The Search

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"Blah blah blah blah," was all I gathered from the Professor in Yu Dao. This was the, very important but impossible to pay attention to, meeting that decided the fate of Yu Dao. "Tell me again, how exactly is boring lecture guy supposed to help us figure out what to do with Yu Dao?" Asked Sokka. I was sitting between him and Aang, not wanting to be beside Zuko, knowing that the Gaang had specifically set the seating chart like that. "He's an expert on ancient Earth Kingdom theories of government. The Earth King thinks we should draw on the wisdom of the past to build a society of the future," Aang explained. I huffed, blowing a stray piece of hair back into place.

I am so glad I never finished school. Wait that came out wron- Sweetheart, all the professors in the entire school would've quit after dealing with you. Is that a complement? In my eyes, yes. "Blah blah blah blah," continued the Professor. "Even if the past bores me out of my skull?" Asked Sokka, leaning towards me. " I know, like how is this gonna be any help?" I added. "Yeah, I agree. We need a new way of seeing the four nations, not-" " Can you three keep it down, please? Some of us are trying to listen!" Glared Katara, cutting off Aang. "Sorry, Katara!" "Surprise, surprise. My boring sister likes boring lecture guy."

"Hey! That's my girlfriend you're talking about!" Aang exclaimed. "Yeah, and having Y/N as a sister should be enough chaos," Katara grumbled, bending snow into his face. Aang hid his laugh into his hand, me bending the snow into words like, 'Stupid dum dum head'. Zuko seemed to have zoned out. The word 'family' left the Professor's mouth and Zuko raised his hand, "Professor, can you repeat that last part?" The Professor sighed, "A teenager is a teenager, apparently, even if he's a head of a state." I turned the snow on Sokka's face into a knife of ice, pulling it away and pointing it towards the Professor, "Don't talk to him like that!" The Professor gulped, Aang lowering my hand, whispering, "Y/N, contain your murder."

Katara confiscated my water, the Professor continuing, a lot more scared of me, "I was explaining, Fire Lord Zuko, an ancient Earth Kingdom philosophy: Family is in essence a small nation, and the nation a large family. Do you understand? In treating his own family with dignity, a ruler learns to govern his nation with dignity." A look passed Zuko's face. "Are you all right, Zuko?" Asked Aang. "Have you been listening to him?" "I've been trying, but all I'm getting is 'blah blah blah.'" "I put my father in a prison and my sister in an institution. My mother's been banished for years. What does that mean for my nation?" "Zuko, that's not what-" "This guy's a blowhard! Only people like Katara are taking him seriously." Sokka consoled. Katara bent more snow into his face. "Y/N, no!" Katara whispered-yelled as I about to pull it away and play with it. "Why not?" "Because your not gonna pay attention!" "I wasn't paying attention in the first place!"


Zuko had called us all to the capital for something important. I refused to go, but the Gaang dragged me along. "Iroh! We didn't expect to find you here!" I exclaimed, once we got into the hall, finding Iroh. "Zuko, your friends have arrived!" Iroh called. Zuko walked out from behind the curtains, "Thank you for inviting us to your home, Your Fieriness! We've been out of touch for much too long!" Aang smiled. "It's only been a week. Where's Toph?" "She had to stay at the academy. Now that folks have seen the lily livers- I mean, her students in action, everyone and their mother wants to be a metalbender. Even the Yu Dao police chief went to visit her!" "We came as soon as we received your message. What's this about?" Asked Katara.

"I recently obtained some new information about Ursa, my mother. It turns out she's from a small town called Hira'a on the outskirts of the Fire Nation. I'm going to look for her. Uncle Iroh's agreed to watch over things here while I'm gone." "May you find who- and what- you are searching for, my nephew," mused Iroh. "That's great, Zuko! But it sounds like you've got everything covered..." Aang dragged off. "...So why do you need us?" I asked, rather bitterly. "The information about my mother came at a cost. You see-" Azula appeared from behind the curtain. I didn't even sense her energy! "Zuko, behind you!" Aang exclaimed. Katara bent a sharp piece of ice towards her head, which I moved out the way. "How did you escape, Azula?!" Katara demanded.

