The Invasion

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And a 3... And a 2... And a 1... wait, hold up let me add something, there, Here we go:

Hakoda shook my transparent hand, a very confused look on his face. "So, this is Y/N?" He asked, turning to Sokka. "Well, it's not her her but it's her." Sokka explained unhelpfully. "What a terrible explanation. Right now I'm projecting my spirit. It's an advanced airbending move for anyone with a strong spiritual connection." I explained much better then Sokka. "Well, yeah. Same thing." Sokka shrugged. "Well, nice to meet you. I've heard you're a very powerful bender." I smiled. "Nice to meet you, too." Hakoda turned to his son. "I'm a little worried, Sokka. Some of these men aren't exactly the 'Warrior type'." He muttered, turning his head to the swamp dwellers. "Ohh wee! This place ain't nothing like the swamp." One of them said. He pointed to a rock, minding its business on the shore, "What do you think that is, Tho? Some sort of Fire Nation explosion trap that would eat ya?"

"It's just a rock, Due." Due grinned, scratching his head. "Well, I'll be." Hakoda turned back to us. "Is it just me, or are those fellas a little loose in the leaf-hat?" I hid my giggle behind a glittery hand. The swamp dude pointed to me. "She quite..shiny..for a person, ain't she? Ya reckon she a spirit?" Another one of the Water Tribe warriors walked by, Bato, I think. "I just wish they would wear pants." He muttered. Huu scratched is stomach. "Pants are an illusion. So is death." He mumbled. I laughed at the expression on the Water Tribe folks face. An earth kingdom guy with a small mustache and goatee walked by. I don't think I know him. His energy isn't familiar. "Hey, Katara." The guy smiled. Katara turned gaze to him. "Haru!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around him.

"Toph, Y/N, this is Haru. When we met him, his town was controlled by the Fire Nation, so he had to hid his earthbending." Aang explained to me and Toph who had never met this Haru guy. I don't really like him, even though I've never talked to him. "Katara inspired me and my father to take back our town." Katara looked away, blushing. Cute, but ew. "So, she's that Fire Nation girl? She seems You don't know how much trouble your Nation's caused." Haru shot. Woah. I scoffed. "I am not Fire Nation. I mean, I'm literally helping you defeat them." I tried. Didn't work. "Whatever. You may have three elements and are the Protecter or whatever but, once Fire Nation, always Fire Nation." Woah, okay. That's it. The others tensed, not liking the tension between us.

I grabbed the guy's collar, glaring daggers at him. "Look, hun, I don't earthbend, but I'll put you in the ground, where you belong." Toph 'ooh'd'. Katara smacked her head, before pulling us apart. "Haru, Y/N's sacrificed a lot for us. She's not Fire Nation." Aang dragged me beside him again. "Whatever you say." Haru scoffed. Toph suddenly tensed. "No way, is that"- The hippo guy from the Earth Rumble picked up Toph in a crushing hug. "Hippo happy to see Blind Bandit!" Blind Bandit. I forgot how good of a name that was. Toph didn't seem as happy to see them, though. "You guys here for a rematch?" The Boulder stepped forward. "Negatory. The Boulder and the Hippo no longer fight for other's entertainment. Now, we fight for our kingdom." Nice. That seemed to satisfy Toph. "Sweet."

The Boulder turned to me, flinching. "The Boulder is very scared of this little lady. Why is she so much...shinier?" I sighed. I was gonna get that question a lot. "I'm projecting my spirit. That means I'm in another place right now, but I'm projecting my spirit here." I answered simply, not wanting to go too in depth with it. "Oh. Well, the Boulder finds it pleasant to see little lady again. She was quite the fighter." There was also this really nice guy named Teo, who's dad was a mechanist. He had some really interesting inventions. Aang also introduced me to Pipsqueak and the Duke. I still have no idea who they are. "I'll get going, okay?" I mumbled to Aang during Sokka's messy speech. "Wait a second. We need you for a bit." Hakoda mentioned, pulling me up on stage.

