The Ember Island Players Pt. 2

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The play was starting to get kinda boring. So far, Iroh and Zuko had split up, and we all fought Azula at that abandoned town and now she was drilling into Ba Sing Se, while Actress Aang threw rocks at her. It was taking forever and I ended up falling asleep, cuddled into Zuko's side. Next time I woke up, Jet had just died. "Did Jet just.....die?" Asked Zuko. "Y'know, it was really unclear," Sokka said, raising a brow. "I have to admit Prince Zuko, I really find you attractive!" Gushed Actress Katara. I stiffened. "You don't have to make fun of me." Actor Zuko shot. "But I mean it! I've had eyes for you since the day you first captured me!" Real Zuko and real Katara inched away from each other, mine and Zuko's legs touching. "Wait, I thought you were the Avatar's girl!" Actor Zuko said. Aang nodded, jealously from beside me.

"The Avatar? Why, he's like a little brother to me! I certainly don't think of him in a romantic way." Actress Katara gushed. Y'know, normally, I like being spiritually connected to the Avatar, but his jealousy is really getting to me. Or maybe it's my own, who knows. I mean, I know it's just a play and stuff, but I can't help being possessive. But I'm not gonna accept that, since I have Aang's feelings to use as an excuse. "You may not be the Avatars girl but I'm the Protecter's man." Actor Zuko shot, getting up. "Damn right you are," I muttered, shuffling closer to Zuko. Zuko laughed, intertwining his fingers with mine. Suddenly, Aang's jealously was affecting me less. He did get up and leave, though. "Oh, you're getting up? Can you get me some fire flakes? Ooh, and fire gummies!" Whispered Sokka. "Oooh. I want Fire gummies, too." I added. I don't think he was going to get us food, but I mean, it's worth a try.

Also, like, Actress Me was horrible. Apparently, people think I'm an overpowered, whiney, little baby who will murder you if she doesn't get what she wants....okay, maybe that is me, but, still. "Well, my brother, what is it going to be? Your Nation or a life of treachery," boomed Actress Azula, who looked way less..snazzy as the real one. Actor Iroh looked up from his tea, "Choose treachery. It's more fun." Actor Zuko walked over to Actor Iroh. "No way!" Exclaimed Actress Azula. Actor Zuko pushed Actor Iroh over, the Earth Kingdom flag falling on top of him, and returned back to Actress Azula. "I hate you, Uncle! You smell, and I hate for all time!" Yelled Actor Zuko.

"You didn't really say that did you?" Asked the real Katara to the real Zuko. "I might as well have," Zuko muttered. I gave his hand a comforting squeeze, knowing he regretted leaving his Uncle more than anything in his life. "Avatar State, yip, yip!" Cheered Actress Aang, while Actress Me said, "Protecter State, yip, yip." I don't even know what I'm watching anymore. "We don't do that!" I whisper-shouted to Aang. "I know! What's up with the yip-yip?" "I hate this," I stated, while Actress Azula struck Actress Aang and Me with lightning, that was literally just a streamer. Actress Aang fell to the ground while Actress Me just slumped slightly. "The Avatar is no more!" The crowd cheered while we gave disgusted looks to the stage.

We all sat in the upper hall, minus Aang since he was probably sulking around somewhere, waiting for the intermission to end. "It seems like every time there's a big battle, you guys barely make it out alive. I mean, you guys lose a lot!" Noted Suki. "You're one to talk, Suki. Didn't Azula take you captive? That's right, she did!" Sokka shot. "Are you trying to get on my bad side?" Suki grumbled, face turning serious. "Sokka's not gonna make it out alive is he?" I laughed. Sokka gulped, backing off, "I'm just saying..." "Does anyone know where Aang is?" Asked Katara, walking out of the theater. "He left to get me and Y/N fire gummies, like, ten minutes ago. And we're still waiting!" Sokka exclaimed. "Y/N?" Katara said, tilting her head. I closed my eyes for a second longer than a blink, focusing on Aang's energy and opened them again, pointing to the door.

"He's outside. Go tell him to stop being a baby," I smiled. "Suki, what are the chances you can get me backstage? I've got some jokes I want to give to the actor me," said Sokka, turning to his girlfriend. Suki's face turned serious, "I'm an elite warrior who's trained for many years in the art of stealth," her face turned to a cheery smile, "I think I could get you backstage!" And with that, they left. "Geez, everyone's getting so upset about their characters. Even Zuko seems more down than usual, and that's saying something!" Toph exclaimed. "You don't get it, it's different for you. You get a muscly version of yourself, taking down ten bad guys at once, and making sassy remarks," started Zuko.

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