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OOOHH BOY. This chapter....Y-you're gonna be surprised. It's very unexpected.

Me, Aang, and Katara were working on cutting the thick, metal poles, Aang and Katara were working on one beside me while I sliced through my own metal pole. I wished we brought more water. This was gonna take forever. "Y'know what? I'm gonna look for another way." I said, stopping and wiping some sweat of my brow. Sokka was being annoying and telling us to hurry up even though he wasn't doing anything. Aang gave me a terse nod. I closed my eyes, fists joined in front of my torso.

Aang's POV

Y/N was doing more of her spiritual stuff as we worked through the metal rods. These were not easy to cut through. "Congratulations crew! We have made contact with the wall of Ba Sing Se." A voice said in the intercom. No. Not right now! We decided to just cut them through half way since it took too long. More voices talked over the intercom. I gritted my teeth, I did not want to be here right now. We had finished most of them. Now, I just needed to deliver the final blow. "Good work, Team avatar! Now Aang just needs!!"

I ducked just in time. A bit of heat grazed my head. My eyes traced the source of the fire. The Fire Nation princess and her friends were in here. Y/N still wasn't back. I stepped back, another blast of fire narrowly missing me. "Whoa!" I turned towards Katara and Sokka. "Guys, get Y/N and get out of here. I know what I need to do." They nodded, Katara handing me her water pouch. The flexible girl swung over to where Y/N was. Oh no. She picked her up, putting an arm around her waist and swinging back. Y/N has to come back now! Maybe we could find her spirit lurking around somewhere. " plan....find Y/N's spirit and tell her to meet us inside."

Sokka and Katara nodded tersely, heading out of the room.



I turned around, feeling a tap on my waist and instinctively stumbled away. I couldn't bend when I was using spiritual projection. "It's just us! The three girls from Omashu have your body. You're gonna have fight them. Meet us inside the walls of Ba Sing Se." Katara said, stepping out from the corner. I sent her a terse nod, before closing my eyes. My form glowed and broke into little bits, being carried back to my body. I opened my eyes and this time, Azula was carrying me, closer then needed. My head was leant against her shoulder. Her golden eyes turned to mine and next second, I was pressed against the wall of the drill, the metal sleeve of Azula's armor brushing the exposed skin of my waist and lips pressed against mine. Woah. Okay. She had put me in a spot where I couldn't pull away. I was stuck.

Since when did Azula like me? Where did this come from? Azula just kissed me. Azula. Kissed. Me? This was weird. I mean, the kiss itself wasn't bad. In fact, it was good. Great. My stomach did fail to flutter and twist like it did when I kissed Zuko. She was pressed against me, pulling me closer by the waist. The cold metal of her armor brushed my waist once again, sending shivers up my spine. Her bangs brushed my temple. She pulled away after about twenty seconds, though they it felt like twenty minutes. Her cheeks were dusted a pretty pink. I went to step back, in shock, but my foot caught the slippery metal, making me fall to the ground. My gaze turned to the floor. Does she actually like me? My head was reeling and spinning from the sensation and confusion of the previous event. Azula kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my chin tilting it up to face her. Her fingers were soft. She pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead before whispering,"This didn't happen."

She got up, clambering away, leaving me in a state of pure confusion. What the hell was that?! The voice of Sorla rang in my ears. "I would tell you if I knew." I breathed, getting up and heading outside as the drill creaked more then ever. Does she actually like you? "Ask me a question I know the answer to." I retorted under my breath. I don't like it when you're confused. It makes it so much harder to see what's going on. "Sorla, please shut up. I need to find my friends right now. Everything else comes after." That worked. The voice of Sorla died down in my head. I headed outside where Katara and Toph were blocking Ty Lee from coming outside by waterbending and earthbending the......rock juice thingy. I joined in, pushing it further inside. "Me and Toph've got this. You guys go help Aang." Katara and Sokka nodded, heading away. Toph bended a gaint rock in front of us and I let the rock juice rush outwards. "Wooo! Nice work!" I high-fives Toph. She missed but I caught her hand changing th e position of mine. Aheh. Forgot she can't see that. Ty Lee slammed into the rock wall with a sickening 'tumph'. Steam rose form the drill, the metal creaking. "Looks like we won." Toph said, clapping her hands together, removing any dust stuck to them and blowing them onto me. I blew a gust of wind at myself, blowing them back. "Well, that was....." the vision of Azula kissing me passed my mind, "....interesting."


"I want to say, good effort, Team Avatar." Sokka exclaimed, throwing an arm around Toph who bended a rock between them, throwing him back. "Enough with the Team a avatar stuff. No matter how many times you say it, it's not going to catch on." Katara said, clearly unamused. Sokka continued listing names like 'boomeraang' and 'the Aang Gaang' and the 'fearsome fivesome'. He just needed to stop at this point. We finally entered the city after so long. Now, we can get Appa and....well Sokka's the plan guy. Ima leave it to him to plan what we do next.

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