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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 15.. .


"Is that the last one?" Laura asked as she saw Thomas throw one of her bags in the trunk of her car.

"Yep" he replied "Why did you pack so many bags anyway? You're like an hour away and you're staying for like two weeks or something"

"I don't know how long I'm staying, but I didn't want to bring a whole luggage" Laura shrugged "Plus, I need to change out of my clothes and shoes and then there's the make up and I just can't possibly leave the skincare behind so I had to pack that, and also my keyboard which I will probably need as well-" she looked up at him and found him staring at her "I'm rambling again"

Thomas laughed, shaking his head and going in for a hug "I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too" Laura almost whined a little, grabbing onto the sleeve of his shirt.

She truly would. The two saw each other every single day (almost) and they practically lived together, so it was hard going a long time without seeing each other.

Of course, it wouldn't be bad if it was just Laura going over to the boy's house because he could come over any time, but Thomas was heading to Australia for a few weeks too, which meant they wouldn't see each other for who knew how long.

"Did you already buy the plane ticket?" Laura questioned as they still held each other.

"Yeah. I leave the day after tomorrow" he murmured in her ear.

"Well, tell your family I miss them" Laura pulled away from him, giving him a sad smile.

She loved going to Australia with him. She loved the weather and basically everything about the place, and Thomas's family were nice people too, so it would make for a fun experience.

One she wouldn't be enjoying this time around.

"I will" he chuckled "And relax... we've been apart for many months because of your job. This should be easy"

That was true. They would go two to three months without seeing each other because of her filming, and while it was a little miserable she always got through it.

But this time.. she had an anxiety attached to their little separation, and it made her feel uneasy to let him go.

"Yeah" she shook her head, rolling her eyes as she chuckled "It probably won't even be a full month"

"Right?" he smiled.

"Shit" her smile fell right after as she remembered something else.

"What?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"The mini tour" she groaned "Who knows how long that lasts"

"We'll see each other before then. I doubt you'll finish those songs so quickly that you'll have to leave before I even come back" he shrugged.

"I know. I'm saying it sucks because after that I'll have to leave again" she pouted.

"So I'll come to a couple of shows and show you support. It'll be fine" he nodded.

She stared at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"We'll be fine" he chuckled again, leaning in to kiss her lips.

She kissed him back, and when he pulled away, they hugged again.

They did this a couple of times, going from kissing to hugging and holding each other and doing it again.

It was hard to let go, but once they did, they gave each other one last smile and weave before Thomas saw Laura get in her car, and pull out of her driveway.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now