Old Friends

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We had to keep landing over and over again, since the three kept following us. We were all tired and lethargic from not having slept in over seventeen hours. We decided to throw them of our scent. Well Aang decided, his brain was the only one that wasn't thinking about sleep. Toph had ran off, getting mad at Katara, so it just us four again. Nice going, Katara. I wanted to yell at her for it but I was too tired and we didn't need two members of the team running off. Aang and I decided to lead a trail of Appa's fur to somewhere and face Azula. Katara and Sokka were gonna take Appa away. Aang was on his glider and I was taking the ground, propelling myself with Fire. It was kinda hard since my fire would run out from time to time. I know my fire bending had been weaker then before but now it was just...bad. It was like trying to use a pen who's ink had run out. Hard. But I pulled through. Me and Aang sat there for a while talking about my time in the Palace with Azula. Aang seemed interested in learning about his enemies.

I sensed the same energy as before and whipped my head around to find- "Azula!" Aang looked up, "All right, you've found me. Now, who are you and what do you want." I looked at him unamused. "I literally spent the entirety of the last hour telling you who she was and what she wanted." I grumbled. Azula stepped forward, making me and Aang get into our fighting stances. "You mean you haven't guessed? You don't see the family resemblance? Here's a hint." She covered one eye and said in a deep voice, "I must find the Avatar to restore my honor." I gritted my teeth. "It's okay, you can laugh, it's funny." Aang turned his head towards me, "So what now?" Azula answered for me, "Now? Now, it's over. You're tired and you have no where to go. You can run, but I'll catch you." Aang's eyes narrowed, "I'm not running."

I yawned, bored of the totally original evil monologues. I hated evil monologues, they were so boring. We get it, you want to destroy us and stuff, just get on with it, quit wasting time. Azula's sharp, golden eyes looked me up and down before returning back to Aang. "Do you really want to fight me?" She asked, a smug smile forming on her face. I was about to answer, 'yes, I do. Now let me kick your butt so you can leave us alone' but Zuko just randomly tumbled out of an alleyway and said, "Yes, I really do." How the heck did he-? Aang jumped closer to my side, "Zuko?!" Zuko ignored him eyes watching Azula like a hawk. "It's about time you showed up, Zuzu." Aang snorted , "Zuzu?" Zuko's eyes landed on Aang and then me. They widened. "I see you've finally met your girlfriend." Zuko turned back to Azula. "Yeah, I have." He exhaled.

Aang's eyes switched from me to Zuko, confused as hell. "I'm so confused." He whispered to me. "Back off, Azula. He's mine." I sighed, bored, "One, can we just get to the action and two, I thought I said I wouldn't let you hurt my friends." I said the second more directed towards Zuko. "I'm sorry Y/N." He was sorry. Everyone was in fighting stances, eyes watching each other like hawks. Tension hung in the air, like thick, suffocating waves. Azula's eyes turned to meet mine and she smirked, her fingers prickling with a little bit of bright blue light. My eyes widened, acknowledging her next move. It hit Zuko and his eyes widened as well, heading towards me. I breathed in and out. I had been taught to redirect lighting, but I just wasn't good at it. At all. I had only been able to redirect it once and if it was messed up, that was the end. The cons outweighed the pros so I decided to block it with water and throw the water away as fast as possible. And that was exactly what I did.

Zuko audibly sighed in relief. Azula headed after Aang along with Zuko. No one was really hitting me so I just pushed myself up to roof of a house with airbending and settled down, enjoying the show. This was boring since I didn't get to fight, but it was better then watching some really bad play. I leaned my chin on my hand. Azula's flame almost hit Aang and something inside me just...clicked. I absorbed the flames, redirecting them at myself and blowing them out. She aimed one towards Zuko which I blocked from the rooftops again. Azula sent me a hard glare which I returned with a fake smile. "Why are you betraying your own Nation?" She said. She hadn't even broke a sweat. "Hun, I don't belong to the Fire Nation. Never did." I answered, my legs dangling over side of the roof.

My eyes followed their figures as they reached another building, which was half-broken. I blocked some of Azula's attacks when they got a little too close for comfort.


Zuko's injured figure lied on the ground. My eyes widened as I jumped off the roof using airbending to cushion my fall. "Zuko!" I rushed to his side, placing his head in my lap. "I'm fine." He grumbled, getting up. "No, you're not." I argued, placing a hand on his shoulder. He grabbed it, intertwining his fingers with mine. "Yes, I am." He placed a kiss on my nose before, pulling me up with him. Katara and Sokka had arrived as well as Toph and Iroh. Azula was outmatched and she knew so. We had backed her into a corner. I used water to make extra long arms and iced them into hooks at the end. If she's as good a fighter as she seems to be, then she'll survive. We all had our weapons and elements ready, Azula eyes scanned the small crowd. "Well, look at this. Enemies and traitors all working together. I'm done. I know when I'm beaten. A princess surrenders with honor." She said, raising her hands. I furrowed my brow, this was another one of her mind games. Azula has never accepted defeat. She doesn't do that.

Her eyes scanned us all once again before landing on Iroh. My eyes widened, knowing what that look meant. Iroh got blasted straight in the chest with blue fire. Zuko ran to his side while me, Aang, Katara, Toph, and Sokka all attacked. I felt my ice hooks hit something, but it wasn't a person. She had disappeared. I gritted my teeth. That coward. She won't face us head on...yet. I joined Zuko, kneeling next to Iroh. The others gave Zuko a sympathetic look and Katara even offered to heal him, even though I was more 'qualified'. I took out my spirit water and focused on healing Iroh while the others talked. Zuko only trusted me with him. Iroh was really important to Zuko, much more than he let on. He had always been a father figure to me and him, since our fathers were horrible. I had healed him as much as I could and left with the Gaang. I hoped they would be okay. I know Iroh though, it takes more then a small blast of fire to take him out.

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