The Ember Island Players Pt. 1

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Actress Katara, and Sokka, twice the real ones age, and looking nothing like them to me since I'm used to their actual faces, were on a small wooden boat. "Sokka, my only brother, we constantly roam these icy South Pole seas, and yet never do we find something fulfilling," Actress Katara dramatically sighed. "All I want is a full feeling in my stomach! I'm starving!" Exclaimed Actor Sokka, attempting to make a joke. I made a face of disgust, leaning into Zuko's side. The audience seemed to find it funny though. Katara and Sokka's faces had fallen, at the sight of their actors. "Is food the only thing on your mind?"

"Well, I'm trying to get it out of my mind and into my mouth!" Actor Sokka laughed. Bruh, what is this? "This is pathetic! My jokes are way funnier than that!" Whisper-shouted the real Sokka. "What jokes?" I scoffed. Toph laughed, actually enjoying it from her point of view,"I think he's got you pegged!" "Every day, the world awaits a beacon to guide us, yet none appears! Still, we cannot give up hope! For hope, is all we have! And we must never relinquish it, even...even to our dying breath!" Cried Actress Katara burying her face in her hands and leaning over the canoe. "Well, that's just silly. I don't sound like that," scoffed real Katara. "Oh man! This writers a genius!" Toph exclaimed. "Yeah, you are all 'hopey, hopey'." I smiled, joining Toph.

Anyways, Actress Katara and Sokka found Actor Aang who was actually an Actress and looked nothing like the real one. Me and Toph weren't gonna let him live this one down. So, blah, blah, Aang's being upsetty-spaghetti and now we're back at the Southern Water Tribe. That's where I come in. I gripped Zuko's hand in excitement, bouncing my feet, anxiously. The curtains re-opened, with a 'two years ago' sign, and now there was another girl who I assumed was actress me. A woman, who I assumed was my mom, handed me to who I assumed was Katara's grandmother. "Take care of her, please. Anyways, I have to go run off somewhere. I'll be leaving now." And with that, she was gone. The curtains opened once again, with a 'one year later' sign, and now Actress Katara, Actor Sokka, and Actress Grandma were huddled around me.

"Oh, this girl gives me sooo much hope. Why isn't she waking up," Actress Katara sighed. "She seems to be in the Spirit World, judging by her glowing eyes." Actress Grandma noted, peeking open one of Actress me's eyes. They did glow. Huh, I didn't know that happened. "Can we switch seats?" I whispered to Zuko. Zuko switched with me, without question, even though he wouldn't switch with Aang. I immediately bombarded Katara with questions. "Wait, was that actually the case?" Katara nodded, "Well, your eyes were glowing, and you were in the Spirit World, probably developing the Protecter State or something, or maybe waiting for Aang to wake up, but your mom actually gave you to my mom, not my grandma."

"Woah. I can't believe I didn't ask this sooner," I mumbled, more to myself. "Wow. You didn't ask why you were asleep for two years until now?" Whispered Sokka, leaning in from over us. I nodded. "Your an idiot," Toph stated. "I know," I whispered back. I didn't bother switching with Zuko since the next scene played. "Prince Zuko, you must try this cake," laughed Actor Iroh. "I don't have time to stuff my face with cake! I must capture the Avatar to regain my honor!" Actor Zuko shot. "Well, while you do that, I'll capture another slice!" Actor Iroh smiled. "You sicken me!" Shot Actor Zuko. "They make me look totally stiff and humorless." Zuko complained, raising his other hand to gesture towards the stage. "Yeah, your totally the funniest and least serious person in the group," I smiled, sarcastically. "How could you say that!?" Zuko exclaimed. At the same time Actor Zuko also exclaimed "How could you say that!?", after Actor Iroh offered to get massages.

I also gestured towards the stage, showing him my point with a laugh. Anyways, the others seemed really mad about their characters meanwhile I was exploring the Earth Kingdom on my own. They didn't show me, since nothing interesting happened, but I did get to see all the stuff I missed out on. Which wasn't a lot, but it seemed like a lot to me. But, I mean, Toph and Zuko missed even more, so I can't be too upset. Me and Toph had taken to making fun of the other's characters and their lines. The curtains closed after a horrible ending of Aang taking down a bunch of Fire Navy ships, which probably looked a lot more impressive in real life. We all waited outside for the intermission, all scattered on the outside stairs.