"Thank you, Sokka." The chief said, cutting off his son. "We'll take it from here. I want to thank you all for your sacrifices and courage. Y/N here, has seen the Palace and will now show us where the Fire Lord may be." Hakoda announced, pushing me forward. My throat closed up. "Uh-, I failed public speaking, but uhh.." I flattered, feeling unable to talk anymore. Sokka sent me an encouraging smile. I took a deep breath, turning to the small audience.

"Well, the Fire Lord is super lazy, so he'll probably be in his throne room, like always. If not, then he'll be here, in the court room." I said, pointing to the room on the map I helped Sokka draw. "I'm sure he'll be there, but if not, then he'll either be in his room, or at the dining table, or just randomly strolling through the halls. I don't know. I-it's my job to locate him, exactly, and once I get a good reading, I'll project my spirit to you, like I'm doing right now and give you directions. So, yeah. You get the gist of it. I said simply, intertwining my fingers.

Hakoda continued explaining the plan as I returned to my body. Zuko was standing before me. Frick. My fingers wrapped around his pearl dagger. No. I can't do it. I'm not hurting him. But I'll have to. He hasn't done anything though. My hand snuck behind my back, searching for my sword. Hopefully, Sorla had thought to bring it. She did. Thank you, Sorla. First good thing you've done in a while. Zuko didn't do anything, though. He just stared at me. I stared back. Zuko sighed,"Dai Le." Dai Le agents swept down from the sky. My eyes widened, hand tightening over the hilt of the sword.

This isn't good. This is not good. The Dai Le smacked a hand of earth onto my eyes, sending me stumbling backwards into the wall. I gripped the rock under my hand, stealing my breathing. I couldn't see anything, but I don't need to. (Spiritual connection check). The Dai Le agents advanced, rocks beside my arms, surging upwards. I blasted them away with air. "Zuko, quit hiding behind your servants and come face me yourself!" I shot. "I dont hurt you, Y/N." I blasted the earth band off my eyes with air. "You already have." I picked up the water from a nearby fountain, raising my hands, raising it along with them. I separated it into a bunch of pieces and froze it, making snow. I dropped my hands, dropping the snow onto the Dai Le.

The agents shivered, pulling their robes tighter around them. This'll make it harder for them to hurt me. The snow covers the earth. Another rock was bended at me which I pushed down with snow. "Zuko, you are a horrible person. Come. And. Face. Me. Yourself." I grumbled, slicing the rock bended at me with air. Zuko stood there, arms behind his back, staring at me. "What are you doing, you idiot!? You're helping the people who've hurt you over and over again!" I tried. Something passed through Zuko's expression. Oh. Oh. He doesn't want to.

"You might want to get out of the room, Zuko." I offered. Zuko nodded, turning away. Once he closed the door, I brought the snow together, making a bunch of icicles. I took a deep breath, pushing them away from each other. The pricks of ice, flew everywhere, clinking against metal, piercing into the ground and hurting Dai Le agents. I didn't want to hurt them, really, but I have some family waiting for me. The mission relies heavily on me finding the Fire Lord. Zuko opened the door again, grabbing my hand and pulling me away. "Where we going?"

Zuko's hand tightened over mine. "To find my dad." He answered. I couldn't sense anyone's energy anymore. The moon had passed over the sun. The eclipse. "Zuko, I-I have to project my spirit real quick." Zuko nodded. "I'll watch over you." He sat down next to me, as I joined my fists. My fluttering form appeared again. Aang gasped. "Y/N, where were you?! Where's the Fire Lord?" Aang pressed. "I-I don't know! The Palace is completely abandoned besides for Zuko and some of the Dai Le and I can't feel anyone's energy anymore, since I just used all of it while projecting my spirit to you guys in the morning and fighting a bunch of Dai Le agents. I am so sorry." I hurried.

"So..we'll have to find him ourselves?" Aang asked. "I'm afraid so. I think they already knew about our plan." I announced, looking around the empty town. "So...should we use the time to get out of here safely? It's almost over." Sokka joined in. Katara appeared at his side. "But we're here! This is the big moment! We have to try!" She urged. I turned to Aang. "What do you think? I'm with you, whatever you decide." Aang contemplated it for a moment. You can ask Toph to do her stomping thing." I offered.

Aang pulled Toph away, bringing her to us. She complied, stomping her foot on the ground. "Down there!" I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

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