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We had a thirty minute break before we had to train, since Zuko needed to plan out all the forms and what not. Aang decided that I could get my tattoos then. "I'm not a master, so sorry if they're a little wonky. I'll try my best, though," Aang smiled. "Wait, hold up, if it's permanent then maybe-" too late. A soft brush painted on sky blue paint in the shape of an arrow. "Your hands are like a waterbender's." Aang noticed. "What?" I blurted stupidly. "Your hand shape can also tell what element's yours." Oh. I did not know that. "So, why are mine like a waterbender's? I'm a triple bender."

"Your element also depends on your personality. Like, airbenders are light, wise, and optimistic. Like their fighting style. They value freedom. Air needs to be free. It needs the space to fly and reach the entire world. Firebenders are passionate and intense. They can also be very hot-headed. They're driven by a desire for something they've set their minds too. They value power and perfection. Waterbender's are loose, much like their fighting technique, caring, and chill and laid back, unless is you mess with them. Trust me, you don't wanna do that. Waterbenders value change. They have a desire for something different, to try new things. They're the most creative and find new and diverse ways. They're all quite similar. And that's only some people. I know quite a lot of people who've proven these stereotypes wrong."

Woah. I didn't know Aang was that wise. "What? So how come I sound like all three- ooooohhhh." I said, the point he was trying to get across clicking. "So I have a little bit of all three, but water, the most." Aang nodded with little 'mhm'. He had finished painting the arrows on my hands, and honestly, they didn't look bad. They looked just as great as Aang's whose were done by masters. "Now when we go to the Northern Air Temple, I can do the rituals and stuff." Aang smiled, brightly. He smothered me in hug, and I had to stick out an arm to stop falling. "Aang? What's wrong?" I asked, seeing tears in his eyes as he pulled away. "Nothing, I-I just...well, my entire nation, and culture was wiped out..but now, it's got someone else and- I'm happy that someone else can also be there, and we can slowly rebuild it, it-it'll take forever, but it's a start."

Awww..that's sweet. "Hey, Aang, I think should've told you this earlier, but you're gonna have three grandkids, and all of them are gonna be airbenders." I smiled. Aang had stopped crying like the emotional crybaby he was. "What?" I nodded. "Yeah, you and Katara. Three grand babies." Aang widened his eyes. "All three of them are gonna be airbenders?" I laughed at his shocked expression, nodding. "Wait, h-how do you know that?" "Sorla gave me a vision. It was back when we were at that one place where you got yourself in jail and I was meditating." Aang gasped, "Oh yeah, and I thought you were dead since you hadn't moved for like, twenty minutes." I nodded, laughing. "Yep. That's the one."

Sokka walked in plopping himself down beside us. "Woah, Y/N got her tattoos? Why doesn't she have one on her head?" Sokka asked. "Well, because I'm a triple bender. I have to have something of all nations and for the Water Tribe, I'm gonna get a headband thingy. Maybe. Probably not. Also, we barely had any paint." I explained. Aang put out his hands and set them over both my hands. The tattoos appeared on my feet, too. Aang removed his hands. "Woah.." I whispered, lifting my sleeve to find arrows going up them. "How'd you do that?" I asked. "Airbending techniques. The paint has special properties given to it by the masters. It knows where to go, but it won't go on your head. All we have to do is place our tattoos over yours."

"That's cool." Sokka breathed. I yelped, jumping back, having completely forgotten that he was there. I hit my head on something and clutched it. "Y/N, you wanna go make fun Zuko with us?" Sokka offered. "What?" "Me and Toph are gonna go make fun of Zuko. Come join us." Sokka explained again. "So for once, I'm not the victim?" I asked, not believing him. Sokka nodded. "Nah. I'm good." Sokka shrugged, "Your loss."


