Ba Sing Se: City of Secrets

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Jo Dee is C R E E P Y. Her wide eyes and too big smile had me clutching Katara's arm whenever she was with us. She could tell I was creeped out by her. Her energy was really different. Eerie. Like it wasn't hers. Well, at least, not fully. It seemed.....controlled. If that makes sense. The Dai Le was also kinda creepy. My gaze would always turn away from theirs and I would have to remind myself that I'm the Protector. I show no fear. Well...except when I'm in Ba Sing Se. "Here we are, your new home."

I lifted my head from Aang's shoulder and looked up. We had arrived to the Inner Ring. Finally. Our place was nice. It was really big and clean as well. We were also gonna have to spend a month here since that's when we had our audience with the Earth King. Stupid city. Stupid rules. Stupid people. Stupid laws. "Y'know what? We should just sneak into the Palace and tell him. They can't stop us." I grumbled, shoving off my boot. "We can't do something that bold Y/N. If we get in trouble, we'll have to leave and we can't find Appa." Aang comforted. I groaned into my hands. "Well we can't just sit around like idiots! We have to do something!"

"If you're so antsy to do something then go get us some tea or something, I don't know?" Toph said, shrugging. My expression immediately brightened and I jumped up heading outside. The roads seemed complicated but, I'll find my way. I won't get lost.I don't do that.


I got lost. Also, I somehow ended up in the Outer Ring. At a weird tea shop that I didn't know. I sat down at a little table, anxiously tapping my foot. The waiter came up to me and set down a to-go set of tea. "Do you have a name? Or can I just cal, you mine?" My anxiety immediately turned anger as I glared at the person who had the nerve to use a pick-up line on me. "You little"- I grabbed his collar, pulling him towards me with a big scowl on my face. The person placed a kiss on my lips, arm around my waist. Then it hit me. It's Zuko. He pulled away after a bit, a triumphant grin on his face. "Zuko, how"- He placed a finger on my lips. "It's Lee, now." Oh. Oh. He was undercover. I see. Nice. "Uncle's here."

We headed towards the back storage room, fingers intertwined. Iroh was more then happy to see me. "Y/N! It is so nice to see you! It's been so long! And now I have someone else who can actually make good tea." Iroh said, signaling to Zuko. I hid a snort with my hand while Zuko complained to his uncle. I decided to help out since I had nothing better to do. Surprisingly, he didn't bring up Aang once. He was going back to his normal, dorky, hot-head, acting like he's emo Zuko. The one I loved. Every time he caught my gaze over a table, he would send me a wink sending me into a state of blushing and adding flutters in stomach and placing a kiss on fingers every time he came in the back when I was making tea. I had to get back soon though. The Gaang was waiting for me. If Zuko's in Ba Sing Se then, we'll meet again.


I was heading back to the house, having to go through all three rings. Do you ever just take a moment to stop and wonder how you got yourself into a situation? Well, yeah, this was that kinda moment. I had no idea where I was going and it was hard to focus on anyone's energy since the city was so crowded. There was the same cabbage guy that we saw at Omashu and the fairy ride falls, crying over his cabbages. I stan. I had just left the tea shop and was still on that street when I bumped into a figure in the night. I fell backwards on my butt, landing on the ground. Why are you so clumsy? The voice of Sorla said, ringing in my head. I guess she had been getting bored or something because she had been talking to me a lot more nowadays.

Honey, I'm always bored. Unlike everyone else, I can't visit the spirit world. I have to stay with you. But your life if much more interesting sooo, no need to feel bad. I wasn't gonna feel bad anyways, Sorla. Sorla scoffed as I returned my attention to person I had stumbled into. A guy stepped out of the shadows, with shaggy, dark hair and some wheat in his mouth. He had a red robe with a shoulder armor and a band. "..'ey. Sorry 'bout that, hun." He lowered a hand which I grabbed. He pulled me up, instantly wrapping an arm around my waist. I pushed away from him, stepping back. Why does everyone like you? You're not even that good looking. Ouch. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Sorla. Your welcome.

"Where you from?" He asked, with a tilt of his head. Oh god. Oh no. I don't really know where I'm from since, I left the Fire Nation. Uhhh. Shit. Sorla, help please. I don't know. Do some things on your own, quit bothering me. Gee, your very helpful. Thank you. "Uhh...I-I'm from the...Northern Water Tribe." He lifted an eyebrow, quiering my response. "Well...nice to meet you. We could go out somewhere some time if you want." No. No, thank you. I'm good. I have a boyfriend. Leave me alone. Please go away. "U-Uh you see.. I have a"- "She has a boyfriend." A dark voice behind me grumbled.

I turned around. Zuko. Thank the great spirit of Raava. Raava says your welcome. Sorla SHUT UP. No. I sighed, ignoring her voice. Zuko slithered his fingers into mine, much rougher then what would be considered normal. Ooohhh...he getting a little jelly. Sorla....shut it. Okay, okay, whatever. "Oh..hey Lee. Why wasn't she on the fairy ride with you?" Zuko's golden eyes were so dark, they almost looked brown. And no, it's not because it was the evening. "That's none of your business." He was still grumbling. I didn't really like this side of him but it amused me.

He pulled me closer to his side, tugging on my hand. I stumbled closer to him. He was growing warmer by the second. Zuko would sometimes lose control of powers when he got mad. It caused a lot of punishments from Ozai and cleaning up when he was younger. "Alright. No need to be so mad. 'Was just asking." He said, walking away. His brows were furrowed in suspicion. "He saw uncle heat his tea. I think he has a doubt." Zuko whispered into my ears. "Oh... tell Iroh that doing that was stupid." Zuko chuckled, losing his tension. He leaned his head on my shoulder, placing his palms on my hips. "If some other idiot asks you out then it's gonna be clear I'm a firebender."


So apparently, no one in Ba Sing Se knows about the war. They were kept in the dark. Not. Fair. The Dai Le didn't want people to freak out and stuff so....yeah. That's still not fair though.
They're citizens of the world, they should know what's going on. We were back in the house, my feet resting in Sokka's lap while we talked about how to see the Earth King earlier. "I got it! I know how we can see the Earth King!" Katara said, suddenly popping up, making me jump and kick Sokka's fingers, that were drawing on my ankle. I would let him practice his 'drawing skills' on my ankle with blueberry juice since it would come off easily. "How are we supposed to do that? One doesn't just pop in on the Earth king!" Toph said, mimicking Jo Dee. "The king is having a party tonight for his pet bear." Bear?

"Just...a bear? I think it's a plytupus bear." I said, titling my head, my ankle turning and messing up Sokka's drawing of a.....rock? Stupid idiot, you messed up Sokka's drawing. The flower was so pretty. Wait, hold up, it was a flower? Yeah...what else did you think it was? A rock. I thought it was a rock. Sorla scoffed. I turned my heel back around and Sokka resumed his drawing. "No, just a bear."
"Is it an armadillo bear?" Aang added, also confused.
"Or a gopher bear?" Toph said, joining in.
"No, just a bear..." Katara put down the flyer, as confused as me.
"This place........ is weird."
"Tell me about it."
"The Palace will be packed! We can sneak in easily!" Katara said, jumping up again, causing me to kick Sokka's fingers again.
"Can't you stay still!?" Sokka yelled, he grabbed my ankle with a tight grip and didn't loosen it, even when my ankle was back in position. "Heh...sorry." Sokka glared at me for a while before pausing to tie his hair back up. His hair looked better when it was out but you know what? Whatever. So..I guess we're gonna sneak into the palace to tell the Earth King about the eclipse. Alright.

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