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Your outfit: Loose sweatpants-like pants, like Korra's but lavender, and a white shirt that reaches your waist, so basically a crop top, and it tightens once it reaches the end with a lavender colored band and loose, white sleeves which tighten once they reach your elbows, also with lavender colored bands and mom's spirit charm bracelet on one wrist. Oh, and the shirt is off-shoulder. I think that's all. It doesn't have a normal color like green and beige for the Earth kingdom, red for the Fire Nation, etc, because you're not really apart of any nation. Kinda sad but it is what it is. You also have a blue water pouch at your waist and a sword, only sometimes, though. Hope you like the outfit, if not then....okay....just change it I guess. Anyways, bye, love you.

Sokka was debating with himself over a purse. It was weird and stupid and I wanted to tell him that, but I kept my mouth shut, since he was getting enough of it from Katara. She was teasing him about buying a purse and Sokka was yelling at her and demanding that it wasn't a purse but a very manly bag for very manly things. We headed out after Sokka bought his 'bag' and overheard some kids talking about a Earth Rumble Five or Six whichever, I wasn't paying much attention. They wouldn't budge about telling us where it was so me and Katara decided to handle it.

We followed them into the alleyway. "Hey! You there! Can I ask you something?" I yelled to one of them. He turned around, "No." and turned back around to leave. I grabbed his collar, turning him around. "You will tell me where the Earth Rumble is or I will freeze you to the wall," I threatened. The guy scoffed, "Like I'm scared of you." I took out my water, bending it into pricks and pinned him to the walls, narrowly missing his face "If you don't want this one to hit you, you'll tell me." I demanded, holding a separate prick in my hands. The guy handed me the poster, "J-just take it!". His friend was also frozen, beside him. I smiled at Katara before heading back to the boys, poster in hand. "How'd you get it?" Aang questioned. "We have our ways."

The poster said it was underground so we went there. "This is just gonna be a bunch of guys chucking rocks at each other isn't it?" Katara said ,settling down in her seat. "That's exactly what I payed for!" Sokka exclaimed. "I wonder why no one else is sitting down here." A rock flew straight at us and we scrambled away just in time. "Uh, yeah, that probably why," I answered. We sat through half of the game bored. Sokka was more then excited about the match and Aang was observing closely to see who was 'worthy' of being his teacher while, me, and Katara sat there ,bored. I played around with two rocks, making them swirl around, using airbending. Y'know our team may not seem that intimidating since we're just a bunch of goofballs traveling the world, but we could really kick butt.

Katara was leaning on my shoulder sighing in boredom from time to time and flinching whenever Sokka's excited yells filled her ears. Aang was silent the entire time and was watching the earthbenders like a hawk. "Y'know, the boulders pretty good." I said to Aang after a while, lifting a shoulder. I shifted my arm and Katara jolted upright blinking her eyes, confused from the sudden movement. I guess she had fallen asleep or something. "Yeah, but he's not the one." Aang said stubbornly while Katara leaned on my shoulder once again. He turned his attention back to the match and I continued playing with my rocks with airbending.


My attention redirected from the rocks in my hands, to the girl who had just walked into the ring. She seemed twelve but the energy around her just seemed so....strong. Like she wasn't helpless, and could take out a bunch of big guys. Also she was blind...wait. Wait. WAIT. That's the girl from my vision. That's Aang's earthbending teacher. "Aang that's your earthbending teacher!" I said, out of the blue. Sokka and Katara gave me questioning looks but Aang nodded. "Yeah, I think so too!" She kicked the boulders butt without breaking a sweat and won the belt. "How did she do that?" Katara asked in awe. "She waited...and listened."

"To make things more interesting, I'm offering this sack of gold pieces to anyone who can defeat the Blind Bandit." Xin Fu declared, raising a sack of gold pieces. When no one dared to face her, I stood up. We need this girl, whoever she is. "I will!" Aang smiled at me, silently telling me thank you for helping him, even though he didn't need it. He was the Avatar, but I was the Triple Bender. I had more experience, with my time on the streets. I entered the ring and Sokka screamed, "Go Y/N! Avenge the Boulder!"

