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"Ross, have you by any chance checked twitter lately?" Ryland asked as he approached his brother while looking down at the phone on his hand.

Ross, who was standing right behind their kitchen isle with a root beer on his hand gave his little brother a dismissive look "Bro I uninstalled that shit years ago"

Rocky, Jaz as well as Alex were sitting around the island as well. Rocky and Jaz enjoying their lunch and Rocky was on his laptop.

"Wait really?" he looked up at his older brother now, giving him a questioning look.

"Yeah it's toxic as fuck" Ross stated like it was obvious.

"Well then how have you been doing the promo on the songs the driver era realises or replied to shit or liked other people's stuff?"

"Uninstall, reinstall, uninstall again" Ross shrugged.

"That just seems tiring to me" Ryland commented, making his older brother roll his eyes "Whatever. Did you have anything to say or was there no point to this conversation"

"On no! There was one" Ryland matter of factly informed "You're trending on twitter"

"He is?" Alex blinked, clearly confused.

"Again?" Ross raised his eyebrows "What video of me did they find this time?"

"Oh there's no video" Ryland shook his head "And you're not the only one trending"

"What are you talking about?" Ross furrowed his eyebrows, now approaching Ryland to look over his phone.

Sure enough, the fraze 'raura' was on trending.

"No freaking way" he stepped back from the phone, eyes widen "There's no fucking way"

"What? What is it?" Jaz questioned, looking up at him from her sitting position.

"Raura's trending" he shook his head "In 2020"

"Broooo" Rocky bursted out laughing, looking up from his laptop.

"What's raura?" Alex questioned her boyfriend at her side, and Rocky looked at her "A ship name. His and Laura's"

"Laura? His ex costar from Austin and Ally Laura?" Jaz furrowed her eyebrows

"That's the one" Rocky winked.

"Bro it doesn't even make any sense me and Laura haven't hung out in person in over a year and I haven't even posted any- ohhhh" Ross's face become more understanding at the end of his sentence.

He remembered.

"It was the comment wasn't it? The one I left on her picture the other day?" Ross sighted, and he saw his small brother nod.

"It's what everyone's talking about" Ry shrugged "It's all over twitter and instagram. The good news is they're at least treating the ship more so like a friendship ship than a relationship ship. There's always many others that still believe you're meant to be though"

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now