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Ps. Light a candle or two and spread petal roses before you read this. It'll get you in the right mood


Ross ended up ordering mexican that night for the both of them which they gladly ate while watching a dumb reality show and making fun of it the entire time, needing the relaxation after cleaning the whole afternoon.

A while after finishing his food, Ross gets a facetime request, so he answers it.

"Bro!" Rocky calls on him, furrowed eyebrows and all.

"Yeah?" Ross replies, one eye still on the screen.

"When are you coming? You know mom doesn't love it when you drive alone at night. It's dark as fuck outside" he explained.

"Yeah about that, tell mom I'm staying" he replied.

Rocky's eyes widen a little, and the phone moves as Alex pushes down Rocky's hand, nearly wanting to climb on him to see the screen because of what Ross said.

"Jesus you guys are so dumb" Ross shakes his head at the shocked face expressions on the screen "I'm not having sex with her god damn it!"

"Rude" Laura yells out, turning her head for a second from the screen to look at Ross before she goes back to it, finishing a bag of chips on the other end of the couch.

That makes Ross burst out laughing.

"Ohhh" Alex responds as her and Rocky start chuckling as well.

"Then why are you staying over?" Rocky questions, raised eyebrow and all.

"I don't know.. friendship or whatnot" Ross shrugs "She insisted on it since she's been over at ours for so long now. Plus we just got some food and we've been making fun of a netflix reality tv show. Pretty sweet"

"Are you sharing a bed again?" Alex raised her eyebrows.

"No, Alex, we're not" Ross sights, over this conversation already "Would you just leave us alone? I'm missing the final"

"Brave of you to ask for privacy in this house" Rocky muttered, making Ross laugh.

"It's kind of funny. Netflix stars making fun of a netflix show" Alex chimed in.

"We make fun of most of them" Laura paused the tv and crawled next to Ross, placing a hand on his shoulder to be able to fit in the screen, as she weaved at Alex and Rocky.

"Well this one was asking for it. It's so stupid" Ross chuckled, looking at Laura who was reading both of her hands on his shoulder.

She felt so close.

"Did you finish up deep cleaning?" Rocky questioned "We've got work tomorrow"

"Well I wouldn't call it deep cleaning but most of my stuff is pretty settled and clean now so I think I succeeded, with Ross's help of course" Laura shrugged.

"Ross helped clean? Voluntarily?" Alex huffed.

"Why are you looking so surprised for? I keep my room pretty neat" Ross furrows his eyebrows "Plus without me she would have never finished it in one day so"

"You don't know that" she muttered.

"I do" he nodded.

She rolled her eyes.

"We managed to fit a lunch with the parents in the middle of it too" Ross shrugged.

"What? Did you see Ellen and Damiano? How are they?" Rocky asked.

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