"Do people really want to see two little girls fighting?" The Blind Bandit taunted. The audience 'oooh'd. "I don't want to fight you, I just want to talk to you." I said, calmly, raising my palms in defense. "Boooo! No talking!" Said the voice of Sokka. "Don't boo at her!" Katara's disapproving voice said. I turned around to glare at Sokka, who was rubbing his arm, where Katara had hit him. I sent a gust of wind at him, making him fall over. Katara, Aang, and I snickered. We loved Sokka,we really did, but we loved bullying him more. He got up rubbing his head and glaring at me. I turned back to the Blind Bandit. "I don't know who you are, but I like you." She said, crossing her arms. I smirked, "Good, cause I want to talk to you."

"No talking!" She yelled, before bending a rock at me. She may be blind, but her aim was scary accurate. When she bent that rock, some energy flowed through the ground, to me. She had also stomped her foot on the ground, creating a vibration of energy in the ground. She actually listens to the Earth. Woah..that's cool. She can sense my presence through the ground. "WAIT! AREN'T YOU THAT TRIPLE BENDER GIRL!?" Xin Fu yelled. I turned my gaze towards him. "Uh....yeah." I hadn't bothered to put my hood on since we were in Earth kingdom territory. "Well...that's not a fair fight." He said simply. I turned my gaze to the Blind Bandit. Blind. "I'll fight blindfolded, and with my ears covered. Oh and I'll only bend air." I offered. Xin Fun seemed satisfied with that. The Blind Bandit didn't really care. I didn't need to use my eyes or ears in a fight anyway, I could sense her spiritual energy.

I tied the blindfold, at the back of my head and popped some cotton in my ears. All I could hear was cotton, if you could even hear that. All i could see was black. But all I could sense was energy. I separated Toph's energy from the rest of the audience's. It wasn't hard since it was so strong. She bended another rock at me which I dodged, just in time. I used air to go light on my feet, so she couldn't sense me. I blended a gust of wind at her, throwing her backwards. The crowd went silent. I could tell because when they talked the air around the stadium shifted. It was now still."Look, I don't wanna fight you." I tried, again. The Blind Bandit said something but I couldn't quite tell what. "Uh...I can't hear you." I said pointing to my ears. She bended a rock at me which I spilt apart using a slice of wind. Another rock hit me, hard, on my arm, and I flew back. I got up wincing.

I have to admit, no one has ever put up quite the challenge against me. Another one blew at me and I sliced it in have with some more air. My clothes fluttered from the dust that blew backwards at me. I used airbending to clear them away. My arm still ached from that rock. I felt like throwing up. I didn't get time to contemplate anything else since the rocks under my feet lifted. My half-sleeves flowed from the movement. I jumped off and used to airbending to cushion my fall. Since I was floating on a bit of air, she couldn't sense me.

I used that chance and blew the biggest gust of wind I could muster, knocking her backwards off the ring. The bell rang and the crowd cheered. The Blind Bandit exited the ring, stomping angrily. I ran after her, even though my body was yelling at me to get some rest. "Please, listen, my friend needs an earthbending teacher and we thinks it's supposed to be you." The Blind Bandit had had enough. She made a doorway through the arena and left, angrily. I finally paid attention to my injury and winced placing a hand my forearm. That girl could throw. I'm sueing her. I had spent weeks, months, fighting bad guys and Fire Nation soldiers, this was nothing, but for some reason, it hurt more then anything had ever hurt me, and I had gotten sliced with a sword! So, that was really saying something.

"Way to go, champ!" Sokka exclaimed from behind me holding the gold and the belt. I turned around to face them and sighed. "I'm sorry. I tried." I said to Aang. He shrugged it off though I could tell he was upset about it. He wasn't the one to hold grudges though. "S'okay. We'll find her again tomorrow." He gave me a reassuring smile. "I feel like I've seen her before." I said more to myself then anyone. Sokka wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Yeah, sure, whatever! Let's go, now!" I winced again, from the pressure Sokka put on my shoulder and Katara shoved him off. "Let's get you home, you're injured. And you"- she said, turning her head to face Sokka , "Dot lean on her like that! She got hurt!"

"I'm fine." I lied. I was not fine. Sokka rubbed the back of neck, sheepishly. "Hehe. Sorry." He said, not apologetic at all. "Let's get some sleep."

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