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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 10... .


It had been over two hours, two full hours, and he was still in this place.

To be honest yes, he'd gotten to know some of the family members better, and he was a lot more comfortable in his seat- but this wasn't where he was meant to be.

All he wanted was to be home, and this place wasn't it.

Instead he was stuck listening to a bunch of guys talk about hockey when he knew nothing of the game.

Sure, he'd gotten more into the conversation when they were talking about music- him and Ross even connecting about guitar especially at some point, but now he was tired, and his dear fiancée was nowhere to be seen.

As if perfectly planned, he got a text on his phone, and decided to get up.

"Look guys, I'll have to find Laura for a sec" he spoke up and Ryland, Riker, Gordy and Gator nodded at him, weaving him off.

He made his way inside, and as he passed the kitchen noticed Ross and Jaz hanging out in the kitchen talking.

Rocky, Stormie, Rydel and Savannah were there as well.

"Anyone know where my finacée ended up?" he questioned, drawing their attention to him.

"She got drunk with Alex and fell asleep on the couch" Ross smirked.

"What?" he questioned just before Ross pointed at the couch.

He could only see the back of it first, but as he backed out a bit he noticed not one, but two sleeping bodies on it.

The couch was pretty big, and the girls were at opposite sides of it with their legs being the only thing touching in the middle. Since they were both short, it didn't look too uncomfortable.

Laura was dead asleep on the pillow, while Alex had more so fallen asleep on top of her spread arm. The two of them covered in small blankets.

"What the heck happened? Dinner finished a few minutes ago- they were fine" he weaved a hand.

Ross thought back to the way she was laughing and having a great time before she passed out. Laura was a whole lot of fun, and Alex seemed to compliment her character pretty well.

Of course he'd ended up being the one to bring the blankets and cover them up.

"She drunk like two glasses of wine at the table and she was already tipsy- I don't know how many Alex had. Then just us girls decided to play a drinking game and she chugged down two more. Her and Alex weren't too lucky so they had to drink a lot" Rydel explained "I obviously participated in the game with my trusty matcha at hand" she pointed to the drink, making Vanni chuckle.

"Gnarly" he sighted, shaking his head "But as much as I enjoyed getting to know you all, we do need to go"

"Shit" Ross sat up a little "Why so early?"

"Got a text from one of my mates saying he's right outside to pick us both up as he's around the area. I need to go with him so we can stop by his house and pick up a couple of music equipment on our way home. It's killing two birds with one stone since he lives pretty far and usually it's a struggle to drive all the way out here" he explained.

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