Bumi, Swamps, Berries....zuko visions

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So I'm gonna spare you the details but, we got out the city safely thanks to those little sewer cuties, we kidnapped Mai's brother by accident, and we got a letter from the General to trade his son for the King. Good, let's go do that. We were sitting around a fire and had just read the letter. Some people were sitting around the fire with us, their faces glowing a nice gold. Some were sleeping and some were scouting the area. "Y/N I hope you don't mind me asking but, what exactly happened to you at the Water Tribe?" Katara asked cautiously. I told them what the spirit had told me in the cave. "So your like the Avatar but like, the Protecter of the Avatar." Sokka said stating the obvious.

"Well....yeah I guess." Aang hummed in thought. "So like I have an Avatar state and you have a Protecter State." I shrugged, "I mean, that's what the Sorla lady said." Sokka jumped up from his seat startling us all. "So we can call you the Proctecter like we call Aang the Avatar." Katara looked at me with expecting eyes. Aang's grey orbs met mine and he nodded happily. "Uh..sure whatever."


Again, I'll spare you the details, we went to trade, but it turned out to be a trick and we fought Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula, who were trying to kill us, Aang ended up finding and saving King Bumi and almost being shot with lightning and turns out Bumi could earthbend the whole time, which was.....disappointing. I swear, it took everything from me to not end that guy. We went through so much to save this dude and he didn't even want or need to be saved. I wanted to scream. So I did. Internally.

It was nighttime and I left the others behind to go give Tom Tom back. The general and his wife were kinda upset. I mean, I would be too if some weirdos kidnapped my child. But, then again, we didn't kidnap him so. They were good people, but they were helping the wrong people. I set down Tom Tom and used my airbending to lift me back up to the roof. "Tom Tom!" The general's wife exclaimed as she ran to hug him. I smiled to myself and turned to look at the moon.

"Where you taking me Zuko?" I giggled. Zuko was leading me through the halls of the Palace. "You'll see." We entered the garden. Bushes lined the porch and a tree and a pond with turtleducks sat in the middle of it. It was nighttime so the pond reflected the moon. It was so pretty. The lotuses in water had pretty warm candles on them. The small flames on the lotuses were also reflected in the pond. "Wow..." I breathed. Zuko smiled against my cheek. I hadn't noticed him scoot closer to me. I leant back into him and we sat there for god knows how long.


Two weeks. We had been walking around looking for another earth ending teacher for two weeks! We were all tired and dirty and hungry. We stopped at a swamp along the way where everyone was complaining about visions they were having. For some reason, I saw Zuko as the Fire Lord and a really pretty little girl who had Zuko's golden eyes and lips and my nose and hair. I had no idea what that was about but it bothered me a lot. I even saw the saw the little girl kneeling in front of me while I did her hair, also kneeling on the ground. Izumi. I decided off of her face. She looked like an Izumi. Anyways we fought a swampbender and he told me that the swamp had never sensed such strong spirit energy emitting from someone before. Anyways we left after that.

We stopped by a nice place to get food. The merchant was chatting with Katara while I fed some berries to Momo and Appa. The boys were standing off to side talking about...boy stuff I guess. Katara, Aang, and Sokka walked up to me where I was popping a bucket of berries in Appa's mouth. "There's a nice place here beside Kyoshi Island. We'll head there tomorrow." Sokka decided. "Cool." He was always the plans and maps guy, even though they were horrible.

We settled down for the night, since it was dinner time. The Sky was pink, brushed with a little bit of pastel yellow. Katara was stirring around some water in a pot, Sokka and I were setting up the tents, and Aang was settling Appa down. Katara looked up, "Y/N, could you get some more berries. Some idiot decided it would be a good idea to get just a handful for all four of us."
I giggled as Sokka made a sound of annoyance at the back of his throat. "Sure, how far are they?" Katara pointed me in the direction but I had zoned out. "Good?" I glanced up, startled, "Huh? Oh, yeah." I stammered as I walked off.

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