"It's Just a Pai Sho Tile"

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"So where to next?" Asked Katara, poured over a map with me and Aang. Toph was laying on the side not helping and probably picking her nose or something, I dunno. "No, we're over at this island." Aang mumbled, pointing to a small island on the map. "Actually, were only like twenty miles from the mainland so were here." I offered, picking up his finger and putting on the 'right' place. "You noodle brains don't know what you're doing. I miss Sokka." Toph sighed, still not doing anything. "Ohhhh I got one! If you miss him so much, then why don't you marry him?" Katara laughed. "Please, never attempt stand up comedy." I mumbled, staring at the map hopelessly. A small bug flew by Aang who blew it away with wind from his mouth. I really do miss Sokka, though.

"Sokka's coming," Toph stood up excitedly. Sure enough, I sensed his energy, slowly climbing up the mountain. His head peeked over the side and we all ran to hug him. I threw my arms around him, glad to see him again. "Sokka! You're back!" Aang exclaimed, having reached him first. "We missed you so much." Katara gushed. "Yeah. We really need a backup comedian in the group. The jokes don't run in the family." I grumbled to him. "I heard that!" Katara scolded. "I know you did." Aang turned to Sokka, "Say something funny!" Sokka looked confused. "Funny how?" We all laughed, even though it was just a question. We let go of him and he turned to Toph. "What's their deal?" Toph turned around, away from him. "I dunno. They missed you or something. I didn't care." Oh, she did care, alright. I didn't miss the blush, but I kept it to myself. Everyone's secrets are my business, but only mine. No one else.

"You okay?" Asked Katara, joining me. I raised a brow, confused. "Yeah. Why?" Katara turned her gaze to the ground. "Well, I though that you might be upset because, y'know the whole 'I'm a monster and murderer' thing." Oh. Oh. "Oh. Well, actually, when we went to the Fire Nation, I saw some of them. And I knew it was them by their energy. Sorla may not always hold back, but she's not careless." Katara 'oh'd. "Wait, who's Sorla?" I mentally scoffed, but it wasn't completely from me. "The spirit of Protection. She controls me when I'm in the Protecter State." Katara looked hella confused. "I-I'm sorry, what?"

"You deaf or something?" I shot, picking up water from my pouch. "No. It's just...woah." I smiled, fidgeting with my water and making little ice shapes out of it. Katara must've left or something, I dunno, I wasn't really paying attention, but I could hear them and sense them so, they weren't too far off. My mind wasn't completely focused on making the ice shapes so they would just turn to whatever my mind thought of. I don't know how long I sat there, maybe five minutes or something, but I decided to put the ice up. I stopped playing with, and finally turned my complete focus to it. It was a Pai Sho tile. The White Lotus one.

Me, Zuko, and Azula were standing around their mom, reading a letter from Iroh. Fire Lady Ursa read, "Until then, enjoy these gifts." We looked up to see three servants, dressed in white, holding gold platters with velvet covers. Ursa continued, "For Zuko, a pearl dagger from the general who surrendered when we broke through the Outer Wall."

My fingers subconsciously pulled out the same dagger that was sheathed in my shoe, and covered by the cuff of my pants. It still had the engravings, though they were a bit dusty. I brushed my thumb over it, to get a better look. The engraving read, 'Never give up without a fight'. I'm gonna give this back to Iroh one day. Zuko doesn't deserve it.

"And for Azula," the Fire Lady continued,"a new friend. She wears the latest fashion in Earth kingdom girls." Azula picked up the doll with a face of disgust. "For Y/N, a beautiful Pai Sho tile. It will play a significant role in her life one day. A letter is included, only to be read once she is of age." I picked up my tile. It had a mall flower on it. It didn't seem all that interesting but I still liked it. It was rude to not accept gifts. Azula didn't care though, for she burned her doll.

           I think I still had them

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I think I still had them. I kept it with me everywhere I went. It would remind me of Iroh and how he was always happy and did the right thing. It reminded me to do the same. I went inside my tent, brow furrowed as I searched for the tile and letter. I found them. It was quite simple, with a small flower in the middle. The engraving had gotten a little smooth with age but it was still in good condition. I wasn't what was considered 'of age' in the Fire Nation, seventeen, but I'm only three years behind so. Also my gut told me that it was a good idea. I unfolded the letter. I had never thought about it before but maybe it did have something that would be useful.

Hello Y/N,

I hope you have followed my orders and opened it when you were of age, but I know you, curious, and quite impulsive. You've probably opened this when you were fourteen, maybe even earlier. But that is okay, for that is probably the time you would need it the most. The little Pai Sho tile I gave you, wasn't just any Pai Sho tile. It is an ancient society of peace. It offers help to anyone, no matter what nation they are from.
I hope you will refrain from telling anyone about this letter, even the ones closest to you. This society's secrets are very guarded. We have trusted you with this information, and will explain to you why on the day of Sozin's Comet. I know you are quite impatient, but if you really need answers, Master Piandao will be a guider.
The phrases "who knocks at the garden gate," and , "One who has eaten the fruit and tasted its mysteries", will come in handy as well. Have fun.

Woah. This is a lot to process. I tucked the letter back into my bag and stuffed the White Lotus tile into my shoe, beside the dagger. The others were at Master Piandao's place. I could sense their energy there. Raava's wasn't hard to miss. I slammed on the doors, continuously, knowing that that was the only way to get Master Piandao to hear us. Me and Zuko would basically tackle the doors down by knocking on it so hard during our training sessions. I walked in to see Master Piandao with a sword near Sokka's face. I gasped hand shooting up. Piandao stopped me. His eyes trained on my face for a bit longer then normal. Dammit. I forgot my fan. He smiled. "I think I'm a little too old to be fighting the Avatar and Protecter. An unstoppable duo, really."

Wait, hold up, he knew. We all exchanged looks. "How did you know?" Aang wondered. "Oh, I've been around awhile. You pick things up. I knew Sokka was Water Tribe from the start, though. The name gives it away. Try Lee. There's a million Lee's. It good to see you again Y/N. I hope you haven't lost your skills." And with that, the sharp tip of a sword grazed my chin. I leant back, grabbing Sokka's discarded sword. I slammed the blade into the small space between his fingers and hilt, causing it to go flying. "Nope. Still got it." I smirked, feeling accomplished for once. "Good to know. You were my best student, and still are. Zuko was a close second." He smiled. "Hey! What about me?" Sokka whined, brushing off his robes. "Ehhhh. Close thirtieth." Piandao shrugged. "You haven't even taught thirty people."

Piandao placed a finger on his lips. "Shh." I smiled, turning to Sokka who had an unamused look on his face. We left after a while, Sokka with his space sword thing, that he had apparently built at his time there. "Wait! The Master wanted you to have this to remember him by!" Said a voice, rushing up to us. Sokka grabbed it pulling it open. A small White Lotus tile lied inside. I gasped. "It's just a Pai Sho tile." Aang said, peeking over Sokka's shoulder. "I-I'll be right back! Wait for me!" I exclaimed, running away to Piandao's door and slamming on it as hard as I could. An unamused servant greeted it. "Yes?" I pushed past him, rushing into the main hall.

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