I sat down beside Zuko, pouring over a bunch of firebending scrolls. "Hey, Zuko, you wanna here a joke?" Said the voice belonging to Sokka. "Sure." Zuko smiled. "Honor." Sokka said simply. "...I don't get it." Zuko said. Toph snorted. "We know." Zuko paused for a while before gasping as it clicked. "..Hold up..." He turned to glare at the two, before chasing after them. I laughed, rolling up the scrolls. Poor fire boi.

"I know your nervous, but remember, firebending in itself is not something to fear." Zuko lectured. We had started our firebending lessons..finally. Aang took a deep breath, "Not something to fear. Got it." "But if you don't respect it, it'll chew you up and spit you out like an angry Komodo rhino!" Zuko exclaimed. Aang jumped. "I think your scaring him, Zuko." I giggled. Zuko shrugged. "Now, show me what you got. Any amount of Fire you can make." ordered Zuko. Aang pushed a hand through the air, a small bit of smoke coming from his hand. "Maybe I need a little more instruction. Perhaps a demonstration?" Aang offered. Zuko nodded, "Good idea. You might wanna take a couple steps back." Me and Aang went back a couple of spaces.

Zuko tried it, a small flicker on his fist. Me and Aang clapped, me being able to make just as much, and Aang not even being able to light a candle. "What was that? That was the worst firebending I've ever seen!" Me and Aang looked at each other. "I thought it was..nice." Aang smiled, shrugging. "Yeah. I can barely do that." I added. Zuko tried again. "Why is this happening?" Zuko asked no one, frustrated. "Maybe it's the altitude." Aang offered. "Or maybe it's because your a horrible firebender." I smiled. Aang elbowed me. "What? It's a possibility." Zuko tried again. It didn't do much. We went to a different place, cause like.....altitude.

Me and Aang were settled on some broken pillars watching Zuko do his firebending, unsuccessfully. I didn't know how long it had been, but it was long enough for me to actually want to sharpen Zuko's pearl dagger. It hadn't been sharpened since it was in the weapon shop. Aang yawned and lied down on his broken pillar. "Just breathe and..." Nothing happened. I looked up from the pearl dagger. "Uggh. I'm gonna go get some food." I muttered, getting up. "No, just wait. I've got it." Zuko tried again. Nothing. "Yeah, I'm gonna get food." I returned after awhile, Sokka having accompanied me to see how our lessons were going. I munched on my Fire Flakes, settling down where I left the dagger.

"Hey, jerks! Mind if I watch you three jerks do your jerkbending?" Sokka teased. "Get out of here!" Zuko yelled, enraged and frustrated with his firebending. Aang turned to me. "You think you could calm him down?" Aang sighed. "Nope. There's nothing I can do but watch." I rested my head on the little one's shoulder, tired of this. "Okay, take it easy. I was just messing around." Sokka smiled, setting down his half-eaten apple. "Hehe. Jerkbending. Still got it." Sokka laughed, leaving. Zuko groaned in defeat, dropping his head. "Can we have a break." I sighed, popping some more Fire Flakes in my mouth. "No!" Zuko snapped. Aang groaned, dropping his head into my lap. I crossed my legs, his head falling to the ground. "Owww.." he muttered clutching it. "What was that for?"

"Just cuz." I shrugged, leaning against the pillar. Anger rested his head on my lap again, fingers crossed, hoping I wouldn't drop his head. Katara came in, taking away my Fire Flakes. I whined, hands stretching towards them. Katara held them out of reach. "No snacks before dinner!" She snapped, storming away. Well, great. Now, I'm bored bored. My eyes landed on my water pouch. I pulled the water and wiped it around the bowl. I iced it, and pulled it out of Katara's grip. She turned around, steam practically emitting from her. "How dare you!? I said no snacks before dinner, young lady! I-I can't...I can't..I'm at a loss for words at the disrespect you've shown me! Do you-" I zoned out her lecture, staring at Zuko while he tried his firebending again. I don't how long Katara had lectured me but she was gone after a while, and I didn't have my Fire Flakes so.

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