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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 20.. .


It was time for the weekend at mom's!

And that meant.. everyone packed an overnight bag and on their merry way they went.

All but one person.

"I have to leave today" she broke it to him that morning.

Ross stopped brushing his teeth, and slowly turned his head to face his girlfriend.

His eyebrows narrowed before he cleaned his mouth with water, and dried his lips with a towel before speaking up "Where?"

"Home" she sighted "I have to get on that damn plane and leave today. My mom called saying how the wedding for one of my cousins is coming up and since our families are so close we're helping them with everything and then I have to stay for the wedding which will most likely be drawn out into a week or so before the big day. She's also one of my favorite cousins and we're like sisters which is why me being there for the entire thing is pretty important" she quickly explained.

Ross's brain was so sleepy and tired, that what she was saying to him was coming off as a mess of words.

"How long is this whole thing going to last?" he blinked, not pleased to learn she had to leave.

"A few weeks I think" she shrugged "Or a month or more? I honestly don't know planning a wedding takes so long and they haven't even started"

"Damn" he mumbled "When did this even happen? You didn't say anything last night that you had to leave today"

"That's because I didn't know. My mom called late and you passed out early. After the call I booked myself a ticket and thankfully found one for today"

"Oh. When are you to leave?" Ross questioned.

She checked the time on her phone, seeing it was seven am.

"In three hours" she shrugged "Help me pack?"

"Of course" Ross nodded "This just.. is so sudden"

"I know" she sighted as the two walked back into Ross's bedroom "I don't want to leave either and I'm sad about it but at the same time kind of exited for the wedding and the planning process"

"Mhm I know you love weddings" Ross nodded as he saw her flop back in his bed.

"I do" she sighed "But damn it my big plan of making friends with Laura is now ruined"

"To be truthful I don't think it was working" Ross scratched his head.

She threw a glare at him.

"What? Every time you two speak it's so fucking awkward and I have to butt in, and Laura isn't even shy she loves making friends- which should tell you something" Ross shrugged.

"She seems to talk to Alex just fine" Jaz rolled her eyes, getting off the bed.

Ross's eyebrows furrowed, and he approached her, turning her around to look at him "Jaz.. do you even want to be friends with her in the first place? Because it doesn't seem like it"

"Of course I do" she moved away from his hands "I want to be friends with her just as much as you're friends with her. That way we keep a balance"

"A balance? Jazmine I don't think your reasoning is quite right. You should want to be friends with her because you find her a cool person. What do I have to do with it? And I don't think you'll ever achieve the pure understanding that i personally have of that woman" Ross lectured.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now