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I couldn't see anything, I couldn't feel anything. All I knew was that my body was moving and from what I collected from my limited senses was that I was bending all three elements, better than I did ever. Damn, I wish I discovered this earlier. It would've made my lessons a lot easier. The hair on the back of neck stood up and a blue flash crossed my dark vision. Lightning. I just used lightning perfectly. I was really bad at lightning so I don't know how I did that. I felt arms wrap around me and I was in control again. The hell was that? Did I just get possessed? I didn't have any energy left, it was all drained from my body. I slumped against the person holding me and instantly fell asleep.


I woke in a Fire Navy ship's bedroom. It was all so familiar, yet so different. I'm not a part of the Fire Nation anymore. I'm not a part of any nation actually. Oh, and I'm homeless. And I basically got kidnapped. And what happened at the Water Tribe? I'm gonna need someone to explain that to me. I got up and walked out of the room. A guard passed and said," Miss Y/N, you are supposed to be resting. Let me take you back." I shook my head. "I'm fine. Why am I here anyways?" He gestured outside to the deck where Zuko and Iroh were. I walked outside and repeated the same question to him. Iroh sat in the corner drinking his hot leaf juice like always.

"I'm taking you back to the Fire Nation. Father will be happy to see you, again. I cannot go back though. I can only come back once I restore my honor by capturing the Avatar." Explain Zuko once I asked. Woah. Ok. "I AM NOT GOING BACK! SCREW THE FIRE NATION! I DON'T WANT TO BELONG TO SUCH A HORRIBLE PLACE! THE AVATAR IS THE LAST HOPE FOR THE WORLD AND YOU WANT TO CAPTURE HIM?" I yelled, my voice shrilling. Iroh smiled over his tea cup, not even flinching from all the yelling. The design seemed so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on them. Then it hit me. Iroh and I always had lengthy gossip sessions in the garden over those same tea cups. "Y/N you're a princess of the Fire Nation. You're our only chance of defeating the Avatar, since you can bend three elements! We need you!" Anger clouded my head and I couldn't think straight anymore. "YOU DO NOT NEED ME! AND EVEN IF YOU DO, YOU AREN'T GOING TO HAVE ME!"

Zuko placed a hand on my shoulder but I shoved it off. "Y/N, please, listen to me."
"We need"-
"No you don't"
"Y/N you have t"-
"No I don't"
"Please listen to me"
"No!........anyways ima head out."

I jumped over the side of the Navy ship. I heard my name being called several times, but I don't care anymore. I glided across the water and wherever my feet went the water around them turned to ice. I couldn't see Zuko's face but could sense that he was upset. He thought I was dead for two whole years and now that I'm back I still can't spend time with him. I missed him. A lot. I wanted to go back onto that ship and hug him and talk to him. But right now I have more important things to worry about. Like finding the Avatar.


One thing. One thing I want to say is that this is not the proudest moment of my life. I don't know how many days it's been. Probably months. I've been trying to find the Avatar and help the villages taken over by some petty Fire Nation soldiers. A lot of people have been nice to me and let bunk in their houses and given me really good food. There were a lot of kids who I had the time of my life with. Some of their conditions were also pretty bad. It made me really angry at the Fire Nation. Theses innocent people have to suffer thanks to the Fire Nation's hunger for power and control. The sun was setting so I decided to stop at a nearby village to get some rest. I walked through the streets, looking from side to side. I had gotten a lot of scraps and bruises and cuts from some nasty robbers and thugs. But they had taught me to fight and my bending had been improving day by day. It was a shame I couldn't earthbend. I could've made a tent and fire and survived on my own instead of bothering people.

Every part of my body ached. I had this huge cut on my arm, which was almost healed, and one on my neck from a knife one of the bandits had thrown. I would spend some time at rivers, healing myself, having practiced the skill over and over again with captives from the water tribes at the Palace. I looked down at the sword in my hand. A really kind man had gave it to me because I saved him and his family from a bunch of Fire Nation soldiers. They definitely recognized me. Y'know cause of the bending three elements mumbo jumbo. The sword had a pretty silver hilt with a ruby in the center of it. I wasn't looking where I was going so I bumped into a dark figure in the night.

"Y/N?" I glanced up at the figure. A bit of gold shined in the dark. I could never mistake that voice. "Azula?" Azula grabbed my hand and took inside and abandoned house. I used my fire bending to turn on the lights. Azula was still in her Fire Princess clothes. She smirked at me,"I see you still haven't lost your bending. Father asked me to find you and the Avatar. He'll be glad to see you." Ok, so, how do I tell this lady that I'm not coming back without getting burned?

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