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"What the hell was that in the bus with Laura, pre-show to Berlin?" Riker walked up to Ross that evening, full on interrogation mode.

He turned around to look at his brother- surprised.

They were now in Paris, and they'd already had the show here yesterday. After two days passing, he thought he was safe with Riker. Of course, he found it a bit odd he didn't mention it to anyone else or at least teased him about it, but he was more than fine living with that. He preferred not having a conversation about it.

But that was over now, wasn't it?

"Uhhh" he looked around like he was searching for an answer "What do you mean?"

Riker gave him a 'the fuck do you think I mean?' kind of look.

The two were outside in front of the tour bus- Ross had been alone waiting for Laura outside as she got ready. The two were to take a limousine sent especially for them to the gala.

His silence however was quickly disturbed by his curious older brother.

I guess he'd been waiting for the perfect moment to mention it.

"It looked real intimate in there" he pointed back at the bus.

Ross groaned, looking up at the sky- oh, the sun was setting.

"Can we not talk about it?" he questioned.

"You know she's engaged- someone needs to keep you in check" Riker pushed his shoulder slightly "You're better than that- and so is she"

So that was a no- he was guessing.

"We weren't doing anything" he sighted in frustration "She offered to do some make up for me and it placed us in a real intimate position real fast- and the fact that we're both attracted to each other, didn't help. You don't know what it's like to practically crave someone you can't have- it's a bitch Riker. A bitch I can't beat" his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at him.

"I see where you're coming from" Riker sighted "Thank god- I thought she was about to sit on you"

"Stop- reminding me of it" he gritted his teeth- shutting his eyes closed.

He did not need this right now. Not when he had to spent the entire night with her after.


"Sorry" he chuckled "I'm just looking out. Don't be dumb. You know what's right and none of us were raised that way. I know she's different and whatnot- but it doesn't make it right"

"You don't have to be my conscience Riker- I already have one and it doesn't lose a beat to remind me that she's not mine. I'm aware about what I'm doing and I wouldn't go that far. It would only fuck everything up way worse" he explained.

And that he fully believed- if he were to kiss her now, he'd set both of them up for a lifetime of guilt and tears.

"Good, good" Riker pat his little brother's back, then smiled at him "Now have fun tonight- despite what I said, I think you need some time alone with her"

"Well we won't really be alone" Ross snorted "There's a bunch of people there- some of them celebrities. There's paps in every corner and we're even posting about it. This isn't a date it's a publicly stunt- no privacy whatsoever"

"Uhuh" Riker smirked at him "Come on- I know you both. You'd probably find a room in the hotel it's happening at even last second- don't throw me that publicity stunt bullshit"

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now