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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 17.. .


"Your saviour is here!" Jaz suddenly annouced out loud, just as Laura was about to start singing.

They all turned their heads to see her walking in the studio, arms spread and all.

"Saviour?" Ross questioned his girlfriend, and she grinned, now sticking to his side as she wrapper her arms around his waist "Yep! I have nothing else to do for today so I might as well help you guys out with whatever you're doing"

"Cool. We're just recording for now though" Ross pointed out, smiling down at her.

"I can help with that too" she winked.

"Guys can we get back to work?" Laura spoke up behind the mic.

"Yep" Rocky simply replied.

"Blow us away" Ryland cheered from his seat, smirking.

"Stop putting pressure on me" Laura narrowed her eyes at him, and he rolled his at her, chuckling.

When she saw Rocky sign her with his hand, the recording had started.

"Hey baby? I heard you've been dreaming of me lately" she states, laughing right after the sentence.

"Oh shit, sorry" she immediately apologized for laughing.

The line she had to say was more of a talking one then a singing one- it's how she started her verse.

"It's okay. Let's do it again" Rocky nodded.

She repeats it one more time, only for a giggle to come out this time.

"I'm sorry" she whisperes this time, still chuckling to herself.

There was something about that sentence that she could not take serious. You'd think an actress would be better at composing herself, but she was in a whole other mood that day.

"It's alright" Ross grinned "Keep it in. It's cute"

"Feel like it suits the mood too" Ryland suggested, backing up his brother.

Rocky looked at the two, and then back to a smiley Laura.

"Alright then" he chuckled.

"Now may I confess,
You're not the only who's obsessed
I see you on me every time I close my eyes,
cant lie,
you've got me hot and bothered, (ah)
don't let it be a crush,
come here my lover (lover, my lover)"

Once they finished with her first real verse, Rocky nodded, smiling "Yooo that was dope"

"Super hot" Ryland agreed, not looking up from his phone.

"I honestly think you should pronounce the lover thing more. You almost can't hear it" Jaz pointed out, now staring at Laura "Just a suggestion though"

"Do we want that?" Laura raised a brow, looking at Rocky and then Ross "Because I thought the whole verse was supposed to sound breathy- especially the last part"

"I like it this way" Ross carefully claimed, trying not to get himself killed.

Honestly, he loved how she made the first verse sound. It had so much fun in it, but sounded so hot.

He wondered what his ears would be blessed with the day they decided to record Flavors.

Jaz was then suddenly staring at him- a small glare on her face.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now