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We caught Azula, Katara freezing her arms together. Azula had upset the Wolf Spirit and it was now attacking us, with moth-wasp puke, that was kinda pretty. None of us could do anything about it, I mean, I couldn't even talk to it. "Wait, hold up," I ordered, putting out a palm. They stopped fighting, me raising two whips of water and circling them around the spirit. They started glowing, as I brought them closer. "Go in peace," I breathed. The Wolf Spirit disappeared. "What the heck was that?!" Katara exclaimed. "I don't really know." "Did you just invent a new type of bending?"

I stared at my hands, "No, I don't think so. It's definitely been done before. Spiritbending." The moon and sun exchanged their time, decorating the sky. I settled down, cuddled up next to Appa. Sokka and Zuko were talking somewhere over the saddle. A couple minutes later, when I was half-asleep, I felt a blanket cover me, bringing warmth and comfort. Soft lips pressed against my forehead, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I could tell by the energy that it was Zuko. I hid a smile under my blanket, Zuko going back around Appa.


The next morning, Azula attacked Katara, thinking it was someone or something else, rambling about a stolen letter. She chased after Zuko, me helping Sokka and Katara. Aang joined us, telling me that Azula and Zuko were fighting. Again. We put out all the fires, which there were a lot. "Aang! Are we ready to leave?" Asked Zuko, appearing through the bushes behind us. "Your sister set fire to half the landscape!" Aang said. "Even with Aang and Y/N's help, it took us until now to put everything out!" Katara complained. Sokka was also upset, "Nature hates you!" I spread my arms as well as a gust of wind, blowing out the rest of the flames. "So, guys aren't fighting anymore?" I asked.

"We've arrived at an understanding," Zuko said simply. "That's what you said when this whole thing started! Since then she's tried to kill us, like, twelve times!" Sokka exclaimed. "Come on. Time to go to Hira'a," Zuko smiled, ignoring Sokka. "Are you louts coming or not?" Asked Azula.


We landed in Hira'a, all of us in disguises. I was wearing a red robe, much like Azula's. I was also wearing light red fingerless gloves that stretched to the sleeves of my robe and laced at the ends to hide my airbending tattoos. Zuko flipped up his hood, "We need to hide our identities. We'll get mobbed if people figure out we're the Avatar, Protecter and Fire Lord." Aang only had a headband, that didn't do much to hide his tattoos, "Don't worry. After hiding from you for all those months, we're masters of disguise!" "Aang, that headband of yours is cute, but as a disguise it worked a lot better when you had hair," noted a Katara. "Yeah. Do you need a hat or something?" I offered. Sokka had put on a beard made from Appa's hair, "See? A fake beard made of sky bison fur! Classic!"

Azula was mortified of it, "Get away from me! You smell like a wet possum-pigeon!" Sokka sneezed, the fur blowing away. We headed to the town, me adjusting my gloves, exposing the fingers. "I thought Hira'a was supposed to be a small town. Why is it so crowded?" Questioned Katara. It was a play. Me, Zuko, and Azula recognized it. 'Love Amongst The Dragon'. We watched the final battle scene, which I could recreate in my sleep. "Everybody's leaving! What do we do now?" Asked Aang once the play finished. "Let me ask around. Excuse me. We're looking for information on a woman named Ursa. I believe she lived here many years ago," said Zuko to an old man. "Ursa...Ursa...wasn't she the magistrate's daughter?" "Oh yes--! Rumor has it she--" She got cut off by the man playing the Water Spirit. "Excuse me." Katara and Sokka jumped, by the sudden appearance. The man realized that his mask was on, and slipped it off, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you. My name is Noren. I'm the director of the Hira'a Acting Troupe. Ursa was once a member."

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