"Katara, wait!" Zuko yelled as Katara threw more of them at her. Azula calmly titled her head, dodging them. Aang held a ball of air in his hand, Sokka raising his boomerang. "Stay back! We don't want to hurt you!" Aang exclaimed. Sokka scoffed, "Speak for yourself, Aang!" "Ha ha! Ignorant peasant! You really think you can take me on with a boomerang?" Laughed Azula. She hadn't changed much. "Let's find out!" Suki and Ty Lee entered the room through the curtains, Suki perking up, "Sokka, stop! Let Zuko explain!" Sokka made a noise of happiness, rushing to hug his girlfriend. "Azula was the one who got the information from Ozai. Because she helped me out, we made a deal. She's going to come with me to look for our mother. And she's going to travel unbound. With dignity. I want you all to come with us," explained Zuko.

Azula's eyes hadn't left me since she walked into the room. "No offense, but that sounds like the worst plan ever!" Aang said, as I rushed to hug her. "Y/N, be careful!" I threw my arms around her, not needing to be careful. Azula didn't try anything, besides sending Zuko a smirk, which I didn't see. I pulled away from her as Sokka shouted, "Oooh! Oooh! New nickname for Zuko! How about bad decision lord?" "Ever since my nephew ascended to the throne, he has yearned for peace. Finding Ursa may bring that peace-" Iroh jumped in, looking at Azula, "-and not just for himself." Aang smiled softly, understanding his point. "We're your friends, Zuko. If you need us, we'll go," decided Zuko. "Well, I'm just going because I have to protect Aang," I muttered.


We were outside, the next morning, having packed everything for the trip. Aang was trying to be nice, "Good morning, Azula! Beautiful day for a trip, isn't it?" Azula threw her bag in front of Appa, "Hmph. Be careful when you put my luggage on that shaggy beast of yours!" Appa grumbled. "Language, Appa," I sighed, quietly. "Why do you have to be so mean all the time?" Ty Lee asked. "Appa has feelings, too!" Aang turned to Appa, "I know, buddy. It'll only be for a little while." Momo growled at Azula, her ignoring it. So far, she had been nice to me. "I still don't like it, Zuko," I overheard Katara mumbled to Zuko. "We'll need to take turns keeping an eye on her. Every moment of every day, at least one of us has to be totally focused on Azula," Zuko said. I get they're kinda scared of her, but she's still Azula.


"Ahhh! The open sky above us, a daring mission before us, and friends all around! Just like old times, isn't it?" Sighed Sokka. "Even better than old times! Before, I always wanted to kiss Katara and now I actually get to do it!" Added Aang. "Aw, sweetie!" Gushed Katara, kissing him. I looked away, honestly feeling kinda lonely now. Then make up with Zuko! No, shut up. "I for one could do without that part," grumbled Sokka. "Too bad Toph couldn't be here." "Well, instead of Toph, now we have..." Everyone turned to Azula, her eyes beginning to get a crazy glint in them. Her golden orbs flickered between Zuko and me.

Azula crawled towards me, a bit closer than needed. "Y'know, I can recreate the drill scene right now-" Zuko put his arm out in front of Azula. "That's enough, Azula!" His fist hissed with steam in a threatening way. "Put that away, Zuzu. It's just small talk," Azula mused. "I am very uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the saddle today," I mumbled under my breath. "I miss Toph," Sokka sighed. A couple hours later, Aang had started making an angry face, saying he felt a spirit, Sokka trying to copy it. I felt it too, but my face had stayed the same. "Whoa! Did you guys see that giant wolf spirit?! I think that's the presence I'm feeling!" Aang exclaimed, looking over the saddle. "There's nothing down there," Zuko noted.

"Did the wolf spirit look like this?" Asked Sokka, making a weird face. Katara bent a snowball in his face, "What was that for?!" "I told you to knock it off!" "Azula, get down from there!" Ordered Zuko. I turned around to see Azula standing on the edge of the saddle. "I can't tell you what a pleasure it's been riding with you all, listening to you bicker. Too bad not all siblings get along as well as Zuzu and me! Now that Hira'a is just a hop, skip, and jump away, it's time to bid farewell. I'll be sure to give her your regards!" And with that, she jumped off. "No, Azula! We're too high up!" Zuko frantically yelled. "Azula!!" I shrieked. Aang followed her, bringing his glider. He swooped to the right, catching her, "I got her!" Azula lit his glider on fire, and broke away from him with a spark of lightning.

Aang crash landed behind her, Azula landing swiftly, and safely. She took off, Aang standing up and rubbing his neck, trying to stand. We landed on Appa, Zuko deciding, "You guys go make sure Aang's okay! I'll go after Azula!"

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