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She didn't respond to his question at all, only let her hands have a mind of their own.

"Okay" he let out a sharp breath "Why are your hands on my chest right now?"

"Hm?" she questioned innocently, touching his abs.

"Laura" he gritted his teeth "Hands off. I'm driving"

Again, she didn't listen, and his breath only got heavier and heavier as he felt her hands rub his body, going more down by the second.

He gripped the steering wheel. He swore he felt sweat drip down his forehead from trying to concentrate on the road and not her.

"Alright, fuck this" he jumped just as her hands reached the zipper of his pants.

He pushed himself forward and let her hands fall before parking them quickly on the side of the road.

Thankfully they weren't on a busy street.

Just as he parked he looked back at her. Rage evident on his face.

He was frustrated in all types of ways one could be frustrated.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he threw his hands up.

"Why?" she softly replied.

"Why? Do you want to get us killed? Because I swear if we don't die on this road right now Jasmine and Thomas will fucking kill us themselves!" he stated the obvious.

"I'm sorry" she sighed, looking away from him.

He let out a deep sigh after that, relaxing himself a bit.

Maybe he was too harsh. Laura was for sure not in her right mind, she was drunk. We all do stupid shit when we're drunk.

She was not in the right state of mind for logical thinking, and while she did do something majorly risky which he had the right to be mad about, she also didn't know what she was doing.

He stared out of the window for a few seconds, before opening his door.

He opened the door to the back instead, and climbed inside.

Laura's eyebrows narrowed at his sudden change of mood, but she didn't question it when he hugged her.

She let her arms fall around his shoulders loosely as well, and rested her cheek on his shoulder.

Her eyes were tired. She felt tired.

"No, I'm sorry" he rubbed her exposed back in a circle slowly "You're drunk"

"I just want to have fun" she murmured "Thomas is so far. Why can't I have fun?"

His eyes shut tightly at the words, but when he opened them, the realization finally hit.

She was a horny drunk.

Of course! How affectionate she was with Vanni, the seductive part of her wanting him, also her behavior in the past when they'd gotten drunk together.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now