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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 19.. .


"Alright it's been like three hours, what is she saying?" Ryland asked Rocky for the third time that day, only to receive the death stare.

"What?" he blinks.

"Ry relax" Ross chuckled "She's been in there for only three hours. It going to take like ten more to get that baby out. I think you should find something to do instead of annoying Rocky to tell you what she's saying every other minute, or just text her yourself"

After learning of the news that their sister was in the hospital that morning, everyone had been too excited and nervous to settle down and relax- and while they all did seem relaxed on the outside, their brains were still thinking of Rydel.

Ross and Laura obviously took a shower after their work out and ate their breakfast before sitting down to relax in the living room with the others.

Ross was wearing another pair of grey sweatpants and a white shirt, and Laura had on an oversized black sweater on with a pair of high waisted black shorts. Her freshly washed hair layed on her shoulders as she scrolled though twitter on her iPad.

"See this is why he gets to be in The Driver Era" Rocky pointed at Ross, making him laugh.

"Hilarious" he rolled his eyes "I'm just excited. I'm going to be a goddamn uncle!"

"It's cute" Laura gave him a small shrug "And reasonable. I literally have no relation to this baby and I'm excited for you guys" she pointed at everyone, chuckling to herself.

"Oh my god look at someone being nice to me for once! Laura are you looking for a roommate?" Ryland narrowed his eyes at her, making her laugh.

"I'll help you with your music videos" he suggested, making her laugh even more "I've got a cute puppy too"

"How could a girl say no?" Laura replied in between giggles.

Ross smiled at the scene.

"In true honesty even if you have no actual relation to Super I wouldn't be surprised it Rydel called you an aunt. When I started dating Rocky I was very new to this family dynamic and was slightly confused when she said she was excited for her future baby to have another aunt? Like you don't know me well yet, and also there's no baby?" Alex searched for that conversation on her head.

"She's a special one alright. You have to know her to get her" Rocky laughed at her confusion.

"That just goes for this whole family though. No offence but you're weird as heck sometimes" Laura shrugged.

"None taken" Ryland nodded.

"It keeps things interesting" Alex commented as Laura nodded, laughing.

"The same situation doesn't really apply to Laura though. She's known my family for so long and her and Rydel had such a strong bond back in the day - she's most definitely an aunt" Ross nodded "And her denying her nephew isn't sitting right with me right now"

"Ross, please shut up" she shook her head, chuckling.

"I'm just saying what Rydel would be saying" he suggested.

"Sure" she rolled her eyes "Nephew or not I'm sure he'll have my heart in seconds- as babies usually do"

"Same here as well. I can't wait for Rydel to pop that baby out so I can have a new best friend to squish and hang out with" Jaz spoke up, sending Laura a wink.

"I think it'll take a while for you guys to get to that stage considering all newborns do is poop, cry, vomit and sleep, but hey, one day for sure" she rested back a little on the armchair, smiling.

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