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"Try E major" he murmured "And then D minor"

"My fingers hurt"

"You're such a baby. We just started a few minutes ago" he narrowed his eyes at her.

"I'm no baby" she pointed at him.

"You're definitely a babe" he nodded, then tapped the guitar to pull her attention back to it.

She sighted.

After that way too long of a debate they had about showering together, the two had made a decision they finally agreed on.

Waiting for the power to come back.

That way, they could reheat and have enough warm water for both of them to shower.

They really hoped the lights would turn back on, but if they didn't, then that would require a second discussion which neither of them were looking forward to.

A second idea was to let the shower go for the night and take one the next morning, but considering they'd have to wake up at five for their flight at six in the morning, neither of them wanted to do that.

And even if they did they'd have to wake up before five to buy a bit of time, and showering that early- or late, however you'd take it, sounded like the most unpleasantly horrible and illegal experience ever.

So while they waited for the damn energy to come back, they'd cleaned up their working stuff since obviously they couldn't work anymore. Most of their equipment needed power and at this point they had all the lyrics to all the songs down so they didn't need to check on that either.

Besides, candles and flashlights really wouldn't be the most convenient for reading the small printed letters.

After that they started working on putting away all the equipment, which kept them busy for a while, and after finishing that they started packing their clothes and personal items too.

Granted the packing was easier since the trip was three days so they hadn't brought a lot of clothes, and managed to finish up rather quickly and place all their bags (plus Rocky's) by the door ready to throw in their uber next morning.

After all that tiring activity they thought they both deserved a break, so they'd layed around until Laura caught sight of Ross's guitar.

She'd picked it up and played a few notes out of boredom, but Ross took it rather seriously when the few notes she played actually sounded good, so he decided trying to teach her the guitar would be the greatest way to pass his time.

He'd tried to teach her other times back when they were filming the show, but she'd never actually picked it up properly.

She knew a few tunes and melodies and the base of it, but she complained about her fingers hurting too much to bother learning it fully.

So that's how they'd ended up on top of Laura's bed, since it was placed by the windows and the balcony where they could get the best light, though the actual help in lighting was coming from the neon light in the room (not the one in the ceiling just a separate one placed on top of the closet) they found out didn't need power to work, but rather just charging, and thankfully it was charged.

She was sat on the bed and had changed her sweater and sweatpants for a little black strappy dress instead since she was feeling weirdly hot. Ross sat by her, instructing where she put her hands and fingers and what to play first. They were trying one of their recent songs (seventeen), on guitar.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now