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"Oooh it's a cute place" Laura smiled.

They were walking to their little vacation cabin in the middle of the snow.

That's right, snow.

It both amazed and surprised her how much the weather could differentiate from one place to another.

She knew Ross and Rocky would be better with the cold- I mean they were born in Colorado and still visited Mamoo there quite often.

Her on the other hand? Her whole life had been in California, and while she did travel a lot because of her job, California was her home, so heat was what she learned to handle.

It did make her miss the cold quite a bit though. Wyoming on the other hand was a predominantly cold place all year round, so the air was crisp and fresh. They never knew how much they needed that until they were there.

So hey, maybe this little outing had been a good idea anyway.

There actually hadn't been much snow until the day before there, according to their hostess who explained everything. The night before their arrival, it was just their luck that there had been a snow storm, so the place was filled with snow everywhere.

She felt as giddy as a kid. She was shivering a bit, but she felt like those were happy shivers. She absolutely loved the place already and she hadn't even walked in.

As they approached the house their feet made noise against the packed snow, and in their sight there was a cute small cabin, all wood, surrounded by snow and trees.

Yep, the place was a bit isolated because of the forest, but it was nice.

"It totally reminds me of Mamoo's cabin" Ross spoke up as they climbed the stairs along with the hostess.

"That's what I was going to say too" Rocky nodded, chuckling.

"Your nose is red" Laura pointed out of nowhere at Ross's nose.

His whole face was a bit flushed. It was adorable.

"Yours is too" he raised an eyebrow, making her giggle.

"You better get used to the flush. It'll probably stick with you these few days" the hostess chuckled "Now let me let you in"

She unlocked the cabin as the three waited, and they all took off their snowy boots before they entered inside.

The second they were inside the trio were all looking in different directions. There was so much to see.

"It's sweet" Rocky commented as he looked around the area.

"It's so beautiful!" Laura clapped her hands.

It was a two floor cabin, and the living room was an open space, from where a few wooden stairs took you to the second floor. There was no walls to cover, so they could see a bit of the second floor from where they were standing. There was a kitchen right next to the living room, which was way smaller, and there was two bedrooms on the second floor, as well as gorgeous weirdly big bathroom. Right next to it, a way smaller room with a hot tub in it.

The decor felt very much vintage, wood like and old. There seemed to be a lot of fall inseration behind it with all the warm toned colors of the browns and neutrals.

The fire place was definitely the first thing to catch your attention because of how big and beautiful it was.

As they were touring the house, the minute they reached the second floor Rocky ran to see the bedrooms.

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