just described. He's right. We do do that when we're bored. "Well, you can, though. You can read maps. I don't even know if I'm holding them the right way." I tried. "Yeah! I can't read at all!" Toph joined in pointing to her eyes. "Yeah, and who keeps us laughing from all the sarcastic comments all the time? I mean, look at Katara's hair, right? I mean, what's up with that?" Aang laughed. Oh honey. You really need to work on your flirting skills. "What! What's wrong with my hair?" Katara asked, clutching her hair. "Nothing..I was just trying to.."

"Look, I appreciate the effort but I'm just the only guy in the Gaang who's...normal." I picked up my drink and sat down beside him. "Y'know that no one else here see you that way right? We might be born with the gift to bend, but you're born with the gift of smartness, and funniness, and creativeness, and whatnot! Just because your a non bender doesn't mean your worthless. I mean I was born a non bender, but that doesn't mean that I would've be completely useless. Well actually I might've but that's not the point. Your great, Sokka. Whether you realize it or not." I said, taking a sip of my drink. Sokka turned to me, still upset, but a little less. "Thanks. I never realized how good you were at motivational speeches." I punched his arm. "Owww." He groaned, rubbing it. "You never heard that." I mumbled, returning to my seat, and bringing Sokka with me.

We ended up going to a weapon shop since Aang wanted a wind sword or something. I picked up a special looking knife. It was the exact same as Zuko's. It even had the small engravings on it. How'd it get here? There's only one in the world like this one. I picked it up, and went to the counter to buy it. I could save it as a memory or something, I don't know. I wasn't really in control of my body when I bought it. Kinda, subconscious, or something. It was impulsive, but important to me. The cashier handed it back and only when my hand brushed his did remember who he was. That guy who asked me out when I was twelve. I pulled my fan closer to my face, hoping he wouldn't recognize me.

I stuck the dagger, closed and unable to do any harm, into my shoe, and covered the part of it peeking out by the cuff of my pants. There. It's hidden. It'll come in handy. I joined the others where they were talking. "That's it! That's what you needed all along!" Aang exclaimed. "A sword?" Sokka questioned. "Not a sword. A master! We've all had masters who've helped us!" Katara nodded, "Yeah! I wouldn't be where I am today without master Pakku." Toph joined in, "Yeah. I learned from the badger moles. They can't talk but they're still good teachers." I turned to Sokka, "Yeah, same here. I've had multiple masters though. One of them was even the Fire Lord, Ozai." Everyone flinched at the mention of the Fire Lords name. "Do you know any sword masters here?" Aang asked, steeping towards me.

"Yeah. Master Piandao. He taught me and Zuko swordsmanship. He's great." I offered. So, cool, we went there. He was a little hesitant at first but accepted Sokka anyways.

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