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"I JUST SPENT half an hour looking for one of my socks" Thomas informed, slightly glaring at his fiancée.

Laura raised an eyebrow, looking up at him from her sitting position on her couch with her laptop in front of her.
"- only to find it in one of your bags" he held the sock up "Care to explain?"

She pursed her lips together and looked away, a smile growing on her face.

"It's not funny!" he insisted, immediately breaking her as she started laughing out loud.

He folded his arms as he watched her laugh at him.

He couldn't help but leave out a few chuckles himself. Her laugh was contagious.

"It's called revenge" she grinned up at him, eyes sparkling.

"Laura it was just a lipstick" he groaned.

"It was my favorite lipstick" she folded her arms, giving him a look.

She'd asked for him to hold it for one second as she went to get her purse, only to be back and have him tell her he lost it.

Let's just say she still felt the sting and pain of not having it.

It matched perfectly with her darn natural lip shade! Where would she find another one like that?

He sighted and she pouted at him "At least you got back your sock! My poor lipstick might still be out there, in a garbage can, getting eaten by mice" she wiped a nonexistent tear away.

"Alright whatever" he chuckled "I've gotta leave to my house now to get some paperwork but I'll see you tonight okay?"

"Okay" she simply replied, and he gave her a small peck before she heard the door of her house close.

She sighted a bit, staring back at her work emails, only to fully close her laptop right after.

She was done with it for today. She felt tired.

Especially also considering the longer than usual run she'd gone on that morning.

She went about the rest of her day as casually as she always did. She got dressed and ready, and put herself right at work with doing some online press.

Since she was doing everything on her socials that day, she was checking out her devices a lot, which brought her to her iPad gallery.

She went through some recent pictures and as she drove deeper and deeper she noticed a few pictures she'd taken years ago.

She'd always adored Australia, and not because it was the place her boyfriend was born in, or because of his lovely accent (but yes those things too), but because she had great memories in that place.

And those memories started with these photos.

It was her first time there.

She'd went with Ross for the first time, and it was for work, but she felt like they both enjoyed their time.

That time of her life - she could never forget. They were young and everything was so exiting as they got to experience it for the first time.

She has some vivid memories of exploring the city with Ross and doing press and promoting Austin and Ally, as well as trying new foods or doing stuff she normally wouldn't do but that were so worth the experience.

There was just something about Ross - the way he pushed her to try new experiences and learn new things even when she more so felt like staying in her comfort zone for the day.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now