Welcome To Ba Sing Se

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The serpants pass was not fun. Sokka and Suki made out though. I'm happy for them. And we got to fight this giant serpant thing which was fun. I imagined the serpant was the lady from the ticket place and it was taken down in like two minutes. I had made a huge tsunami that I didn't even know I had the ability of creating and my mini-water-tornadoes also came in handy. Nice. We had reached the end of the mountains. The tall, proud wall of Ba Sing Se layed beyond the fields. Finally. I took in a breath, enjoying the moment. A loud scream ruined it. I flinched turning around. "What?" I snapped. "The baby's coming!" I face-palmed. This next generation really doesn't know what timing is do they? "....always the most inconvenient time"- I grumbled under my breath. Katara knew how to handle it. Good cause I wasn't gonna be any help. I would probably faint.

"Aang get some rags, Sokka, water, Toph I'm gonna need an earth tent. A big one. Y/N, s-......j-just stay there." She said taking a look at my face. I closed my ears drowning out the loud screams. Sokka was tracing patterns on my ankle in an effort to calm me down. "...you okay?" He said, tracing the pattern of a flower on my ankle. "Yeah..I'm okay." He eyed my face. "You're lying." I sighed, giving up, "I'm lying." Toph was leaning against a big rock while Aang stared at walls of Ba Sing Se, deep in thought. "Y/N was right! It's a girl!" Katara exclaimed stepping out of the tent. "Did you doubt my abilities?" I stated in mock surprise. We walked inside the tent to see the baby. Toph said she sounded healthy and Sokka said it was really....squishy looking. She was really pretty. Something told me that she would be a great person. Some people shed tears while I stood there awkwardly. The couple named their kid Hope. Nice name. Now, we could finally get into Ba Sing Se.


We were escorting the other people to Ba Sing Se when Aang landed in front of us. "Aang what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be looking for Appa." Katara paused in her tracks. "I was but something stopped me, something big." We had arrived to the base of the Outer Wall at this point. I looked over to where he was pointing. A giant metal drill layed at the base, slowly inching towards the wall. Really? A gaint drill? The Fire Nation had 100 years to win Ba Sing Se and the best thing they could think of was a gaint drill that moved at the speed of a slug? Someome needs to be fired. We had reached the top after quite a while. "What are you people doing here? Civilians aren't allowed on the wall!" A guard snapped, rushing towards us.

"I'm the Avatar, take me to whoever's in charge." Aang ordered the guy, grabbing my hand, and leading me towards wherever the guard was taking us. We arrived at a little office-like thing. The Earth Kingdom general looked up. "It's nice to meet you, young Avatar and Protector but your help is not needed." He was twiddling his thumbs over some of his papers. "Not needed?!" I squeaked. "Listen here, general guy! I don't care who you are but we help if we want to. You don't get to decided anything with us!" My fists were slammed on the table, startling the general and making little objects on his desk jingle. Aang grabbed my sleeve, pulling me back. "Not needed. I have the situation under control. I assure you, the Fire Nation cannot penetrate this wall. Many have tried to break through it, but none have succeeded." His voice was surprisingly calm.

"What about the Dragon of the West?" Toph asked. I stiffened at mention of Iroh. He had tried. I sighed, going to stand off to the side. "Ready.....attack!" The soldier to my right yelled. I had never so badly wished that I was an earthbender. Ty Lee and Mai took them out easily. They were no match for them. "We're dommed!!" The generals voice filled my ears. I turned around, glaring at him. "Can you not shut up?" He flailed his arms around pathetically. Idiot. "Get a hold of yourself man!" Sokka said, giving him a good slap in the face. "Maybe you'd like our help now?" I approached him, steps filled with smugness. I know Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula. I know their weaknesses and strengths. I know their moves. Their fighting styles. "Yes please." Aang turned to peer over the wall. "Question is, how are we gonna stop that thing." My eyes drifted back to his. Everyone's heads then turned to Sokka. "Why is everyone looking at me?"

"Simple answer, you're the idea guy", I shrugged. "So, I'm the only one who can ever come up with a plan? That's a lot of pressure",he complained. "You're also the complaining guy." Katara added. "That part I don't mind." I tensed. "What happened?" Aang queried, picking up on my tense form. "I-I don't know...There's some kind of energy here. It's really familiar, but I can't figure out who it is." Truth was, I had figured it out. It was Zuko and Iroh. They were underneath us, inside the wall, getting tickets to get in. Aang's attention drifted back to Sokka. Katara went off healing some guys and Aang, Sokka, and Toph were still discussing. I was leaning over the wall, carefully observing the drill, brow furrowed. Then, it clicked. I could do spiritual projection. I sat down in my meditating position and focused on the drill's door. "Hey...do you think you could teach me that?" The voice of Aang said from behind me. "Roku told me that you're supposed to be my spirit guide and help me be the bridge between the two worlds."

I opened my mouth to say something but stumbled over to the side as the wall rumbled. There was no time. "Okay....yeah....you do it yourself." He said, walking away. I closed my eyes again.


I fluttered open my eyes. "We need to take it down from the inside." I blurted, turning around to face them. They jumped in surprised. "Wait....yeah....that makes sense!" I smiled. We were at the base now. "Once I whip up some cover, you won't be able to see. Well, Y/N doesn't need to see..cause spirit stuff....but you get the point, so stay close." Toph ordered, getting into her form. He stomped her foot on the ground, and a dome of fluttering bits of rocks encased us. "Run!" Toph's voice shouted over the debris. I closed my eyes, focusing on their energy. I don't want rocks in my eyes. No, siiiir. I'm good. We were close enough to drill so Toph made a big hole in the ground. "Everyone into the hole!" We jumped in. It was completely dark. I blinked my eyes hoping that my eyes would adjust to the light but there was nothing to adjust to. "It's so dark down here. I can't see a thing." Sokka complained, annoyance dripped from his voice. "Oh no, what a nightmare!" Toph said sarcastically. I giggled. Nice going Sokka.

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