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"Good morning my love"

"Morning mama" Ross speaks up as Stormie kisses his cheek.

He noticed everyone was already up bright and early today, and raised an eyebrow "I overslept huh?"

"A little" Laura spoke up.

He turned her way.

She was cooking something with Ryland on the little stove available in the tour bus, wearing a simple, milk colored, short, summary and soft looking dress.

She seemed comfortable.

"Morning" he grinned at her.

She looked at him over her shoulder, giving him a smirk before looking back at the pan with the food.

Laura had managed to sneak out almost seemlessly that morning.

Okay, maybe it wasn't that seemless. After all she did randomly wake up at about five am, and was so grateful she did so so she could sneak out before anyone woke up.

It was a little difficult for two people to sleep in a bunk- but somehow they made it work, even though she had to sleep on him most of the night.

She'd woken up to about the same position they slept in- except their legs were tangled, which made it extremely difficult to not wake him up when she attempted to move.

Tired and with literally zero energy, she still managed to get herself to lift her head off of him.

The second Ross felt her trying to escape, his eyes popped open, and his arms wrapped around her shoulders- pulling her down.

She'd protested that, but honestly was way too tired to move, nor did she really want to.

So she fell asleep on him almost immediately again.

Thank god for Rydel's little ringtone- she always woke up early at about seven, same time with her son.

The ringtone had woken her up as well, and once she knew Rydel and Super were gone, she'd attempted to get off of him again.

He'd groaned in response, and she'd rolled her eyes, but she did manage to climb on her bunk and sleep for an extra hour before she'd gotten up.

She was very quiet and careful, and they could only hope no one heard her climb in her bed.

"What are you guys cooking?" Ross questioned, raising a brow.

"All types of stuff" Ryland replied, turning to him "Eggs and bacon, pancakes, waffles, fried veggies- morning stuff "

"I'm honestly more surprised to see you cooking when there's other people that can do it for you" Ross chuckled.

Ryland wasn't much of a cook - but he did like eating, that was for certain.

"I tried to convince Laura to make us all breakfast since she's good at cooking and she said she'd only do it if I joined" he rolled his eyes, grumbling.

"Ry you're gonna burn that waffle" Laura spoke up, pointing to the waffle maker.

He sighted, going back to it as Laura chuckled "You're enjoying this- don't lie"

"I'm not enjoying shit. I'll actually enjoy it when it's in my stomach" he pointed out.

"All I heard is that you love me and you wanna do this again" Laura grinned at him, bumping his hip.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now