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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 13.. .


As their new normal wednesday night went, they were having one of their many song-writing sessions over the phone.

It had been already three hours since they started, so everyone was getting a little less confident, and a little more drowsy.

Though they all worked on all different parts of the process, they all had their favorite which was also the part they were most talented in.

For Laura, it was writing. Lyrics seem to come out of her like a river, and she would mix and match words until she found exactly what she wanted it to sound like.

Of course, it wasn't always that easy, but she'd been doing thankfully well since they started putting this ep together. The boys were great help.

Of course, Ross's had to be the guitar. He'd take any lyrics Laura gave him and give it a tune, or follow the notes she'd already put down. Of course, he was big on writing as well, so he'd often add or take words out of the track.

Rocky, was their much needed production genius. Ross believed he had the hardest job (partly because he didn't understand some of the things Rocky did yet), but because he was always the one to put down the final sound of a song at the end. He was the one to add noise effects, remove background noise, save their progress on the computer.. it was a whole other talent he'd taken on since they'd went independent.

Of course, none of the songs were particularly finished just yet, and they wouldn't be until they went to actually record them. They were pushing on that part of the process a bit, just because of the distance. When they got together again, they'd have a whole lot of recording to do.

"Did you get the link?" Ross looked up from his phone, furrowing his eyebrows at Laura and taking the last sip of his coffee.

He had to pause the facetime to message her a link of a snippet of a song he'd liked the sound of, and he wanted her opinion on it.

It wasn't anything unusual. This would happen several times during the facetime from both parties. It was actually annoying having to pause so many times just to sent a message.

"Yeah" she yawned, a hand over her mouth "I'll check it out tomorrow and give you my thoughts. I'm feeling a little-"

"-heavy eyed?" he raised an eyebrow, chuckling at her sleepy face.

"No" she blinked several times, suddenly sitting straight on her chair "Lazy. That's the word"

"Uhuh" he nodded, smirking at her.

"Yeah I'm done" Rocky suddenly grunted out, pushing himself in his wheeled chair away from the table in front of the computer and taking off the glasses that blocked blue light from glaring in his eyes with a sigh.

"What?" Ross questioned, turning away from his phone to look at his brother.

"I've been staring at this fucking computer all night. I don't remember in which folder I left the snippet I wanted, and my eyes are so blurry that I'm scared I'll probably delete something important instead of building up a track. I'm done for the night" he sat up, stretching his back.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now