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Ross yawned as he walked out of the bathroom that morning.

He'd done his morning routine and fixed his hair up real nice before he came out of the guest bedroom.

Since Laura's bedroom was just on the way before he went downstairs, he knocked on it.

It was about 10 am. He knew Laura woke up early most of the time so it shouldn't have been a problem.

"You awake?" he yelled at the door.

"No" he got a reply from inside.

Rolling his eyes, he turned the handle and walked in to notice Laura was actually on her bedroom floor, putting things inside a white tote bag.

She seemed to have gotten ready and done her hair and make up, as well as put on a pretty dress. Her make up was simple and nice, and her hair were curled as half of it was clipped behind her head with a jaw clip. Strands of curls fell on her eyes as she looked down.

"That joke is never funny" he matter of factly informed.

"Who said it's a joke? I barely got any sleep last night. I feel like I'm doing things on autopilot" she explained, still looking down at her things.

"Really? How come?" Ross questioned, closing the door behind him and sitting criss-cross on the floor in front of her and the bag.

"It was after you woke me up" she sighed "The song is still stuck in my head by the way. After that my head was a bit messy and I kept falling asleep and waking up every hour. It was terrible"

"I'm sorry" he murmured "Didn't realize I'd disrupt your sleep so much"

"No- it wasn't you" she shook head head "Your voice sounded like a god damn lullaby" she gave him a look, making him laugh "If anything it should've had the opposite effect. I think my brain got in the way of my sleep. I just... started thinking about things I hadn't thought of before and then it was issue after issue after issue- you know how it goes" she rolled her eyes.

"Well if it makes you feel better, I didn't get much sleep either" he chuckled.

"No way!" she acted shocked

"Yes way!" he nodded, making her laugh "I could barely fall asleep because I'm assuming- of the new environment, and after that I woke up at three and walked down to get a glass of water, noticed the piano, dreaded going back to bed and started playing. I think after um.. you left, I played two more songs and then somehow fell asleep there. I woke up two hours later with horrible back pain and climbed up to my room again"

"I give you a whole room to yourself and you decide to sleep on top of my piano" she placed her hands on her waist as she looked at him.

"I don't know how it happened. I just started laying more and more on it because of the sleepiness and my fingers must've stopped playing somewhere along the way" he scratched his head "My first time sleeping on a piano by the way. Usually I'll grab my guitar in bed and then the guitar ends up sleeping on top of me"

"You have a... complicated history with your instruments" she narrowed her eyes, making him laugh.

"What's this by the way?" he finally asks about the items she's putting away in her bag.

"Just a few small things I found out I needed after sleeping over at you guy's house for so long. Got some new clothes too and whatnot" she explained, finally getting up from her floor as she was done filling up the bag.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now