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"Come on get up, we need to go." Katara's voice said into my ear. I sat up, removing any sand that had stuck to me while I slept. "I'm awake, I couldn't sleep." Aang had been taking the whole 'Appa being taken away' thing really hard. He was also being a really big brat to everyone, which was not cool. I used air to bend some sand into his mouth, making him shut up. He coughed and gagged and gasped in an effort to get it out and sent me a glare as he spit some out onto the ground which I returned with no hesitation. We found one of those sandbender's gliding thingys about an hour or two later. Everyone had lost it and that stupid cactus juice still hadn't worn off. Me and Aang airbended the thing since there was no wind. The was a rock in the distance which we stopped at for a while. That wasn't fun but Toph was more then excited about. Sokka also licked some weird stuff stuck to the wall right after the cactus juice wore off. Katara's was not happy.

We finally got out after what felt like a whole year. We saw two people and we headed towards them, staggering in our steps from time to time. I sighed, "Finally......people. Different spiritual energy. Different voices. Different faces." My eyes landed on the guy standing off to the side. They widened. I tapped Aang's bald head, "T-that guy...he's the one whole took Appa." The tattoo on Aang's hand started glow, wrapped around his glider. Katara's was unsure but I remember the type of energy the dude gave off. Toph also recognized his voice. Aang went all Avatar-statey, causing me to go into the Protector State. I swear, if he does that again, I'm not gonna be able to focus on anyone's energy. Every single time my battery gets restored, he uses it up by going all Avatar. Not fair.

We found out that he was traded to some merchant in Ba Sing Se. Well, looks like that's where we're going. "Why does he always have to into Avatar State when I get my spiritual connection back?" I asked, leaning into Sokka's side. The others gave me a concerned look. "Don't look at me like that!" Sokka put an arm around my shoulder, allowing me to rest my weight on him. "You need some rest." I shook my head. "I'm fine." The others shared another look. "Stop doing that!" They all turned to me again with sympathetic looks. "Doing what?" Katara asked, extra sweetly. I pulled myself away from Sokka, but he grabbed my arm before I could collapse to the ground. "Acting like I need to be taken care of. I'm fine." I collapsed into his side and staggered to the side a bit. "Maybe we should rest." Aang urged. "I'm sorry. I still can't control the Avatar State." He looked like he had just kicked a lionpuppy.

We were by a nice waterfall so we decided to rest, since it was twilight.

"You excited?" The voice of Zuko asked. His voice was dripping with anticipation. "Yeah! This is my first play at Ember Island." I gave his hand a subtle squeeze. "They're really good." We were heading towards the royal seats that the theater had set up for us. The guard put his sword in front of us. "Royal members only!" He snapped at me. Zuko's hand tightened around mine. "Uhh...S-she's my uhh...girlfriend." He stammered. The guard eyed us for a bit before lifting his sword. We walked through and let out relieved sighs. I giggled a little before looking at Zuko's face and bursting into a fit of giggles. He was also snickering. "I can't believe we got away with that!" I said, my laughter having finally died down. "Yeah...come on, my 'girlfriend'." We snickered our way to the seats.


I was practicing my water vortex move while Toph ran her feet through the water and Sokka studied the maps they had 'stolen'. Heh, nerd. Aang was also playing around with his waterbending and threw me balls of ice to catch while a mini-water-tornado swirled around me. Katara jumped down from the cliff, causing a giant wave of water to drench us. I created a water dome around me and Aang, my mini-tornado reducing into nothing. I cleared it away while Sokka complained about his maps and other nerd stuff. They had told me about a solar eclipse where the fire-benders would lose there bending, giving us an advantage. We were gonna go tell the Earth King about it and invade the Fire Nation on that day. If all went well......... Three other people arrived behind us and we looked up.

It was a man and his wife who was pregnant and this other person. They weren't important. "Hello there, fellow refugees." The man cheered. "S'up." I replied, looking back down at the map. "Are you guys headed to Ba Sing Se too?" Aang asked, after elbowing me in the side for my very bad reply. "Sure are, we're trying to get there before my wife has her baby." I focused on the energy in the woman's stomach, subconsciously. The baby was not much time away. "Well, you might wanna hurry. She's not very far away." I answered, looking into the woman's eyes. They seemed surprised. Even the Gaang looked surprised. "How do you know young woman?" The man queried. "Well, I have a strong spiritual connection and can sense her energy. She's gonna be a great woman. Kind and caring. Really important to the world, too. Gonna be making some important decisions for the world in her prime." I continued. I was probably freaking them out, but whatever.

"It's gonna be a girl! Thank you!" She turned towards me. I shrugged it off. "We can head through the Serpents Pass together!" Katara said. The couple told us how that was a death wish and that there was a ferry-ride place hidden from the Fire Nation. Great! Let's go there!


The lady at the counter was a big bitch. She wouldn't give us any tickets, and only gave us a couple once Toph showed her passport. We also found this girl named Suki, who was a Kyoshi Warrior. I liked her, we really hit it off. The lady wouldn't give the couple extra tickets and was just being a really big meanie. I pulled Aang back by the collar and stepped forward, slamming my hands on the counter. "You. Are. A. Big. B"- Toph pulled me back, and slapped a band of rocks to my mouth before I could finish my sentence. I pried it off and stomped back up to the counter, causing Katara to grab my arms, in an effort to make sure I don't hurt the lady. "You better give them tickets. We did not come all the way here for a stupid lady to get in the way." My voice was calm, but held the power and anger of a thunderstorm. "And what will you do, if I don't?" She tilted her head.

Everyone stiffened. I pulled my arms out of Katara's grasp and leaned over the counter, sweetly. "Well, if you really wanna know"- I closed my eyes and quickly asked Sorla to help me out. She agreed since I was protecting the couple and my friends. I opened my eyes as soon as I had closed them but this time they were glowing. She stumbled back surprised, her papers and tickets flying everywhere. "Y-you're the Protector." I smirked. "Yeah. Now give me the tickets!" She shook her head once again. I gritted my teeth. The wood under my hands cracked and Aang grabbed them off the counter before I could do anymore damage. "I can't just give away tickets like"- I zoned her out, knowing I wouldn't be able to control my anger if I heard the rest of her so-called explanation. I grabbed her collar pulling her towards me, "You. Little. B"- Sokka dragged me away by the collar. Serpants Pass it is. Stupid Lady.

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