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"Hello to you too" Ross replied, weirded out by her dramatic reaction.

He gets up and takes a beer can from the cooler, before sitting back down and opening it.

He had a feeling he'd need alcohol.

His family started at him - most of them sitting in the main lounge as well.

He wasn't surprised. He'd barely made a sound all morning and now he was talking on the phone.

"I have something to tell you" she sighted.

"I assumed you did" he replied.

He hadn't expected the call, but her emotional reaction was enough for him to know it was no good.

Many things in his life seemed so recently.

So he braced himself.

"I..." she started "I did something I'm not really proud of. I just want to clear up the confusion, I'm sure I must've caused"

"You're making me confused right now" he raised an eyebrow "What is it?"

"Well.. I've always known you had feelings for Laura right? You even said so when I saw you last" she explained.

He took a deep breath.


Everything went back to her name every time.

"But I wasn't sure how deep they went. I wanted to know if you really really loved her. I didn't want to ask you because I knew you'd lie to spare my feelings, and if not, maybe I wouldn't have believed you even if you admitted it... because.. well, I didn't want to. I wanted a real confession in action- it would help me move on from you better, because I knew I couldn't justify that one in my head" she spoke into the phone.

He stayed put, still staring out of the window at all the trees, houses, other vehicles passing by.

He stared at the sky too, trying to process her words. Where were they leading to?

Then- his brain flashed to those texts.

This shit sounded a little familiar.

His heart dropped- was it? No. Maybe? No.

"I was the one behind those texts" she admitted, not leaving him time to wonder more "The ones you got from Laura"

He's seeing red now too, he swears his sight got blurry.

He's silent for a second, thinking over her confession, wondering what the hell to say to her now.

"Ross?" she squeaks from the end of the line.

Her tone almost pisses him off more.

"What the fuck" he replies, forcefully.

He's glaring now, gripping that phone to his hand so he doesn't throw it at the wall.

Ryland and Rocky look up from their game of cards, a bit startled.

Stormie stares at him as well. They were all wondering what happened.

"I'm sorry- I know- I fucked up" she cries "Especially since we ended our last conversation on such a good note"

"You never think of anyone but yourself do you?" he questions, sounding harsh "Why would you give me hope like that knowing I have feelings for her? I yelled at Laura right after when I really- should've been yelling at you!"

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now