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We stopped at a really pretty clearing, four days away from the invasion. We didn't have the Earth Kingdom army but we've got some friends that'll help. Aang was having trouble sleeping, saying that he can't with the Fire Lord about to take over the world. He needs a meditating session. We settled in for the night, cuddled up in our sleeping bags. I heard some pounding noises and looked up. Aang was punching a tree. Katara had also noticed. She shared a look with me before getting up and bringing him back.


"Fresh fruit, Prince Zuko?" Zuko put his hand up, silently telling him 'no, thank you'. He knew he should get over Y/N, but he couldn't. "May I wash your feet, sir." He put his hand out again, shaking his head. "Head massage?" Zuko shook his head again. "Hot towel?" The prince stared at it for a minute before accepting it. He headed outside being swarmed by fan girls. Y/N would scoff and grab his hand, acting like she's not jealous at all. Y/N's not here, though. He needs to stop thinking about her. A lady screamed, rushing to the front. "Prince Zuko!" She gushed, being dragged away by the guards. "Prince Zuko, is something wrong? You didn't take the palanquin."

"I'm just visiting Y/N's place. It's not far." He excused. The servant shook his head. "It's not a prince's place to walk anywhere, sir." Zuko turned to look at Y/N's house. He sighed, defeated, entering the palanquin. Her dad stood and waved at the door. The place was nice. It didn't seem dirty but, it seemed bland. Like the life had been drained out of it. There were some servant bustling around in the halls but it still felt empty. The windows were open, drawing in the light, but it still seemed dark. The happiness, and brightness seemed to be gone. He remembered the way it was years ago. Sunlight always shining through, love and happiness in every corner. Now, all that was gone. Y/N and her mom were the ones who brought all of it into the house. Zuko found his feet carrying him to Y/N's room. It hadn't been lived in for a while.

Dust was draped across the floor and ceiling. The bed was made, but it hadn't been slept in for a while. The mirror had lost its shininess. A small picture was settled neatly on her dresser. Zuko picked it up, brushing it's soft surface, smooth with age. It was a picture of them both, playing in the garden, trying to catch butterflies as three year olds. He smiled, placing it down. Maybe he could apologize for all the things he said, and maybe they could be back together. He didn't know how that would work since he didn't know where she was, but something told him it would.


Aang is being a douchebag. He can't sleep. But that's not the problem. He'll wake up in the middle of the night and scream, not letting us sleep. And according to him, Appa and Momo were fighting with swords while the koala sheep cheered them on, and there was a guy rambling about chakras. He's losing it. Katara took him for a nice yoga class. It didn't work. Sokka dragged him off for a therapy session. It didn't work. Toph took him for some acupuncture. That looked painful. I dragged him away after she pulled out a porcupine. "Okay, we're done here." The sun was about to set and the invasion was literally tomorrow. Aang hadn't slept yesterday at all. If he wanted to win, he was gonna need his sleep.

Katara tapped my shoulder. "Come with me. I know a way we can help him." We ended up setting up a nice bed for him, a rock covered with wool from the koala sheep and I was to give him a meditating session. "Look, you guys keep telling me I need sleep, but I don't. The invasions tomorrow!" He pressed, not relaxing at all. "Aang.." Katara started. "No, Katara. I don't need sleep. I need practice. Theres still so much to learn. Come'n hit me!" Aang said, wobbling to his right. Katara steadied him. "I'm not hitting you." Toph stepped up, "You want me to do it?" Sokka nudged her back. "Aang, listen to me, you've been training since the day we met. You've improved a lot. Your brave and strong." Aang looked confused. "You really think so?"

"Duh." I shot. Sokka slapped the back of my head. "We all do. You can do this. You're ready." He himself encouraged. "Yeah! Your the man Twinkle Toes." Toph joined in. "A nice meditating session with Y/N'll help." Katara offered, pushing me up front. "W-wait, hold up- I did not sign up for this." Katara sent me a mom glare. "Fine, mother." I sighed, settling down beside Aang. "Ok, join your fists. Let your thoughts come and go. Focus on your breathing. And just fall asleep already so we can too." I said, sharply. Sokka hit my head again.

"Owww...okay fine. You know you'll do great, Aang. We've seen you. The Fire Lord hasn't. And I've even trained with Ozai. He's half the fighter as you. I can tell you his weak spots tomorrow if you want. Plus, you've got all four elements. He's only got one. And you've got us, too. Ozai doesn't have many friends. He has a crazy fire, lightning bending daughter, but you've got me. He's got his generals but you've got Sokka. He's got an army, but we've got Katara and Toph. I know it's been hard, you've lost your culture and people, but you've met us, you woke up to your life collapsed, but it worked out. The balance has been broken, but you're here to fix it. I know that you were left all alone, the last of your nation. But you're not alone anymore. The world depends on you. You were chosen for a reason, Aang. It'll all be worth it, trust me. Just go to sleep for right now, okay? You'll need your energy." I peeked open my eyes, stopping my meditating. Aang was fast asleep, still in his meditating position. I pushed his shoulder, and he landed on the wool. "There. He's asleep. Can we also sleep now?" I whined. Katara nodded, smiling, pulling me away. He better feel better tomorrow. I did not just show my soft side for nothing.


I miss Zuko. I don't show it. But I do. Especially with all the visions Sorla's giving me. I don't know what she wants. But I always found myself holding Zuko's pearl dagger. "Hey, Zuko." Said a voice beside me and Zuko. Ozai had thrown a ball in the honor of him becoming Fire Lord. Everyone in the Fire Nation was invited. There were a lot of people who came up to Zuko and talked to him. They just kinda ignored me, since I wasn't important (-_-). But, Zuko still dragged me along everywhere, even to some royal family members only places. He was gonna get me in trouble. It was girl, the one who said hi. She smiled, happily waving. "O-oh, hey. Who are you?" Zuko stammered. "I'm Lia."

Oh. Zuko smiled, letting go my hand to shake hers. He dropped it and immediately grabbed it again, feeling a bit jealous. "I heard your dad is now the Fire Lord. Congrats!" She exclaimed. "Thanks. This is Y/N." Zuko introduced. The girl turned to me, her smile turning into a mix of displeasure and jealousy. "Oh. I didn't realize she was here." Zuko, not picking up on her displeased tone replied, "Of course, she'd be here. She's my best friend." I smiled, giving his hand a grateful squeeze. It made me feel better. "Oh. Well, anyways, I got to go. Bye." She smiled giving Zuko a kiss on the cheek. Zuko turned to me, scanning my face. "Why are you jealous?" He smiled, tone teasing. "I'm not jealous."

Zuko smirked. "Yes, you are. You're adorable." He gushed. "I'm not adorable." I huffed, crossing my arms. Zuko turned forward again. I leaned up, placing a kiss on his cheek, covering up the girl's. Zuko's smile grew. "You are jealous." He exclaimed, victorious. I scoffed. "I'm the Triple Bender. I don't get jealous." Zuko chuckled, pulling me to the food table.

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