"So far, this intermission is the best part of the play," Zuko grumbled. "Apparently, the playwright thinks I'm an idiot who tells bad jokes about meat all the time!" Sokka exclaimed. "Yeah, you tell bad jokes about plenty of other topics," Suki mused. "I know!" Sokka yelled, furiously taking a bit of his fire flakes. "At least the Sokka looks like you! That woman playing the Avatar doesn't resemble me at all!" Yelled an annoyed Aang. "Least your not asleep or missing for half of it." I laughed, referring to my actor."Yeah, I mean, you are more in touch with your feminine side then most guys," Toph added. "ARGH!!" Aang yelled, indignantly, covering his face with his hat. "Relax, Aang. They're not accurate portrayals. It's not like I'm a preachy crybaby who can't resist giving overemotional speeches about hope all the time....what?" She asked when we all stared at her. "Yeah, that's not you at all," mumbled Aang sarcastically.

"Listen friends, it's obvious that the playwright did his research. I know it must hurt, but what you're seeing up there on that stage is the truth," smiled Toph, being the only one who's character wasn't introduced, yet. I mean, mine was just asleep, so I haven't gotten to see the lines and attitude. Everyone broke into their own conversations. "Hey, do know what's it's called when you control someone's body?" Asked Zuko, cautiously. I paused, blinking confusedly at the question. "Uh, yeah. Why?" "Because when we went to face that guy, Katara used it." "What!?" I exclaimed, eyes wide. Zuko nodded. "Well, it's called blood bending and it's not a good thing," I rushed, standing up to find Katara.

"Katara!" I yelled, finding her. "Hey," smiled Katara. "Hey? Hey? Girl, you literally bloodbent when we agreed that we wouldn't do that!" "Yeah, look, I was just angry. But, I'm not gonna use it," Katara said, staring at the ground. "No! I mean-yes! I mean-no! Katara, that's great! You-your a true master, you've advanced! That's amazing!" I smiled. "Thanks. But, we can't use the skill so-" "Guys! Come'n it's starting!" Yelled Sokka, dragging us away. It had started, the curtains opening as soon as me and Katara sat down in our respective seats. "Well, here we are in the Earth Kingdom!" Actress Katara announced. I scoffed at the overly-cheery attitude, sinking into Zuko's side. Actress me was now with them. "Can we just go somewhere else?" Whined Actress me.

"No, we have to look around for earthbending teacher." Actress Aang replied, searching a dragonberry bush, as if he'd find an earthbender in there. Toph seemed more then excited about it."Here it is! Here I come!" "I searched all over town on my glider but couldn't find anyone," Actress Aang said. "You can't find an earthbending teacher in the sky! You have to look in the ground!" Actor Toph, who was apparently a big, bulky man, said. Could they really not find anyone else? "Who are you?" Queried Actress Aang. "My name's Toph, because it sounds like tough and that's just what I am," boomed Actor Toph. "W-what it is this play?" I mumbled to Zuko. "I don't know," Zuko sighed, putting an arm around me.

"Wait a minute, I sound like a guy. A really buff guy." Toph noted, picking at her ear with her pinky. "Well Toph, what you hear up there is the truth. It hurts, doesn't it?" Smirked Katara. "Are you kidding me? I wouldn't have cast it any other way! At least it's not a flying bald lady!" Laughed Toph. I joined in, Aang turning to the stage with annoyance. "So, you're blind? Asked Actress Aang, waving her hand in front of Actor Toph's eyes. "I can see you doing that. I see everything that you see, except I don't "see" like you do. I release a sonic wave from my mouth." And with that the Actor screamed loudly, Aang covering his ears, Zuko clutching the railing, Katara gritting her teeth, Sokka and Suki, hugging out of fear, Toph still smiling, and me covering my head with my hood. The audience also grimaced at the sound. "There. I got a pretty good look at you." Everyone clapped, more impressed with the actor's screaming skills more then anything else.

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