Broken Promises

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Sadness hit me like a raging tigerdillo. The betrayal hurt. The broken pieces of the promise mocked me, laughing in my face. The person who I trusted the most had just spat on my loyalty. Angry, confused tears welled in my eyes. Anger rushed through my sadness and pain, taking control over me. Another blast of fire was sent towards Aang. My eyes widened, everything in their range glowing a faint white. I wasn't in control of my body anymore. I had triggered the Protecter State. Y/N, you can't go into the Protecter State while you're so emotional. Even I don't have control over your body now. I don't know how to stop it. Sorla exhaled, that's not good.

Zuko sent Fire whips at Aang, avoiding me as much as possible. I did not make it easy. I mean, I couldn't do anything about it because, I wasn't in control so...I don't know what to do. Sorla, help! I can't! I don't what to do either! How bout any of the other spirits? Can they help? Like I said, every spirit is different. They may have their own ways. Ugh.. I didn't really focus on what was happening since, I was more focused on trying to calm myself down. Since Aang and Katara, both, were in trouble, the Protector State was twice as powerful. It was using up a lot of my energy and I would need energy to get out of here. Stop, please. It didn't stop. Everything was a mess of air, water, ice, fire, and occasionally lightning. This was not good.

Aang had taken time to sit in some crystals and focus and now he was also in the Avatar State. Dang it. That's more of my energy used. A bright flash of blue passed my gaze straight to Aang. He let out a big yelp of pain, the lightning having hit him. The exact same spot where Aang had gotten hit in his back also hurt on my body. That's weird. Protection is a good thing, Y/N. If the spirit of good gets hurt, so does the spirit of protection. So I now have the same wound as Aang? Yes, you idiot. Oh. I felt control sinking back into me and I experimented by moving my fingers. I'm back in control. And I'm tired. I slumped in the air, rushing towards the ground. My hair blew upwards, robes swirling in the air. My stomach felt like it had been left behind. The earth pulled me towards itself, faster and faster. I couldn't bend. I couldn't move. The Protecter State had used a lot of my energy.

The pain I felt was immeasurable. My body was sore, every muscle aching. I fell into outstretched arms, blinking disorientedly, trying not to pass out. I winced, clutching onto shirt of the person holding me. This sucks. I had no energy left. I could barely stay awake, let alone fight. I should be out there shielding Aang. I felt helpless and I hated myself for it. My tears soaked into the person's clothes. I couldn't find out who they were. I didn't know who anyone was. I couldn't focus on anyone's energy. Sorla, what's going on?......Sorla? Sorla, where are you!? I need help! There was no reply. I lost my connection to Sorla. I couldn't sense anyone's energy or anything's energy. Every flash was too bright, every sound to loud. I tried my best to stay awake, but it didn't work. My eyes closed and I passed out.

Zuko's POV

I watched helplessly as Y/N fell from the sky. "Azula! What did you do?!" I yelled, turning my head towards my sister. "Don't look at me! I hit the Avatar, not her. I know that father needs her back!" I rushed towards her, catching her in my arms. She was awake but not for long. "Y/N? Y/N, talk to me." I didn't get a reply. Her tears soaked into my robe, eyes shut tightly. I felt misty water on my shoulder and turned around. Katara was rushing towards us on a big wave of water. I have to get Y/N out of here. Now. I took a couple steps back, getting behind some crystals, out of reach from Katara. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Toph was standing there, a furious look on her face. "Give me my friend back!" She ordered, bending a rock at me. I dodged, swerving to the side. While I was distracted, Y/N was snatched from my arms. Sokka stood there, with the Earth king and his bear. "Hey! Give her back! She's Fire Nation!" I yelled, reaching for her.

Sokka took a step to the side, out of my reach. "Y'know, that was one of the first things I said to Y/N. And for your information, she is not Fire Nation." Sokka bitterly replied, pulling her further away from me. Azula grabbed her from behind, pulling her away from Sokka. What is this? Human hot potato? Toph bended a rock underneath Azula's foot, causing her to drop Y/N back into Sokka's arms. I kicked his shin, taking Y/N back away from him. Yes, this is human hot potato. "You guys get out of here! They won't hurt Y/N. I'll hold them off." Uncle said, turning his hard glare towards me and Azula. I just betrayed him. I just betrayed Y/N. "You did the right thing, Zuko. Father will be proud of you. He'll welcome you as his son, a war hero. Now, if we figure out how to control Y/N's Protector State, we can destroy the Earth Kingdom on the day of Sozins comet." She said, smiling sadisticly, picking up on my upset mood.

I sighed looking at Y/N's sleeping face, against my chest. "Yeah." Something flickered in Azula's eyes and she looked away. I don't how Y/N'll feel about this. I hope she doesn't hate me.

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